What happened to the 90's?


Well-Known Member
remember these clowns. omg 90s bad memories. lol. jk they were alright. when i was 13.


Well-Known Member
remember these clowns. omg 90s bad memories. lol. jk they were alright. when i was 13.
Dude, I'm embarassed to admit I mighta rocked that album for a summer


Well-Known Member
im embarassed to admit it might have been longer thana summer for me. and i might have walked down the street with my face painted a couple times.... perhaps.


Well-Known Member
no bathing. just walking down the strt with some faygo orange or grape thinking i was the hipshit.ten it was time for 7th grade. lol. young dumb...


Well-Known Member
ugh fuck that juggalo shit... fuck fuck fuck it!!! lol sorry got fucked over by this juggalo dude who thought it was all soooo cool... not, its fucking lame


Well-Known Member
Haha, if you got fucked over by a Juggalo, thats YOUR fault...lol...Just can't take 'em seriously.

We've all done stupid embarassing shit...I think from 15-16 I wore a wool overcoat everywhere, even in the middle of summer...Fucked up little kid freak shit...lol


Active Member
ehhhh ... so now that that embarassing trip down embarassing lane is over.......
Embarrassing? No this is worse. In 6th grade me and my friends sat next to some girls in lunch who liked this and would sing along to it. We came up with the bright idea that if we sung along with them we would see them naked after lunch.


Well-Known Member
O boy...lol...Yeah, moving right along here...lol......

Dude, I'm bright red embarassed for you, him, me...all of us...lol


Well-Known Member
wow. you win. this makes my memories not so painful. hahahahha*points finger at moniter and laughs* aahh yes thank your mental for making me feel better.


Active Member
Well I'm off to take a dump before work. BTW remember when you thought work would be cool then you got a job?


Well-Known Member
Haha...I can't believe I went to school to learn how to cook...lol...Work blows!

Student Loans blow harder...Fuck You Sally Mae!