
Watch out for bears :lol:

hell yea. i am also co-planning a camping TRIP along with darth. i cant wait to wonder around the woods at night tripping balls with sum good music and a little herb. now thats a paradise imo.
This will be my first camping experiance. Weve been wanting to forever but the weathers been fucked. Its still gonna be 104 when be camp x.x
Jesus that's outrageous! Do you live in vegas or something lol?

Your going to have so much fun man... Seriously camping adventures are the best!
Jesus that's outrageous! Do you live in vegas or something lol?

Your going to have so much fun man... Seriously camping adventures are the best!

No. Kansas o.o Its been hotter here than in Pheonix. It peeks at around 110 and at night it stays 95-104. Plus the humidity x.x
Enjoy! Our camping trip was almost the opposite. Practically rained the whole time we were there. :( Also didn't get a chance to have a trip within our trip.
Yeah and tripping outside in the wilderness while it's pouring is absolutely wonderful! Nothing like frying sac surrounded by flash floods and waterfalls everywhere. The gnarliest lightning ever!