Oregon homeless camp bill


Well-Known Member
Ty for sharing your personal stuff. U got cool shit, btw, "my shit is stuff and your stuff
is shit" -- G Carlin. We got a pink salt lamp too. If the light burns out lemme know and
i'll send you one of my 10 replacement bulbs. Are those shelves Arts and Craft style? ;)
Don't tell me you built those ships. And I think you're burning those plants with the twin LED set up there.


Ursus marijanus


Well-Known Member
I've been to Grant's Pass, OR where a lady I met there showed me a curved metal plaque they used to have attached to lamp posts all over the city nat that many years before I saw it in '92. I can't recall the exact wording but it basically said that all blacks had to be off the streets from sunset to sundown or bad shit would happen to them. I almost hooked up with her and might have moved down there and so glad I didn't. Her FB posts show she's a maga type so it would have ended in tears. I sent her a bus ticket and she and her son came up over Xmas/New Years that year and I drove back down there once with my boys for a weekend shacked up in a motel. Was fun while it lasted tho. :)

Here in Alberta in the capitol Edmonton they cleared a bunch of homeless camps starting the end of Dec last year. The heartless gov't we have here makes tRumps attempts at dictatorship look like the child's tantrum it is. Health, education etc all being tossed under the bus. 3 more years before we get a chance to toss them out too. :(



Well-Known Member
I give the billionaires’ pet court good odds of overturning the law, and to Hell with the bill of rights.
just looking at the numbers, this seems to be more of a political problem than a real one.

San Francisco's Mayor London Breed blamed Martin v. Boise for worsening the city's crisis. The court order bars San Francisco from clearing sidewalk encampments unless the city can guarantee a place to sleep for everyone it moves – a challenge in a city with more than 8,000 homeless and fewer than 4,000 shelter beds.

Nationally there is a lack of shelter beds; according to the HUD 2022 Annual Homeless Assessment Report, about 188,000 more people need shelter than there are beds available.

San Francisco can solve its homeless problem by adding 4,000 more beds. Considering the economic costs associated with their current housing crisis, this seems like a problem that can be solved at a fraction of what it currently costs.

I'm willing to bet that the homeless people that Grants Pass want to harass are locals who have come upon hard times and not very many of them at that. IMO this is an expense, not a problem. We can end the homeless problem, we just don't want to.


Ursus marijanus
just looking at the numbers, this seems to be more of a political problem than a real one.

San Francisco's Mayor London Breed blamed Martin v. Boise for worsening the city's crisis. The court order bars San Francisco from clearing sidewalk encampments unless the city can guarantee a place to sleep for everyone it moves – a challenge in a city with more than 8,000 homeless and fewer than 4,000 shelter beds.

Nationally there is a lack of shelter beds; according to the HUD 2022 Annual Homeless Assessment Report, about 188,000 more people need shelter than there are beds available.

San Francisco can solve its homeless problem by adding 4,000 more beds. Considering the economic costs associated with their current housing crisis, this seems like a problem that can be solved at a fraction of what it currently costs.

I'm willing to bet that the homeless people that Grants Pass want to harass are locals who have come upon hard times and not very many of them at that. IMO this is an expense, not a problem. We can end the homeless problem, we just don't want to.
I believe you have the nub of it.

Of course, neoliberals and their Calvinist teachers would look upon kindness to society’s losers with the sort of revulsion they ordinarily reserve for homosexuality among animals.

So, a political problem woven onto the frame of an ideological one.

Here in California, there was a resolution to build neighborhoods of “tiny houses” for the homeless. In an instance of Newsom doing it all wrong, the state washed its hands of the affair and gave money to the selected cities. The money was (shockingly) dissipated among various bureaucracies.
