4th CFL Grow With Jungle Growth Soil - Blue Mataro and Afghan Kush x Train Wreck

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Oh hell yes, this I like.
thanks drew, glad you like it, LoL.

lookin good as always my man!!!!!! hey man, I missed the first nine races tonight but I caught my boy hammer puttin it down!!!!! and the last race, you guys stold that win!!! that was awesome!!!
thanks bro, yeah, hammer put it on em, that was great. and i said the same thing about gwen, she stole that race for sure, LoL. bro went last week, he hadnt run here in a couple months due to his back. we had been schooling him and he won a couple and was ready to go back on, hes a very good grade a dog here, i guess he just couldnt fininsh up in jax, so he's coming back. if he dont run here, they'll pull him and he comes home with me!! he is such a cool pup, look at that face, LoL.

Oh they are budding so well.
thanks man, they are looking very nice.

its day 60, heres some pics.



Well-Known Member
Wo0t! Looking REAL GOOD SON! The beach was awesome, wish I had the chance to go as often as you! Lol...my Dog was eating up playing frisbee, and jumping through the waves! That's a real good looking pup...As a competitive fuck, I hope he makes it and can race some more. If not, I'm sure he will be just as happy making his way home with you! take it easy man!


Well-Known Member
They would actually retire him and you could keep him as a pet? that is so awesome!! I'm with psychld though... hope he wins a bunch first!!!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Wo0t! Looking REAL GOOD SON! The beach was awesome, wish I had the chance to go as often as you! Lol...my Dog was eating up playing frisbee, and jumping through the waves! That's a real good looking pup...As a competitive fuck, I hope he makes it and can race some more. If not, I'm sure he will be just as happy making his way home with you! take it easy man!
thanks bro!! hell yeah, sounds like you had a great time!!

They would actually retire him and you could keep him as a pet? that is so awesome!! I'm with psychld though... hope he wins a bunch first!!!
yes, i already made arrangements to get him when he retires, of course i hope he runs well, he was a grade A dog that did win some races a few months ago. most dogs go to adoption agencies, we have one right here at the track. bro is just my favorite, after i turn out the other dogs at the end of the night, i bring him out with me to clean up the pens and he runs arounds and smells every spot where the other dogs pee and then he pees on all of them, LoL. then i sit on the wall and he comes up and puts both front legs up on my lap and his head on my shoulder and just chills, its so cool. then he goes inside and stands in front his hut and waits for his cookie.

Why is it I am more interested in that dog then the plants?
cause he's a cool ass looking dog, LoL.


King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Sorry I ain't commented for awhile bro, things have been pretty rough. My fav dog just died yesterday :( Your plants are looking great tho man. Looks like your gonna have a hightime with these autos haha. Keep it up bro.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I ain't commented for awhile bro, things have been pretty rough. My fav dog just died yesterday :( Your plants are looking great tho man. Looks like your gonna have a hightime with these autos haha. Keep it up bro.
I am sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. If anyone has followed this thread, they know we are very dog/animal sympathetic f'ers! But as the country song says, up in doggy heaven there will be plenty of bones and tennis balls for fetching. May his memory live on.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Sorry I ain't commented for awhile bro, things have been pretty rough. My fav dog just died yesterday :( Your plants are looking great tho man. Looks like your gonna have a hightime with these autos haha. Keep it up bro.
thanks blunt, so sorry to hear about your dog, that really sucks!!

I am sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. If anyone has followed this thread, they know we are very dog/animal sympathetic f'ers! But as the country song says, up in doggy heaven there will be plenty of bones and tennis balls for fetching. May his memory live on.
very nice gumball!!

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Yeah he was one crazyass dog. He didn't race or nothing, but he did run the hell outta a merry-go-round :) haha I love animals, specially dogs. If I can find a way to upload a vid of him running on it I will. BTW do you think you will do some more auto grows CD? Like in the near future?

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Yeah he was one crazyass dog. He didn't race or nothing, but he did run the hell outta a merry-go-round :) haha I love animals, specially dogs. If I can find a way to upload a vid of him running on it I will. BTW do you think you will do some more auto grows CD? Like in the near future?
i'd like to see that, sounds like a cool dog, sorry man. oh yeah, i will do some autos again, i still have my lone LSD seed i want to do first.

Your grow looks awesome, Its amazing the bud growth youve acheived from cfls. Approximately how tall are they?
thanks fruity, the buddha is about 37 inches and the sweet is 26 inches.

looking fuckin good man! how long are you thinkin??
thanks matt, im thinking another week or so???

its day 63, 9 weeks, i looked at the trichs real close last night with the scope and they are mostly clear to cloudy. im going for at least 50/50 cloudy/amber on both plants.



Well-Known Member
Hey cd, just curious...ever have anyone say wow man this is some good pot ? Wonder where it's grown ?

And then you tell them in a cardboard box lol


Well-Known Member
looking like some good smoke there cd
making me want to dust off my cfl cab and fire things up
i already have the clones rooted and everything lol

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
Hey cd, just curious...ever have anyone say wow man this is some good pot ? Wonder where it's grown ?
And then you tell them in a cardboard box lol
yeah as a matter of fact, LoL. the kush from the last grow was pretty dam good, and the few that got some are looking foward to this. dont get me wrong, im not a dealer. i just share some with a few friends but mainly for myself.

looking like some good smoke there cd
making me want to dust off my cfl cab and fire things up
i already have the clones rooted and everything lol
hell yeah bro, do it!!! this is all i need, the one big box. and its worked out very good.

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
man i hope my cfl grow turns out as good as yours.
thanks hawk, its a real easy setup to take care of with the cfl's, even though i only have most of the lights mounted above the plants, ive gotten very good results. good luck!!

its day 64 and the girls are doing great, no pics today, they look the same as yesterdays, LoL. well i screwed up again today with the world famous gravity fed water system, turned it on and walked away, stupid!! of course i forgot and emptied the whole gallon of fresh nute juice, flooded the pans and the whole bottom of the box, what a dumbass, LoL.


Well-Known Member
very inspiring.....want to start a grow in my bathroom. Basic stuff: 4x4 space, building a picnic basket shaped box out of pvc, (handle to hang lights on) wrapped in Mylar, cfl lights, try Afgan 1 and Northern Lights, 5 gal grow bags ?. I'm allowed 12 plants in my state, could I grow 12 plants in that small space (maybe using smaller pots). This is my basic idea hoping for some feed back.