The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

what history of persecution, segregation, systematic discrimination, disenfranchisement, racism, bigotry, and violence have you faced as a white male? :dunce:
This guy man, UB you need to become wise, then we can conversate.
I once lived in one of the blackest city's of one of the blackest states in the USA.
It was an every day occurrence/ritual that the local police refused to do anything about the corner crack dealer or the pimp beating the living fuck out of his ho in the public place.
I was at my mothers house sitting on the sidewalk talking to her watching a black guy beat the fuck out of his black girlfriend and cops came down the street and started approaching a white mother and son talking in front of our home, rather than just look across the street to see violent battery assault, also assault with a deadly weapon cause he picked up a 2x4 beating the woman across the head. Me and my mother said "rather than harassing us on our own front lawn how about you look across the street" The police looked and said its none of their concern got in their patrol cars and left. Needless to say we called the chief of police to report these police officers which are all too common in this society today.
By the way the cops were white and by the way this is only one fucking story among hundreds like it. So no no Fuck You. don't seem to mind the racism inherent in programs like affirmative action...

i love how people don't understand how affirmative action works. it protects EVERYONE, not just minorities. same thing with hate crimes.

if i were a dolt like some people on the right, i would accuse you of playing the race card, since you are preying on bigoted fears southern-strategy style.
I got real life experience, Uncle buck lives in predominately white land of Oregon, and expects his mainstream news to tell him what life and experiences are.
No no fuck you uncle buck, you dont have the slightest clue as to where ive been and what i have seen.
You refuse to read why the white male is actually becoming more and more oppressed right here in America.
in america, the SCOTUS has ruled that abortion is legally allowed.

if you don't like it, you can hop on over to another country that reflects your opinions. feel me?

see how fucking stupid that argument sounds?

let's try it again. suppose ron paul is elected, and by some miracle he turns cannabis re-legalization into a state's rights issue. your state does not adopt and prohibition remains. well, all you have to do to overcome this injustice is uproot your entire fucking life. sound fair?

get fucked.

That's just nasty.

If one was to believe firmly enough that they should be able to smoke and grow marijuana freely then they could make the decision for themselves, no one is going to hold a gun to your head to either smoke/grow it illegally here or go to another state, it's a personal choice. If you live in a state where it does happened to be illegal then that does happen to suck. My point is simply that the constitution states federal government shouldn't interfere with state government mandates.

Under your rational we should accept the shotgun either there is completely prohibition, or complete liberation, which is what the scenario is now and that seems extreme, what is wrong with a country that is made of up states with different views?

Like I said if someone felt strongly enough that they didn't like a states laws then it's their choice to be there or not, don't turn this on me and make it out that suddenly I'm for prohibition or making people move for their rights, the world is imperfect, I wish all 50 states would just lets us have our liberties. But in real life their are some (albeit mostly misinformed) people who dispise marijuana (Bill O'reilly) *cough* but that's their opinion, let them have it.

You keep taking everything anyone says personally and that's not prudent or reasonable yet you prowl like a hungry hyena over this thread jumping on anyone who shows strong personal support for Ron Paul.

Now I'm being as level headed as I can possibly be, what's your next insult?
...don't turn this on me and make it out that suddenly I'm for prohibition or making people move for their rights...

that's exactly what you just said.

you stated:

... he supports letting the states makes those laws, which is kind of the joy of having 50 states, if you don't like one's laws you just hop over to a state that reflects your opinions.

in other words, just move for your rights.

since the turtle fucker feels the same way about abortion as he does about cannabis, that they are state-level issues, that is exactly what you are saying.

personally, i feel differently than paul on the issue abortion, cannabis, civil rights, marriage equality.

at least gary johnson is willing to take a stand and say that marriage equality should extend to all, that the decision for women to make health choices about their own bodies should be universal.

the turtle fucker doesn't have enough of a spine to say anything other than "let's pass the decision on to somewhere else". some leadership there.
This guy man, UB you need to become wise, then we can conversate.
I once lived in one of the blackest city's of one of the blackest states in the USA.
It was an every day occurrence/ritual that the local police refused to do anything about the corner crack dealer or the pimp beating the living fuck out of his ho in the public place.
I was at my mothers house sitting on the sidewalk talking to her watching a black guy beat the fuck out of his black girlfriend and cops came down the street and started approaching a white mother and son talking in front of our home, rather than just look across the street to see violent battery assault, also assault with a deadly weapon cause he picked up a 2x4 beating the woman across the head. Me and my mother said "rather than harassing us on our own front lawn how about you look across the street" The police looked and said its none of their concern got in their patrol cars and left. Needless to say we called the chief of police to report these police officers which are all too common in this society today.
By the way the cops were white and by the way this is only one fucking story among hundreds like it. So no no Fuck You.
:shock::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll: white cop ignores black guy beating black girl to harass white woman only talking to son...and you say this happens all too common WOW...I call BULLSHIT...
an anecdote about the cops ignoring an assault which did not effect you is your history of persecution?

you poor soul.
It was one example of how whitey is oppressed now.
what does my ancestry being oppressed or any other peoples being oppressed in the past have anything to do with anything?
I feel you dont know your ancestry but mine was oppressed too whats the point?
ok sure its a lie:roll:

quick summary so you can see why I say BULLSHIT....

You and your mom just sitting outside talking...Black man beating the hell out of his black girlfriend right across the street with a 2x4..White officer comes up and just start harrassing you and your mother for no guys even point out hey "look someone is beating the hell out of someone across the street sir ...White officer does nothing...WTF...why was he harrassing you...did you and momz sell drugs ????are you a pimp ?????
quick summary so you can see why I say BULLSHIT....

You and your mom just sitting outside talking...Black man beating the hell out of his black girlfriend right across the street with a 2x4..White officer comes up and just start harrassing you and your mother for no guys even point out hey "look someone is beating the hell out of someone across the street sir ...White officer does nothing about that but just continues to harrass you and your mother...WTF...
Close except for the last bit. When my mother and i told them to look across the street their eyes bugged out and they said no concern of theirs, then they left. Pretty unreal i know. But i can give you example after example of this taking place all the time in this predominately black city in a predominately black state.
Close except for the last bit. When my mother and i told them to look across the street their eyes bugged out and they said no concern of theirs, then they left. Pretty unreal i know. But i can give you example after example of this taking place all the time in this predominately black city in a predominately black state.

suppose your story is true.

how is it an example of you, a white man, being persecuted?

it might be if the black cop harassed a black family while you got beaten with a 2x4 and they did nothing, but not your story. your story reinforces the point londonfog and i are making.