The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

You know what, fine Ron Paul is at 7%. It's a clear consequence of people on TV shows who act just like you with snide insults and run over what people are saying with little to no acknowledgement. Maybe you should look back at the very first post of this page and go through the links at the bottom, then honestly come back and tell us that they are giving Ron Paul just as much of a chance as Obama or Romney??

So time out for one second, who do YOU support? Please tell me, if an always honest 12 term congressman who has voted the same for his entire life defending our liberties protected by the constitution isn't a good canidate then who is? Please before you continue I truly want to know.
So time out for one second, who do YOU support?

not ron paul :lol:

you just want to try to turn this little exchange of ours into a "your guy sucks worse than mine" thing.

let's keep this focused on ron paul the turtle fucker and his rag-tag bunch of cult-like worshippers.
Congressman Ron Paul may be a long shot to win the Republican presidential nomination, but he runs competitively with President Obama right now.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters shows Paul picking up 37% of the vote, while the president earns 41%. The Texas congressman joins Mitt Romney, Michelle Bachmann, and Rick Perry as candidates within hailing distance of the president at this time.
Rudy Giuliani is another potential candidate who is considered a long shot for the nomination but is competitive with the president. The former mayor of New York City trails Obama by five, 44% to 39%.
But the real story in the numbers is that the president continues to earn between 41% and 49% of the vote no matter which Republican is mentioned as a potential opponent. This suggests that the race remains a referendum on the incumbent more than anything else.
Congressman Ron Paul may be a long shot to win the Republican presidential nomination, but he runs competitively with President Obama right now.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters shows Paul picking up 37% of the vote, while the president earns 41%. The Texas congressman joins Mitt Romney, Michelle Bachmann, and Rick Perry as candidates within hailing distance of the president at this time.
Rudy Giuliani is another potential candidate who is considered a long shot for the nomination but is competitive with the president. The former mayor of New York City trails Obama by five, 44% to 39%.
But the real story in the numbers is that the president continues to earn between 41% and 49% of the vote no matter which Republican is mentioned as a potential opponent. This suggests that the race remains a referendum on the incumbent more than anything else.

nice copy and paste!

irrelevant though, as ron paul stands almost ZERO chance at getting the GOP nod. :lol:

also, fluoridated water is a conspiracy to give us chemical lobotomies that make us passive and turn us into nazi germany.
not ron paul :lol:

you just want to try to turn this little exchange of ours into a "your guy sucks worse than mine" thing.

let's keep this focused on ron paul the turtle fucker and his rag-tag bunch of cult-like worshippers.

Yeah I just wanna make snide remarks and use bad grammar to defend my case. Wait one second, that seems to be you.

I would have to say that for you to invest so heavily into this thread you must have a person in mind that you want to lead our country, so I ask you again, who (if anyone) do you support? Not "if you had to choose".

So what if you can google and find some numbers from polls, it just proves that our country isn't in favor of policies such as immediately ending the three wars overseas, cutting spending, cutting government, cutting out the Federal Reserve, and letting state decide drug laws. Or at least that what those media held polls would say.

If you want numbers what about Ron Paul winning almost every (albeit only a couple) 08' republican debate he was involved in?? If not coming in a close 2nd or 3rd.
Actually if you scroll through the different polls, they are all different. In some RP is 2nd behind Romney. You cant pick and choose which numbers you see.

7.8 and 13.5 are "even"?

that is the type of fact one would learn in junior college.

and actually, if i had to swoop a turd out of the shit-pool of GOP candidates, i would take gary johnson or jon huntsman all day long, rather than the squirrel turd who wears adult diapers and violates turtles.
...who (if anyone) do you support?

are you dense?

i already answered "not ron paul".

If you want numbers what about Ron Paul winning almost every (albeit only a couple) 08' republican debate he was involved in?? If not coming in a close 2nd or 3rd.

what polls said that? and didn't you say who cares what happened three years ago?

lots of ron paul worshippers wanted to say that ron paul won the two debates this year by ridiculous margins such as 70%-80% based on the results of online polls that his cult-like worshippers flooded.

you should spend less time spewing your ron paul propaganda to me and start working on getting the scratch together for junior college.
Actually if you scroll through the different polls, they are all different. In some RP is 2nd behind Romney. You cant pick and choose which numbers you see.

they average them out and choose the most recent and relevant ones.

ron paul has not broken the 8% mark at any time using any combination of polls. i have been following them fairly closely. ron paul is fading away...
are you dense?

i already answered "not ron paul".

what polls said that? and didn't you say who cares what happened three years ago?

lots of ron paul worshippers wanted to say that ron paul won the two debates this year by ridiculous margins such as 70%-80% based on the results of online polls that his cult-like worshippers flooded.

you should spend less time spewing your ron paul propaganda to me and start working on getting the scratch together for junior college.

Yeah I'm dense, I wasn't aware there was a candidate named "Not Ron Paul" . Interesting, the you would call me dense when I haven't seen you even bother to capitalize one sentence, yet you use partial punctuation. You are just real rebel aren't you?

And sure, maybe you got me, it doesn't matter now but you wanted numbers so there you go. You know I would love to just sprawl you out in a full nelson simply for being an ass. In fact I'm quite enjoying this conversation, please tell me about my turtle swooning demi god that I worship, I'm learning so much about myself.
...I wasn't aware there was a candidate named "Not Ron Paul"...

there is a candidate named 'ron paul', and i do not support him for reasons already named in this thread.

i am not going to play this game that you want to play.

...You know I would love to just sprawl you out in a full nelson simply for being an ass...

i thought ron paul supporters were adamantly opposed to violence? just a bunch of anti-war, pro-drug hippies that are opposed to taxation "at the end of the barrel of a gun".

yet you also say you enjoy i'm confused. are you saying you enjoy being riled to the point of assault?
If the polls were actually right, Obama wouldn't be our president would he.. You can hide behind your computer screen and troll political forums all you want trying to make people who are supporting something and trying to do something about it, into something they are not. You have wasted enough of my time. I wont waste my time calling names and trying to defend ron paul to someone who obviously has no interest in learning the truth. My advice to you would be to read through this forum, and watch the videos on the first post. Maybe you will open your eyes one day. But I am better off using my time trying to do something to make a difference, then sit here and argue with a troll. You are being brainwashed by a media machine, one day you will see it. So thats it from me uncle buck, have a good day. :)

they average them out and choose the most recent and relevant ones.

ron paul has not broken the 8% mark at any time using any combination of polls. i have been following them fairly closely. ron paul is fading away...
and you ron paul worshipers wonder why we call you brainwashed cultists.
ron paul is 'the chosen one'!
what's wrong buck, are the paul disciples horning in on the obama cultists' turf? every once in a while we find a candidate that we hope will be willing to step outside of the status quo, saving us from the mess we have allowed our government to make of the nation. the more out of control our situation becomes, the more often we try to paste that label on someone. a few scant years ago, before he proved himself to be not only a bumbling tyro, but just another politician as well, some believed that bam bam was just such a man. many have now transferred that hope to dr. paul. such people are always belittled by those with a vested interest in maintaining the status quo and by those, like you, who feel that such a change may endanger their chosen agenda.

there's a good chance that paul is just another pretender, but the possibility of bringing this country back to its original path is tempting. the problems engendered by mainstream politicians and our false two party system have created the perfect environment for these myths to grow.

how hard is it to write "ron paul" on a piece of paper?
the bell tolled and 40,000 or so people answered.
you know perfectly well that no write in candidate gets more than a handful of votes and harping on those results only shows you rabid partisanship and fear. even in the face of polls showing dr.paul significantly behind any of the other players in this game, you still seem to see him as enough of a threat to attempt to vilify him. could it be that his steadily growing popularity might spell a possible end to our decline into the socialistic swamp of the liberal establishment's wet dreams? the rise of the tea party and of dr. paul, the failure of liberal policies and the massive divisions within the democratic party itself give hope to those who are tired of watching the nation's ethos disintegrate.

as much as i distrust polls, there was one the other day that i found interesting. it was a rassmussen poll that compared the sentiment toward obama and dr. paul alone, no other candidates were included. it found our present pretender to the throne only a few points ahead of a candidate portrayed by the media as a member of the lunatic fringe. if these numbers are even close to the reality of the situation, imagine what they might be if paul's platform were given an honest mainstream voice.
there is a candidate named 'ron paul', and i do not support him for reasons already named in this thread.

i am not going to play this game that you want to play.

i thought ron paul supporters were adamantly opposed to violence? just a bunch of anti-war, pro-drug hippies that are opposed to taxation "at the end of the barrel of a gun".

yet you also say you enjoy i'm confused. are you saying you enjoy being riled to the point of assault?

You have mentioned no legitimate reasons for your opposition to Ron Paul, unless you think "he's a turtle fucker" qualifies as a reason.
As for your second statement I can only laugh.

So I am straight, your intentions seems to be to attack Ron Paul and his supporters because he's a turtle fucker and his supporters are a mob of anti war hippies who form an online cult so that they can throw polls.

You know, I enjoy reading your idiotic insults and remarks. I enjoy watching you coming into this thread and creating a grounds to insult people simply because I compared the plot of a movie to our present day political scene thinking your completely righteous in your resolve, in the end I think your getting a hard one watching your post count go up, pretty close to 5000 about now, do you want a cookie?

So for "my game" I don't recall reading your post where your explained the policies your against.

thank you, undertheice, you said exactly what I couldn't put into words.. and did a very elegant job at it as well
t...i do not support him for reasons already named in this thread.

You have mentioned no legitimate reasons for your opposition to Ron Paul...

or perhaps it is that you can not read.

...unless you think "he's a turtle fucker" qualifies as a reason.

he has left behind evidence from some of his forays. would you vote for a man who fucks turtles?

what's wrong buck, are the paul disciples horning in on the obama cultists' turf?

they take it to an entirely new level.

"ron paul is like neo in the matrix" :lol:

you know perfectly well that no write in candidate gets more than a handful of votes


she not only got a handful, she got the most :shock:

what is even funnier is that her tea party opponent who railed against the fed gov at every chance then went running to the fed gov to try to win the election :lol:

even in the face of polls showing dr.paul significantly behind any of the other players in this game, you still seem to see him as enough of a threat to attempt to vilify him.

not at all, my long-winded, blatherskite friend.

i jumped in to express my astonishment at the deification given to the turtle fucker by his cult-like worshippers.

remember back when deprave was saying that ron paul will give us all raises? this is the type of infantile worship that i like to mock. no difference this go around.
there is a candidate named 'ron paul', and i do not support him for reasons already named in this thread.

i am not going to play this game that you want to play.

i thought ron paul supporters were adamantly opposed to violence? just a bunch of anti-war, pro-drug hippies that are opposed to taxation "at the end of the barrel of a gun".

yet you also say you enjoy i'm confused. are you saying you enjoy being riled to the point of assault?

Red Herring. Answer his question UB.
they take it to an entirely new level.

"ron paul is like neo in the matrix" :lol:


she not only got a handful, she got the most :shock:

what is even funnier is that her tea party opponent who railed against the fed gov at every chance then went running to the fed gov to try to win the election :lol:

not at all, my long-winded, blatherskite friend.

i jumped in to express my astonishment at the deification given to the turtle fucker by his cult-like worshippers.

remember back when deprave was saying that ron paul will give us all raises? this is the type of infantile worship that i like to mock. no difference this go around.

So someone either purposefully or accidentally dropped/planted that Ron Paul sign in an aquarium and that's what your going on.

And then you proceed to try and give write in votes viability because of some obscure smaller scale (in comparison to a presidential election) election? I don't understand you, I feel as if your only trying to ave a dick measuring contest on who can pull more out of the google search engine.

Who said Ron Paul was going to give us raises? please quote that (: Last time I checked he is all about people working for themselves and depending entirely on themselves.

Anyways, who cares if you follow polls closely? That just goes to show that you aren't researching into the candidates policies only finding out which one's are developing more political favor so you can lean for the guy already leading? That's the vibe I'm getting here. I don't care who the person is, if they show a consistently honest voting record of support for small government, sound money, fiscal responsibility, and a non interventionist foreign policy then they got my vote.

Once again, why do you oppose Ron Paul and who do you favor instead?

By the way, congrats on your 5000th post. You should be a god.:roll: