Mind, Body and Spirit


Well-Known Member
reason, sprite and appetite... It is important to see that the three parts of the soul (or mind in greek) each have their characteristic desires and pleasures (580d), they can come into conflict (440e), and promote their own interests. The [FONT=Book Antiqua,Book Antiqua]rational [/FONT]part loves wisdom and learning; it is responsible for extending our knowledge and takes pleasure in this (436a, 580d, 581b). It's domain is not just the pursuit of "scientific" knowledge, but also practical deliberation. The [FONT=Book Antiqua,Book Antiqua]spirited [/FONT]part loves honor and winning; it tends towards aggression and competition, but when educated or trained allies itself with reason as aspiration for what is right. (441a, 441e, 442b, 581b) The [FONT=Book Antiqua,Book Antiqua]appetitive [/FONT]part loves food, drink, sex, "and other things which follow from these", as well as money as the means to these (436a, 437b, 437d, 439d, 580d-e). The appetitive part may be capable of means-end reasoning (e.g., it pursues money as a means to its other ends), but it does not deliberate about what is right or good.
The virtues of the soul or mind are parallel to the virtues of the city.(441c-444a) For example, a wise soul is one which reason rules and makes sound decisions for the advantage of the soul as a whole. For example your mind tells you when to stop eating by using reason (442c) A just soul is one in which each of the parts performs its proper function (443d-e); injustice in the soul is "a kind of civil war between the parts (444b).


Well-Known Member

I'm sorry people but it had to be said theres a fine line between being confused and ignorant.

You are entitled to your own opinion stop putting words and actions into my mouth especially when someone can go back and read what I said.


Well-Known Member
I can provide a neutral standpoint here. I dont believe in god because I dont believe in anything that has control over my destiny pre or post mortem. Talking religion is a waste of my and everyone elses time. This is of course my opinion.

If you believe in something you do not need affirmation of others to make it true or real for you and frankly if you do need affirmation you need to rethink your beliefs.

Peace pot and Microdot.
You could have just said my... not my and everyone else's. You're in, what psychologist call, in denial....You did infact spoke for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Well-Known Member
Well that would be a false opinion as opposed to a true opinion....since you still can't think for everyone...some may actually perfer to chat about religion over launch in a bible study...this of course is my opinion so actually not talking about god is a waste of everyone elses time... again my opinion....

this again would be my opinion and who did I accuse and or offend with these opinionated words.....


New Member
Godkas, you actually wrote that it's a waste of time talking about the subject of the thread. You saw the title of the thread, then read what was within it.

It obviously wasn't a waste of your time.

I know what you mean about the atheist thing, I don't like it either. Atheism is a theory or belief; I KNOW a god doesn't exist. I prefer the term realist.

Keep it real, people.


Well-Known Member
Thank you hybrid. Well my time was not being used at the time so I decided to check out what this was all about. In my defense if nobody speaks their mind then people will continue to walk on them in their own ignorance. Having spoken out I have let people know that there are indeed people who are adamantly non-religious in any way shape or form and though they may not be the majority they are certainly not to be ignored.


Well-Known Member
preo choice is only somewhat controlled by your surroundings... for your surroundings are ultimatly controlled by your choices... it is all the vicious circle of eternity... the snake eating its own tail... you are where you are now and me where i'm at and skunk where he is at all three completly different scenarios and lives... and they are differnent because we have all made a multitude of different choices... i have had many opprotunities to make the right and wrong choices and at no given point have i made all of one type or the other... this goes back to what i said about good and evil... there is no gray area... when a child is born you can choose to take care of it or not... one choice is good one is evil but not everyone makes the choice to take care of the child... even though you could consider a child a circumstance that would limit your choices it most certainly doesn't... also as a side note where in the animal kingdom do you see animals abandon their childern??? and i think sansi has a good point... those who are willing to sit in the cave blind to what is outside only believing copies of what the truth really is instead of walking out the cave themselves to see what truly exists are far worse then those that try to find what they can even if they find nothing... and lastly were you born into this world with an altered mind??? does your mind ever start tripping by itself... do you enjoy giving up control to a drug... marijuana is natural which means it is meant to be here and meant to be used... however you have to understand what it is or it can control you just as any other drug does... i don't believe in being stoned all day because i have things to do and being high sometimes gets in the way of those things... but i can control my use so the drug doesn't control me... i use the drug as a tool to relax and enjoy myself when i have nothing better to do... these other man made drugs to include alchohol give you no control and most are highly addictive... once you pop acid it is out of your control you might give yourself the excuse that it is to enlighten or whatever other excuse you want... but all it takes is one bad trip and you lose control no if ands or buts about it... same with shrooms and cough syrup and other mind altering pills... extacy will destroy your brain... you may make the excuse that if you use it wisely you will be ok or any other excuse but this doesn't help you escape from the facts... coke meth heroine will control you through strong physical addiction and eventually will wear your body down to nothing... there is no excuse there is no good reason when you and everyone else can realize this you will be better off.. however its not my job to tell you how to live your life just to give you the facts as i see them... i've gotten a lot of my friends to stop doing these hard core drugs by showing them that they don't need them and that they would be happier without them... and they are much happier and thank me all the time... when you can control a substance it is just that a substance but when you relenquish control it then becomes a drug... and godkas your standpoint isn't neutral... no standpoint is neutral... and if you've noticed in these threads we try to give evidence backing up our viewpoints... so whats yours???


Well-Known Member
OMFG you guys. You hurt my brain. My stand point is neutral because I dont give a rats ass about anything in this world.

If you were standing right in front of me and i really wanted the candy bar in front of you and you wanted it too. Id shoot you and take the candy bar. No remorse. No fear. The Marines trained me well.

furthermore. I've been drowned (legally dead) nothing happens. You black out. No magical fudge packing cherubs come pick you up. Its game over like in Pac-Man when you get caught by the ghost and the screen goes black with GAME OVER on the screen.

Why must things have a higher purpose or meaning. Why are we so entranced with the idea of a higher power? I think its an inferiority complex.


Well-Known Member
you obviously weren't dead or are you typing from the netherworld... you do care and are not neutral or why get out of bed in the morning... and i know what you mean by being drowned seeing the wizard right??? but obviously your time here wasn't done because guess what??? your still alive!!! do you think a god would be so stupid as to not know the difference in dead and revivable... how naive... if you want to see what true death is tie a rock to your feet and jump in the ocean you bone head... there will be no one standing on the side of the pool to pull you out and revive you... then if you can come back from that and say there is no god i might find your words a little more credible...


New Member
frth', you don't accept what the doctors say when they say someone is dead? People die all the time, and are likewise revived.

If you've ever been unconscious frth', this is what death is. You don't even know you're dead, you don't even know... you are gone.


Well-Known Member
thnkr, u say u have control because u control the surroundings that control u. does that really make sense to u? at face value, id say that this is a decent idea, being that u control at least 50% of ur surroundings simply because of how ur individual view shapes ur reality. but being that who u are is out of ur control, the choices u make are not ur property. u know what im sayin?

for ur question about me liking drugs taking away my choice- id say yeah. i used to experience a feeling of being on a train track of sorts, it was pretty interesting for a while. ill admit to submitting to escapism, but im done with that time of my life. but all of my trips have givin me profoundly deep views of myself and the boundaries of perception. drugs arent bad man.

but if ur hinting that my view of choicelessness is based on living a life dictated by drugs, u need to update ur view of chemicals. everything u put in ur body effects ur emotions and physical abilities. everything u consume effects ur thoughts.

ur addicted to oxygen


Well-Known Member
OMFG you guys. You hurt my brain. My stand point is neutral because I dont give a rats ass about anything in this world.

If you were standing right in front of me and i really wanted the candy bar in front of you and you wanted it too. Id shoot you and take the candy bar. No remorse. No fear. The Marines trained me well.

furthermore. I've been drowned (legally dead) nothing happens. You black out. No magical fudge packing cherubs come pick you up. Its game over like in Pac-Man when you get caught by the ghost and the screen goes black with GAME OVER on the screen.

Why must things have a higher purpose or meaning. Why are we so entranced with the idea of a higher power? I think its an inferiority complex.
i completely agree with everything here. the marines are a whole bunch of faggots tho. i hope u dont hold pride in being a slave to perpetuate war...


Well-Known Member
Absolutly not. I am a peaceful man but I know what I want and I take it without remorse. Such is the way of a survivor.

I know the reason I was revived is because of swift response and my will to survive. I would NEVER place the credit for my survival in the hands of some omnipotent being.


Well-Known Member
no i understand chemicals and how they affect us... but the affect is different on all of us... personally they affect me horribly therefore i feel a great hate for them that others may not... i am in no way god myself and so can't condemn peoples choices and only share MY view of the world and hope that it helps other people better understand their view... i could never be a cult leader because i believe we were all created differently to be different... what works for you works however some things are known to be bad... and godkas i believe you are right in the respect that the will to survive depends more on the person then some unseen force.. but if you believe anything is acceptable to ensure your own survival you are truly without a concious and possibly not deserving of life in my view... if a terroist was to capture you and tell you that if you didn't go into a school somewhere and kill all of the children otherwise they were going to end your life would you sacrafice all of those lives for your own??? this is what i mean by good and evil choices... those that would choose to commit evil for self gain will pay for their crimes... be it afterlife by some punishment dolled out by a god if you will or through karma where their bad actions come back around and give them their dose of pain in suffering im not sure but i believe people pay or are rewarded for their mistakes... and about choice you choose every step that you take in your life... you are 100 percent responsible for how things turn out in your life... the outside actions the things we can't control have no bearing because when these things occur you still have a choice in what u will do and that choice reflects the kind of person you are and the outcome... i've got some stuff to do but i'll try to elaborate a little more later...


Well-Known Member
Absolutly not. I am a peaceful man but I know what I want and I take it without remorse. Such is the way of a survivor.

I know the reason I was revived is because of swift response and my will to survive. I would NEVER place the credit for my survival in the hands of some omnipotent being.
hah, ur damn cool in my book Godkas. for some reason i felt like fuckin around and i really expected u to get upset about the marines=faggots remark. i officially apologize for acting childish. u sound like a solid satanist. while labels are always deceiving to a point, they do serve a purpose. if u arent familiar with the satanist school of thought, u may want to check it out, for peace of mind. i started reading about it and found that the ideals are very similar to my own.

anyway, thnkr, how come ur so intent on putting urself beneath ur god? how is He better than u? are u honestly comfortable (even happy about) living a life for the amusement/curiosity of an immortal being? i just dont get it. if i were lead to believe this, id be pissed. existing as another beings play-thing. its like slavery or something.

whats the upside to believing in a Creator? once again, i dont get it. have u thought about it? how do u gain from having the beliefs u do? uve said that if u do good things, u will hopefully join god. what does that mean? do u mean ull just be chillin with him all the time? do u hope to be consumed by Him in some way, so that u may be god urself?

good/evil dont really exist. the definitions will change depending on who u talk to, and for many ppl, they carry no weight. i truly believe (to the point of being comfortable with saying i KNOW) that there is no difference. no matter what i do, my karma has lead me to do it. nothing i 'choose' to do will effect the universe in a 'bad' way. but i still feel empathy for the people around me, so I wouldnt kill hundreds of children to save my own life if they were to leave families in mourning.

the good and evil that u sense was instilled in u by others communicating to u since birth. (whether they or u meant it or not.) it wasnt a gift from God, cultures all over the world have different morals views. even actions like killing are considered alright in some (including ours in the time of war or self-defense ((a completely satanic ideal, by the way)))

u say that there isnt any grey area, but thats not true. the whole thing is gray. theres no black and white involved.

heres the deal tho. u do feel a difference, so go ahead and live a life that involves nurturing these feelings. just dont do it for God. if u get rid of the Big Brother factor in ur life, u can live for urself and those u love, instead of living a life as a lowly being.

u are God. u create ur own reality every day. u are the creator of ur universe. the physical bounds of life are insignificant when compared to the mental shackles that hold u from ur true potential.

u created the morals u hold. u created ur idea of god. most importantly for u,
ur view of god is a reflection of urself. if u wish to live a spiritual life, put faith in urself and your unknown potential.

im gettin pretty preachy, so ill chill out. but think about it man, dont allow an imaginary being to degrade ur self-worth. use the power of faith to empower urself instead of investing it in somebody else


New Member
good/evil dont really exist. the definitions will change depending on who u talk to, and for many ppl, they carry no weight. i truly believe (to the point of being comfortable with saying i KNOW) that there is no difference. no matter what i do, my karma has lead me to do it. nothing i 'choose' to do will effect the universe in a 'bad' way. but i still feel empathy for the people around me, so I wouldnt kill hundreds of children to save my own life if they were to leave families in mourning.

Good and evil do exist, and the propensity for both are within us. Of course this is an individual perspective. Yet there are crimes that collectively we would term evil. Maybe the slow torture, rape and murder of a 2 year old child. It may well be about perspective, but I'd call that evil, wouldn't you?

u say that there isnt any grey area, but thats not true. the whole thing is gray. theres no black and white involved.
I think the above is a pretty solid evil.


New Member
I enjoyed the ret of your post preo'. It sums up everything I know to be true. I've even argued before about the good and evil thing. There are different shades of grey, but there is also black and white.


New Member
Absolutly not. I am a peaceful man but I know what I want and I take it without remorse. Such is the way of a survivor.

I know the reason I was revived is because of swift response and my will to survive. I would NEVER place the credit for my survival in the hands of some omnipotent being.
I lived my life exactly like this up until the age of 24. I seemed to just develop a consience. I even remember shedding tears for things I had done. These days I need to justify things to myself before I do anything.