If he is the best choice at the time. Anyone answering that question today is far too biased to offer anything to the discussion and not all that helpful to the election process. Those people tend to allow their feelings to dictate their decision. Thus they make poor ones.
But I have to say, as the incumbents and 2 PhDs the Dems have a solid ticket. But let's see what the Republicans end up Producing. If they manage to elect a strong and moderate candidate during the Primary we might end up with a difficult decision. That would be a good thing. But if the GOP elects a radical candidate, then I think the choice will be pretty easy to make for reasonable folks.
Some of the polls I was looking at were:
Gallup has Obama losing by 8%
Rasmussen has Obama losing by 6%
MSNBC has Obama winning by 3%
Real Clear Politics has the entire shibang averaged out with Obama losing by 3.6%
i dont think the republicans have any one really good enough... Ron Paul, but who would be his running mate? it seems to me that the dems are going to have the WH again
Those show Obama losing to an unnamed Republican. When the polls ask Obama vs a named Republican, Obama wins every poll.
i'll vote for obama, but i'll secretly masturbate to michelle bachmann scat porn.
The Republican nominee might not even be one of the people who are officially in it at the moment. I would be inclined to believe Rasmussen polls over Gallup, with MSNBC being about on level with a poll FOX might do. Rasmussen did the best on the last couple election cycles. Here is their latest Obama vs Romney poll that has Romney ahead by 1.
i'll vote for obama, but i'll secretly masturbate to michelle bachmann scat porn.
Here are the numbers against the individual GOP candidates. Not looking good for Republicans.
more accurate.