Why Aren't There More Female Growers?


Moderatrix of Journals
*cough cough*

i've often wondered the same thing. you would think there would be more of us.
although some of the best organics i've ever tasted were grown by women.

all my girlfriends who grow canna also have regular gardens... but not all my girlfriends who garden grow canna..... hmm..... *it's time to recruit*



Active Member
to think that girls don't grow cuz it's gross is silly
girls deal with a lot more gross in any 30 day period(imapunnyguy) than i do in any 1yr one - and i grow AND have kids(nastylittleshits)

i think mostly it's 2 things

1 - most girls don't have their own place... ayup - if they do, they're generally either one of 3 situations
1a - career lady with no need for marijuana or extra money/needs time more than money or weed - nogrow
1b - fresh outta the house/college working full time AND part time tryna pay the bills in a 1 bedroom squat.... nogrow
1c - single mom... nogrow
2 - most girls that live with a guy... most guys are just WAY too insecure to "let" their girl grow the pot - if, indeed any pot will be grown

another thing to consider is the flip side to what you've been sying about the nurturing nature of women
a man, by nature, has an impulse to hunt, gather, and provide, having presumably met his need to ... wellll... get a girl

by our nature, he will provide a place that she will nurture as he hunts for and gathers in the bounty that she transforms into a nurturing manna - it's all very cyclic, really..lotsnlotsnlotsa circles

eye heart girls

edit - my wife, by the way, is very excited to help in any way she can
oddly, i hope she'll mostly tend the grow so i can mostly prepare medibles and whatnot - i wanna be mr mom so bad...lol


Active Member
LOL I understand. Why do the work when you can just get a guy to smoke you up. But I'm more interested in the different strains, the tastes, the smells. I love knowing what I'm smoking.

And knowing that I grew it myself makes it that much better! Fruits of labour are sweeter than gifts of fortune, I guess. And yeah, I could get free weed. I'm 21. I'm not ugly. But I'd rather be self sufficient.

Looks fade, but I'll be able to grow long after those girls get dumped for someone younger + hotter. Who will support them then?

And this is what separates you from the snobby bitch-whores I went to high school with. Good luck with your future grows.
lol what about girls growing canna but nothing else? i like to garden, but find i do better with mj than anything else. i get small tomatoes, peppers, cukes, etc, if they live long enough to fruit haha. i've pretty much weeded out everything but the mj.


Well-Known Member
It's not the manual work. Head to Molbacks (local garden store) and it's about 2/3 woman to men. I think it's the risk factor. You're always going to find people who don't fit the common stereotype, my "sis" is an former Marine, rides a Ducati and loves to skydive. But as a general rule, I think men are "hardwired" to take more risk. Evolutionary wise it makes sense. 2/3 of the male get trampled playing "Running of the Mammoth", no worries, each male now has 3 mates instead of one and the population of the tribe soon recovers. 2/3 of the woman get killed, the tribe is in a world or hurt.


Well-Known Member
I would say risk over getting smoke because of your looks.
Sure a few plants.. you're a rebel. Grew it yourself - and can enjoy the fruits of your labour. You also get the "rush" from breaking the law... hey, some girls steal lipstick.. some grow pot. It's all good.
But a hundred plants?...and then move it.
No offence, most people that can distribute any kind of weight (that I know) won't even do a deal with a women around. Something about "they talk too much". I know that's not the case everywhere. I do know a couple girls who can and do drop some weight. But I think they had to work extra hard to convince a few people they were trustworthy as well as being damn good growers. There's physical dangers associated with larger scale that some ladies may not want to risk encountering that keeps them from doing it as well.
Guys are generally just bigger risk takers so do riskier things - generally.
In my humble opinion - to add to the conversation.


Active Member
No offence, most people that can distribute any kind of weight (that I know) won't even do a deal with a women around. Something about "they talk too much". I know that's not the case everywhere. I do know a couple girls who can and do drop some weight.
I would agree with this 180%. And like you say, not all chicks are like this. There is something about males and breaking the law that seems "unwritten" amongst us guys. It was never explained to me, but I always knew that running my mouth is just lame. AND WAAAAAY TOO MANY FEMALES DO THIS. This might offend the few females registered here, but it's true and I don't feel bad about saying it.
On the flipside of that, I've met some really cool females that wouldn't put you on blast even if you paid them. But those are the same chicks that would be most likely to fuck me in high school. Take from that what you will.


Active Member
Yeah I'll cop to that. I'm not like that at all, but I know a lot of girls who definitely run their mouths too much. Advice? If you grow and your girlfriend knows about it? Do NOT cheat on her. Seriously, I know am few guys in prison because their girl turned them in after they did something stupid.


Active Member
"Do NOT cheat on her."

Here here. I'd agree with that. I'll take it one step further and say those guys deserve it. If they cheat on their girlfriends/wives, then they are garbage. I'm all about honesty. Commitment is one thing, but if you aren't honest enough to tell your girl you want something else, then you're a fucking douchebag. Grow some fucking balls.

Edit: Some girls are mentally ill by clinical standards, so I do want to clarify that the recipients of their craziness are not "douchebags" and merely victims of circumstance. So no, those particular guys don't "deserve" a prison sentence. I had to make that point.


Active Member
"Do NOT cheat on her."

Here here. I'd agree with that. I'll take it one step further and say those guys deserve it. If they cheat on their girlfriends/wives, then they are garbage. I'm all about honesty. Commitment is one thing, but if you aren't honest enough to tell your girl you want something else, then you're a fucking douchebag. Grow some fucking balls.
Agreed. I understand wanting something different, but be fucking honest about it. If you aren't happy, leave. I was friends with a guy who wanted to cheat on his girlfriend with me, but I refused. He can say he loves me all he wants but I'm not interested unless he's single. Fuck being the 'other woman'.


Well-Known Member
I'm a girl, and aside from a few others I've come across, growing seems to be a hobby mainly dominated by males. Why do you think that is?

I know a lot of girls who SMOKE, but grow? Not so much.
Not that I don't love you guys but I'm genuinely curious.

I'd love to hear some opinions! +rep!
Mainly it's the labor and time involved into it, I believe... Along with major risk, why risk your freedom when it could be brought or even given to your free is what most women say, that do smoke. I have fellow growers both male and female, some connoisseur while others are commercial. With the women(that I accompany) it's mainly about getting the best smoke for cheap, not being ripped off, or given the runaround with brand names.

One of my friends got into growing for that simple reason, people kept shorting her or giving fake strain names and marking up the price(like 450 an oz). too bad she didnt know I grew at the time.

It pretty much comes down to situation and desire... Males are more prone to take those major risks to get what is desired, not
saying females don't. But when it comes to cultivation it just seems most female smokers don't want to deal with the hassle is all. And when things don't go her way, that's all she will see it as "A Big Hassle"

Now if her significant other were growing already then the situation thing is pretty much out the window, and the desire for bud is there, I'd think that female would be more inclined to cultivate as well.

on another note I never understood why women take pics of themselves blatantly(face and all) with their plants and post them, but to each their own right? I do take pics of my Ol' lady and my garden but they don't get posted, just doesnt seem smart:?


Well-Known Member
I'm a girl, and aside from a few others I've come across, growing seems to be a hobby mainly dominated by males. Why do you think that is?

I know a lot of girls who SMOKE, but grow? Not so much.
Not that I don't love you guys but I'm genuinely curious.

I'd love to hear some opinions! +rep!
its cause girls dont usually concern themselves with such things, guys like to get dirty and grow stuff and are more into it. girls tend to do more feminine things.like make us pull our hair out,lol,jk...


Well-Known Member
its cause girls dont usually concern themselves with such things, guys like to get dirty and grow stuff and are more into it. girls tend to do more feminine things.like make us pull our hair out,lol,jk...
There are alot of female gardeners though, just not too many bold enough or desire to grow MJ. I'm pretty sure, horticulture/gardening consist of women by a nice chunk.


Well-Known Member
I think its because growing is a very scientific process. If you analyse all the aspects you have biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics that come into play. These are all logical things. Males generally think more logically than females and these sort of things apeall to them. You could ask the same question about why more men are into cars than women?? For the same reason i believe. I also agree with the fact that males are more likely to take risks and also more likely to indulge in smoking cannabis (or taking drugs for that matter).
Men understand about the logic and science behind there plants/setups, and women generally dont see the point in investing time and forming a relationship with something they cant talk about their feelings too :)


Active Member
You should read some 19th century letters written by the supervisors overseeing the construction of the transcontinental railroad. You will find 1.) men and women and children all worked and 2.) "The chinese, negro, irish, slav, and others are without debate naturally stupid. They can be trained for menial labor but shall never surpass the white race from England." That sounds pretty ridiculous now, doesn't it?

Common beliefs where I live are that white folks are naturally not as smart as Chinese folks. Is it true? Of course not. It's a matter of how your parents reared you and how much ambition and discipline you have. These characteristics have nothing to do with sex or race.

Don't misunderstand me, men and women are different and should be treated as such. One is not inferior to the other, but we are not the same. You can argue that until you are blue in the face and I'll stand behind you, but if you are trying to insinuate that ALL men are ALL more logical than ALL women you are sorely mistaken and leaning over the borderline that separates wise ideas from foolish notions.


Moderatrix of Journals
No offence, most people that can distribute any kind of weight (that I know) won't even do a deal with a women around. Something about "they talk too much". I know that's not the case everywhere. I do know a couple girls who can and do drop some weight. But I think they had to work extra hard to convince a few people they were trustworthy as well as being damn good growers.
i'm actually GLAD you brought this up, cowell.
i live in bc, it's kind of special here: EVERYBODY grows. hell, i know DOGS that could answer a lot of the q's in the newbie section if they could articulate.
that said, woman growers are still a minority, even here. and the inherent black market sexism is alive and well.
even though i probably arguably have more male colleagues that respect my product and opinion NOW, i think i've been through way more hard knocks to get here than a guy my age would have. just GETTING the fucking meeting is a chore (for the reasons you mention), but not getting screwed over during it is a whole nother ballgame. back in my young, risk-taking, moving-and-shaking days, i've sent the exact same sample back to the same guy on the same day, but with a *dude*, and wouldn't you know it, he got my asking price, no quibbling. (an hour earlier the same guy tried to lowball me $200/per.)

on the one hand, yes: there's a certain apathy/indifference at play. whenever i go to help out a friend, i find myself wondering why their stay-at-home wife can't be taking care of this shit while the kids are at school. which, i think, goes hand in hand with the whole "man being the breadwinner" thing.

BUT there's also the fact that not a lot of women i know are willing to put up with the sort of frustration that comes with trying to break into a male-dominated world/industry. it sort of takes away from the sense of freedom and achievement gotten through growing the product in the first place. plus, most guys don't go into black market situations having to think about how not to get raped. i can protect myself, but that doesn't mean there haven't been a few close calls. not playing the rape card specifically, just trying to illustrate the difference: BIG fucking deal for girls, not even a *passing thought to most guys in the same situ.

it all comes down to wrenching the cannabis world back from the black market. the black market drug world is a male-dominated, unfriendly place for females. if that stigma can be shrugged off someday, there will be a lot more woman growers.

see y'all at the lotus cup!! *passing blunt*


Well-Known Member
I think some one kinda touched on it a bit but my opinion is also the risk involved.

Women seem to be a little more conscious about there decision making than men.

Kinda like when a guy say's "i need a woman to help keep me in check" thing.We are a bit more gung ho than women.


Im a girl and i just started growing and i think to myself why havent i done this before

Previously i didnt grow because i didnt really have the patience and i lived at home. but since i live in my own place and dont mind wating the x amount of months for the profit.

but if i looked at it from my crim justice degree view point, boys break the law more then girls so maybe that has to do with it. girls think that they will get caught if they grow.