Money Laundering

12% is the market average for growth in the stock market. my funds are mostly long term 40-50 year track records. If you hold your money in over that time frame you are going to get at least 10 in any decent mutual fund that is not run by idiots. If you need help picking a good mutual fund contact an investment company that uses morning star software to look through them all.... i have the software personally and that is how i choose my stuff.
The idea of sellin tv etc us to clean the money you can't just go slapping down $20,000 uhhhh give me 5000 shares of xyz. Umm whered you get the money to invest duh. Sure if your money is clean mutual funds would be a good long term investment or ETF would be better for returns and out preform mutual funds. Your gonna lose money that's the cost of doing business, cause eventually guys like you end up in jail for tax evasion.
and my point was that selling tangible products as laundering is stupid.... you can still track the numbers through observation and the irs could audit your buying and selling. what they cant make you prove is transactions for consulting. you can collect under 600 and not show anything for letting people consult with you. your records for how many people went through is not up for debate at that point. they cant prove or disprove you had that much business..... i can consult for 5 minutes and charge 500 and if i did that all day as long as i pay the taxes there is no record to audit duh.....
Im not tryna pay taxes to our bull shit gov for things i dont even want. Especially since top two tax brackets are 30-35% of ur mutherfuc**n yearly income. FUC* liberals and their fuc*** neediness. Sry just venting politics in our country upset me.
I hope you look good in an orange jump suit. You're not very smart and will be in one soon. Just starting/wording this thread the way you have shows that you are not cut out to be successful in the kind of business you are playing at.
Im Irish and we wont ever have a scarcity of water, lol, its rains like 80% of the year here and theres basically no pollution (compared to say larger countries) to dirty it up, so we'll always be grand.

You know the downfall of hydrogen fuelled stuff? It never gets enough research because its too efficient. Hydrogen fuel cells for example basically make free power if you have water and sunlight, problem with it? Big one off cost, but once its running the power it produces is free and a contained fuel cell generator? Its basically a solar powered high electricity output self contained system. Research it man, hydrogen is the past, present and will be the future.

But back to the original topic and completly would need a cash business that trades in a service. Something with low inventory and a high cash value. Valet service is one example, for a cost to you of just time and cleaning chemicals people will pay like $200 for a proper valet. How many of those per week do you think you could theoritically do? I think the trick is to actually run the business, just not pro-actively seek customers, but a few is a good thing. That way you can put the dirty money in with the clean money, no proof of where any of it actually came from and legitimise it by paying tax on it all as if it were all legimitate income. Hell that way the IRS auditor could even get you to valet their car if they want proof. And who knows, if you actually run the business well it could grow and you wouldn't even need to grow pot for cash anymore, just for stash if you get enjoyment from actually just growing it.

What the hell are you talking about? Valet cars? WTF??? When you valet a car you just park it!

Are you talking about auto DETAILING maybe? Where you clean, vacuum, polish etc.?
Different continent, in Europe if you valet a car it means you basically clean it to the point it looks brand new inside and out, its the idea of where the car parking thing came from in the States, the idea was that the person is supposed to take the car, park and clean it. But in America the whole idea was changed to the person just parking the car for you.
No I don't believe it will go up forever, nothing can go up forever. But I do still see a lot of upside potential in it.
If the Middle East continues to escalate, I do believe we could easily see another 250 to 700 dollar increase easily.
Along the same line commodities, corn, soybean, wheat, and cattle will also increase.

All things have a top.
Oil is one of them, we are reaching a top in oil, anything above 4.25 to 4.50 at the pumps and the government will step in. $150/barrrel
Interesting is the correlation between oil and corn ethanol.
Sadly though is the fact that corn ethanol is a carbon negative form of power.
This whole corn commodity is about ready to blow up.
We are at record low stocks.
And the oil is pushing for more use of corn.

but regular old oil is carbon negative as well, as is coal, nuclear and natural gas... the "magic bullet" energy-wise is probably also gonna be carbon negative, just LESS so or easy to synthesize or result from a breakthrough in improved storage devices (like really really efficient batteries or similar)...
I saw this on a movie once - What about going to las vegas or Reno turning your dirty money into chips play a few hands (lose or win who cares) then cash it out-Now you have paperwork and clean money etc to back up your claims- ?(Sounds easy but Im probly missing something-Like maybe the casinos getting pissed or some other negitive thing happening)
I saw this on a movie once - What about going to las vegas or Reno turning your dirty money into chips play a few hands (lose or win who cares) then cash it out-Now you have paperwork and clean money etc to back up your claims- ?(Sounds easy but Im probly missing something-Like maybe the casinos getting pissed or some other negitive thing happening)
Your forgetting the part where you explain how you got all that money to be gambling that much in the first place. High quality cctv cameras and strict record keeping tell me that's doomed to fail. I certainly wouldn't try it.

If it's small quantities you could try laundering it through a service based business like life coaching. Might want to chose something that gives your customers a reason to want to be discrete and pay in cash, like offering sexual dysfunction relief through hypnotic suggestion or something.
Gold appreciates better than any steady CD's or anything like that nowadays, so I would recommend investing a serious amount in a few precious metals. Think of it as your bank-free, tax-free savings account. When you're ready, you can liquidate the precious metals for much more than you got them for, and you have paperwork to explain it. Keep in mind this would only work on the long-term, and there is the negative that you would have to liquidate the gold to get the money back, which is easier said than done.

I don't know why so many people here are afraid of taxation. I find it interesting that the same people rallying for legalization are in here acting as if it is some crime for the government to take their cut of people's illegal activities. Hell, if it weren't for the government, there would be no prohibition, and this stuff we grow would be value-less. Show some gratitude!

On a more serious note, I am very interested in home investment, particularly fixing up foreclosures for rental, within the next two years. Can anyone recommend literature or something that would help me figure out how to spot out a workable foreclosure, and how to fix houses up? It's harder to find on Google than I would have imagined.
It's a great way of laundering money actually, so not really. Also thanks for that, I had never heard of an Internet search. Now thanks to you, I have this thing called "Google" added to my bookmarks. No more guess-and-check'ing URL's for THIS guy!
But seriously, any leads on info?...
free publications. i don't know what they're called around where you live but it's like a newspaper but with a bunch of classifieds. also, look for 'hip' places. don't go buying foreclosed pieces of garbage in the worst neighborhood in town.

a townhome that was foreclosed on and was going on firesale went for 125k. the guy changed 1 bathroom and did one of those facelifts in the kitchen, put in stainless steel appliances, 40k TOPS. 5 months later it's on sale for 460k, a good negotiator gets it for 425k including closing costs.... eitherway it was a hell of a deal... and at 425k the place is a steal. withn the same block there's places going for 600k+....

that's the type of deal you have to find, and only do 1-3 of them per year.

you're welcome.
Your forgetting the part where you explain how you got all that money to be gambling that much in the first place. High quality cctv cameras and strict record keeping tell me that's doomed to fail. I certainly wouldn't try it.

If it's small quantities you could try laundering it through a service based business like life coaching. Might want to chose something that gives your customers a reason to want to be discrete and pay in cash, like offering sexual dysfunction relief through hypnotic suggestion or something.

Buy chips at the table. There will be no record besides camera. Don't use a players card or anything like that. Go with a couple grand, play a hundred (just for fun) and cash out. They won't say a word.

However, this won't launder your money, because there is no record (mentioned above). I guess if you did like 10k or more the casino might make you fill out a form. Do some research on how professional poker players do their taxes and you might be on to something, who knows.
free publications. i don't know what they're called around where you live but it's like a newspaper but with a bunch of classifieds. also, look for 'hip' places. don't go buying foreclosed pieces of garbage in the worst neighborhood in town.

a townhome that was foreclosed on and was going on firesale went for 125k. the guy changed 1 bathroom and did one of those facelifts in the kitchen, put in stainless steel appliances, 40k TOPS. 5 months later it's on sale for 460k, a good negotiator gets it for 425k including closing costs.... eitherway it was a hell of a deal... and at 425k the place is a steal. withn the same block there's places going for 600k+....

that's the type of deal you have to find, and only do 1-3 of them per year.

you're welcome.

Thank you, but more of what I was looking for was info on how to do the physical improvements. I have experience with certain house improvement, I can do HVAC and insulation shit, a tad bit of experience sealing basements, but that's it. Is there literature I could learn that shit from instead of years of trial and error?
I would say go to your local home improvement store and ask if they or they know of anyone who puts on home improvement seminars. I know the big orange one where i live will go over everything from putting up a backyard fence to installing toilets and sinks and everything inbetween during one summer.
Download tor. Go to and download a bitcoin wallet. Search for the hidden wiki. Go to silk road. Find some one who wants to swap bitcoins for cash. Swap cash for bitcoins. Convert bitcoins back into cash by selling bit coins using Enjoy spending your laundered clean money. No cut from money launderer. no govt suspicion and no need to buy antiques paintings etc.

You can probably find straight legit swaps for cash for bitcoin using mtgox.
Yes, or three or four trustworth buyers who dont know about eachother :-P. Im beyond retail homie lbs n up i would never deal retail if u wanna b makin ne kinda real money in retail u got a huge chance of getting caught so many diff ways and variables. Wholesale is much better. Get rid of it all at one time and only make transactions a couple times a month. And if ur producin the super dank then everyone wants it :-P:-P:-P

hell ya thats where its at. i just recently started like a month ago selling half a zip. Now im picking up quties and im trying to get lbs but im not sure what price i should be getting it for. Im down in Texas and i know people that get their stuff shipped here from cali through ups. Is that safe or legit? and how much do sell your lbs for?
Hello. I grow of course and within the next year or two i will be starting to make some more money. Too much so that the 5 or 10k the bank lets you deposit each month is holdin me back a little. I would appreciate it if anyone who has or has had exp w this topic and knows the workings of laundering to plez enlightin me and the roi community. THX.

This is an article I found that is quite interesting but not as in depth as I would like.


Hey i want to start buying lbs at a time but slowly start off. maybe wit 1lb and go up from their. what would be a decent price? im in texas and their going for 3200 to 3400 over here.