RollitUp *FIRST* 2'x2.5'x5' 400wHPS SCRoG

Looking good Bro, How did your first run turn out?
my first grow was certainly no bueno man. i had everything kicked up right for sure. (besides the tying down part :P anywho, ya so i had purchased a 150hps for a much smaller micro grow. the 150 barely fit in the thing and i was keepin temps down...

flowerin her out week five....

long story short my wife wants to take a trip to see my family. wuddya think i told her?? my plant will die... obviously... anyhow if i didn't go it was because of my plant and she had already told my mom we couldn't go because of it... uggh my god, so i went.

and guess what happened? Suzy (RIP) root ball dried out. i came back and was happy to see Suz but no. no no no. the help i was getting for the water addback was not there and she went bone dry for two days straight.:shock::cuss::shock:
sad story i know. she still yield a mouth full of ass at a total of 30 grams harvested full of nutrients about 4 weeks early.

on a happier note my wife felt bad and allowed me the entire closet to play with...

and for some reason after seeing a huge ass fan and hood and light, she still thinks i'm using my little 150. lol.... gotta love amazon.... hahahaha:leaf:


Active Member
to be honest with you, i built a frame out of 1x2's attached it to a 1/2 plywood board and panda filmed it.

if you would like i could show you a picture from further out.

but to answer you question more fully. the tent i have put together along with the 240cfm inline + two 70cfm axial fans, everything works well besides the "door"

i have a piece of cardboard covering the corner (door) with staples through the panda to the cardboard....

with that said the overall 340cfm that gets sucked out of there is plenty enough to keep my temperature inside nearly the same as ambient, 74 degrees about 7 inches from the lamp.

the tent i've put together though mind you does "suck itself in" if i'm not careful.. haha. thus i'm panda filming the closet doors as of now to open the entire "panda room" haha. i love this stuff. haah

if you have purchased an actual tent, i would hope that it wouldn't do what mine does, and i would think you'd be golden. i have a 6inch aircooled hood attached directly to the inline fan though...

happy tokin :eyesmoke:
Thanks for the reply, +rep...

I havent bought anything as of yet, was just working out what I need, the only thing I was really unsure about was what fan power I would need...

Im not that handy with DIY, so thats why I was going to opt for a tent, as I could probably get my stoner mind round that...

But this has made my mind up for me and ill be going with a 5 inch 365cfm fan and exhausting into my attic so it doesnt heat up the room...

Ill let you know when Ive bought and how it goes, ill still be following ^^
Thanks for the reply, +rep...

I havent bought anything as of yet, was just working out what I need, the only thing I was really unsure about was what fan power I would need...

Im not that handy with DIY, so thats why I was going to opt for a tent, as I could probably get my stoner mind round that...

But this has made my mind up for me and ill be going with a 5 inch 365cfm fan and exhausting into my attic so it doesnt heat up the room...

Ill let you know when Ive bought and how it goes, ill still be following ^^
ya know kind sir. i was lookin at my stuff today as i do most mornings wondering what i could do to better it... and all that. anyhow though..

if you are putting a 400watt 300++ CFM fan to cool it, dude, you could probably run a 600 off that or a 1000watter especially if you're exhausting into the attic (i'm considering though renting the place. could be worth it)

what i got to thinkin this morning that i never told any of ya'll is that i actually cool off my ballast with the air being sucked in and blown out by the hood fan....

100_1122.jpg so this is what i'm working with. we see the ballast literally hanging to be cooled off....

anyhow though, this is what i'm talking about. i have that much space. i need to panda the entire thing, finish out marta and vegga out lucy and lulu.
i'm calling the mystery bean lulu, ricci just didn't work. sorry :D

anyhow though so yeah. the plan is, is to give lucy as much light as possible with the 400+150 combo as well as lighting lulu. and to build a carbon filter within the grow space off the hood fan...

Schtev, and back to what we were talking about. you can see where and how much the panda film is being sucked in.
if i could float another couple dollars on a tent i'd get one. but its either a tent for $$$$$ or panda film for $$. i went with panda film... the tent would be ideal. honestly though i think that cooling with the fan you're talking about, would put you literally a few inches away from your canopy.:o

:arrow:**interested to see how it goes for you**
ya know kind sir. i was lookin at my stuff today as i do most mornings wondering what i could do to better it... and all that. anyhow though..

if you are putting a 400watt 300++ CFM fan to cool it, dude, you could probably run a 600 off that or a 1000watter especially if you're exhausting into the attic (i'm considering though renting the place. could be worth it)

what i got to thinkin this morning that i never told any of ya'll is that i actually cool off my ballast with the air being sucked in and blown out by the hood fan....

View attachment 1692805 so this is what i'm working with. we see the ballast literally hanging to be cooled off....

anyhow though, this is what i'm talking about. i have that much space. i need to panda the entire thing, finish out marta and vegga out lucy and lulu.
i'm calling the mystery bean lulu, ricci just didn't work. sorry :D

anyhow though so yeah. the plan is, is to give lucy as much light as possible with the 400+150 combo as well as lighting lulu. and to build a carbon filter within the grow space off the hood fan...

Schtev, and back to what we were talking about. you can see where and how much the panda film is being sucked in.
if i could float another couple dollars on a tent i'd get one. but its either a tent for $$$$$ or panda film for $$. i went with panda film... the tent would be ideal. honestly though i think that cooling with the fan you're talking about, would put you literally a few inches away from your canopy.:o

:arrow:**interested to see how it goes for you**
i figure i pay more for a tent or i pay more for better lighting and nutrients. i chose nutrients and lighting :D
just a thought this morning

why is it every single time i buy cannabis from the dispensary and i look at it under magnification, i generally see "early harvest" herb.

few and far inbetween are the trich's actually amber some cloudy and a lot clear...
another reason i grow my own.


Active Member
Nice DIY sir... Loving the mid air ballast next to the vent... Did you plan that or was it meant to be?

Also im having trouble finding panda film in the UK... Great to use google if I wanna find Kung Fu Panda...

You said to maybe try a 600...

I wouldnt really wanna spend money on a 600w set up to find out that it gets too hot...

Ignoring the fact it costs a bomb, would the 600w dimmable digi lumatek ballast be worth it? That way I could try out a 600w bulb, then swap it out if it was too hot, then maybe try it again when winter comes around and ambient temps are a bit colder.. Also, I wonder if you would know... would the 600w ballast dimmed running a 400w bulb still draw 600w from the socket?
this is lucy and lulu together.

i transplanted lucy early because i'm cheap on soil and i'm using the soil from the dispenary off of marta.....

sooo i now have lucy in the bubble bucket and lulu in the cup.

hopefully by morning i'll see a lulu sprout. shortly after we'll see a lulu plant :D:blsmoke:



Active Member
I don't know if I could name my plants. Would probably make me feel worse about hacking them up ;)
Congrats on getting use of the entire closet! Can't wait to see how that turns out for you!
Nice DIY sir... Loving the mid air ballast next to the vent... Did you plan that or was it meant to be?

Also im having trouble finding panda film in the UK... Great to use google if I wanna find Kung Fu Panda...

You said to maybe try a 600...

I wouldnt really wanna spend money on a 600w set up to find out that it gets too hot...

Ignoring the fact it costs a bomb, would the 600w dimmable digi lumatek ballast be worth it? That way I could try out a 600w bulb, then swap it out if it was too hot, then maybe try it again when winter comes around and ambient temps are a bit colder.. Also, I wonder if you would know... would the 600w ballast dimmed running a 400w bulb still draw 600w from the socket?
LoL about the kung fu panda. haha. been there done that. haha

if i were to ignore the cost, for me personally i would have loved to of been able to get the 600 dimmable. and for exactly the same reasons you are considering it. mostly for the summer heat, to the winter fun. if i ever get my caretakers card i'll for sure go that way.

i do know that the 600w HPS is the most efficient lamp. efficient as far as watts per dollar. its far more economical to have 2 600's rather than 1 1000.

to be honest with you though i'm not sure about dimming it to 400 and still drawing 600. i would imagine that it would only burn 400w rather than 600 when dimmed to 400...

i would imagine. :joint::joint::roll::roll:
I don't know if I could name my plants. Would probably make me feel worse about hacking them up ;)
Congrats on getting use of the entire closet! Can't wait to see how that turns out for you!
haha, naming the plants. i mostly name them so i can talk to people that know about marta, lucy and lulu without others knowing about it.

actually only 3 people really know about it.

haha, and even though suzy turned out to be crap, i did feel bad for harvesting her.

i'm super stoked for the entire closet grow. like super duper stoked man. way way stoked. haha. i never thought i would ever be able to legally have my own grow like this. :shock:

growing herb is almost better than smoking it. so exciting :blsmoke: :joint: :weed:
just a quick update this evening.

got two of these i'm really catering the light to
and a few randoms
100_1128.jpg nevermind the temperature right there. it stays cooler when shut...

Lucy is lovin the bubbles.


lulu has sprouted. apparently she wanted to be lower in the dirt because she made her way out this morning. seed and all. no cotedylons yet, just a sprout.
i burried her a little deeper.

damn TDS sticks' batteries died when i was tryin to feed marta
70 mL canna coco A+B + 15 mL big bud
thats the norm for nutrients. marta really sucks them down for sure
PPM at feeding sits around 1500, two days later the res is more than half gone (water) and the PPM is down to right around 600ish so i know she is chowin down

not that it matters but i'm prior service and a stay at home dad. this is what i do. all day. every day.
and i like that.:eyesmoke:

have a good one!


Well-Known Member
Growing herb is better. Anything you can make from ground up (pun intended) is always better in the end. Just like beer and liquor. You can make it your way to your liking. :)
Growing herb is better. Anything you can make from ground up (pun intended) is always better in the end. Just like beer and liquor. You can make it your way to your liking. :)
couldn't agree more. i think i've grown a far greater appreciation and respect for the marijuna plant now that i've been growing. :mrgreen:

beer and liquor.... :/

scary thought. beer and liquor. both get me in trouble. haha.

come to think of it i dont think i've had anything bad come from marijuana.

gettin kicked out of the service for it is kind of bad. but really kind of good at the same time....lolololol FTN:finger: :mrgreen:

Lets give a nice warm welcome to LULU!!!!

i have been watching her all morning long.

lucy received her first dose of nutes. very very small amount 2mL per 5 liters of rhizotonic.

ordered 500 mL of voodoo juice for LuLu and Lucy.

the plan is, is to create a "U" type of SCRoG to maximize my space.

voodoo, U scrog and the works should = a very happy christmas.:blsmoke::mrgreen::eyesmoke:bongsmilie