Yeah, well it doesn't sound like he injured anybody here so they shouldn't be treating him as such. He wasn't over .09 so he wasn't that drunk either. This is bullshit. What you're talking about is apples to oranges with what happened here. People who get smashed and drive are another story. But it only takes about 3 beers for an averaged sized man to blow .9 Ever driven 3 and drive? I know I have. If you say you haven't I'll most likely call you a liar.
i got a dui when i was 18. blew a .14, and knew i shouldn't be driving.
an average size dude will get to .08 if they chug 4 beers in a row, no waiting, no time to metabolize. i am no light weight, i drink about 12 beers a day. but if i were to chug 4 in a row and drive, i would be slightly impaired. i'd probably get there ok, but who knows if i forget to check for a pedestrian before making a turn or something. i don't want that on me.
i am with you on the hugely penal dui laws being too severe, blame it on the lawyers. the same ones that will defend you in a dui are the same ones lobbying the state to make the fines stiffer.