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†LHMFAO† I can just see this epic journey of a rat that was higher then fuck.I wouldn't worry about it. If the dose was deadly he would be dead by now. Just let him sleep it off.
I remember when my rat stole my weed. I didn't see that thing for about 4 days.
Sometimes some of my bud would disappear and I couldn't figure out why. I knew I didn't smoke it, and nobody else touched it. I wrecked my brain for days trying to figure out wtf was going on. It really fucked with my head. Then one day I walked into my room and saw him running off with a bud.LHMFAO I can just see this epic journey of a rat that was higher then fuck.
Fuck yea! LHFAOAnd so are our dogs!lol!
Thats a good vet...he'd get along great with my dog. I baked a batch of weed cookies, got too high and left a half a batch on the counter. That mother fucker ate them all and next morning i had to shake him awake, he wouldnt stand so i picked him up, he stood for a second then fell over. We took him to the vet and they pumped his stomach. He had appearently had a night of fun, ate, half a batch of cookies, a sock and that styrofoam from the grocery that meat comes on(thats what he gets for diving in the trash). He made it out okcost 150 bucks
The vet was chill, i told her he ate my stash and thats where the sock came from. haha. Good luck manView attachment 1688064
The vet was probably a stoner too!lol!Thats a good vet...