Bitter Tasting Blotter Tabs...


Well-Known Member
so I have always wondered if there is a common chemical or substance that is sold as LSD that ALWAYS tastes REALLY REALLY bitter!

i got a few tabs like this at a music festival this summer.

anyone know what the substance could be??
Good question. When I first began my search for the elusive gal, my brother warned me to spit out any bitter tasting blotters right away. He just said they could have research chemicals on them. Most recently, he had mentioned DOI. Google's most popular response seems to be DOI, so that's probably where he heard that. He's only taken liquid the times he tripped. Lucky bastard!
I have heard anything from the ink, to DOx, to blood thinner to make the acid absorb quicker.

DOx can last many hours, but its a good trip.
I have heard anything from the ink, to DOx, to blood thinner to make the acid absorb quicker.

DOx can last many hours, but its a good trip.

That pretty much sums it up. I've heard there's some stuff they use sometimes to make the shelf life longer as well. If the tabs you are talking about in the OP are the ganeshas, then no worries...... I personally had them tested because I am also iffy about bitter blotters, and they came back sweet lucy.

Back in the day the saying was if it's bitter, it's a spitter. Now, you just need reliable dealers, research, and if possible, get them tested. Besides, from my experience, some DOx chemicals are fun =)
You can use predictive tests, or more expensive lab test. A predictive test like Ehrlich's would test for LSD, and Marquis would suffice to check for amphetamines like DOx and even 5-MeO-AMT in such cases.

Probably drip a .5-1 ml of water on a white plastic or plate. Set your single blotter carefully in the water. Since the DOx and 5-MeO-AMT is a higher dosage its probably more likely to test 'brighter' I would test for those first, but we don't know the dosage of your blotter so Ehrlich's is best on a tight budget if buying premades.

Ehrlich's is made by 1% para-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde in 10% HCl(aq). Since its liquid we can assume volume, plus 10% HCl is only 0.048 g/ml heavier; so 100ml of 10%HCl we add .8g p-DMAB.

Add this to a blotter suspended in .5-1ml of water.
so I have always wondered if there is a common chemical or substance that is sold as LSD that ALWAYS tastes REALLY REALLY bitter!

i got a few tabs like this at a music festival this summer.

anyone know what the substance could be??
80% likely it's a DOx such as DOB (hopefully not), DOI (very good), DOC (very visual, not as good of a bodyload of DOI, but still amazing) (DOM, illegal so not likely)
here in so cal there are these blotters going around and we call them the waffle board... super thick paper like puzzle pieces and each square is about the size of a window pane[4 hits] of normal L. it has a bitter taste that lingers...

ALOT of mixed reviews.... a few people LOVE these and have insane visuals and super body load. Most people get sick and vomit with stomach aches for the first 2-3 hours then it settles.... and one case of a guy saying its the best trip he has ever had and he has been trippin for 15 years,.

idono i wont touch the stuff IMO. im not a chem head personally i liek to stick to L so i dont eat anything like these..

an y1 else have these floating around?
You can use predictive tests, or more expensive lab test. A predictive test like Ehrlich's would test for LSD, and Marquis would suffice to check for amphetamines like DOx and even 5-MeO-AMT in such cases.

Probably drip a .5-1 ml of water on a white plastic or plate. Set your single blotter carefully in the water. Since the DOx and 5-MeO-AMT is a higher dosage its probably more likely to test 'brighter' I would test for those first, but we don't know the dosage of your blotter so Ehrlich's is best on a tight budget if buying premades.

Ehrlich's is made by 1% para-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde in 10% HCl(aq). Since its liquid we can assume volume, plus 10% HCl is only 0.048 g/ml heavier; so 100ml of 10%HCl we add .8g p-DMAB.

Add this to a blotter suspended in .5-1ml of water.

Thanks for the info... What about Ug's? Labs only im assuming... I know used to test pills for a donation. Is their a site that does this with dose? Would be nice on some future occasion..
A bit off topic, but harmaline extract glows in the black light and they even make black light ink out of it.
It is too high of a dose to fit on a blotter, but it is always funny when I smoke with dmt, and their are black lights around.
It turns whatever I touch with it to glow with the black light. And the worst/best is getting some in your mouth while smoking it. All your saliva glows in the black light and if you lick yourself anywhere that starts to glow too. Lol.
so I have always wondered if there is a common chemical or substance that is sold as LSD that ALWAYS tastes REALLY REALLY bitter!

i got a few tabs like this at a music festival this summer.

anyone know what the substance could be??

the hits up here(ohio) lately have had a mettalic taste to them,they felt more like mescalin then LSD tho and were almost too strong,was not ready for how intense they were,i hugged the door way in my bathroom cuz i was afraid i was gunna fall in the toilot if i let go then i blackedout for a second n iwas in the kitchen with my hands in the air like a swan or sumthing n had know idea what i was doing,it was fun but scary too i would also like to know what they were,
Thanks for the info... What about Ug's? Labs only im assuming... I know used to test pills for a donation. Is their a site that does this with dose? Would be nice on some future occasion..

i got my mdma tester from there,i had to make a $25 donation n they sent me a " complimentary gift" it was a spice rack with spices n inside the oregano was a lil bottle of sulfuric acid and a color chart(mdma-black/purple speed-red dxm-green etc.)cant remember if it had LCD tho
the hits up here(ohio) lately have had a mettalic taste to them,they felt more like mescalin then LSD tho and were almost too strong,was not ready for how intense they were,i hugged the door way in my bathroom cuz i was afraid i was gunna fall in the toilot if i let go then i blackedout for a second n iwas in the kitchen with my hands in the air like a swan or sumthing n had know idea what i was doing,it was fun but scary too i would also like to know what they were,
That is 100% FACT that it was a DOx in your case. You mentioned everything perfectly for DOx also.(felt more like mescaline) (but in some sense feels like LSD also.
Except that they have a metallic taste to them. Albert Hoffman has said pure LSD has a slight metallic taste to it.
The doc blotters I have are definitely bitter and not metallic. Maybe it's a completely different chemical, real LSD, or the paper/ink creating the taste.
i was told a while back that when blacklight testing LSD it should glow blue, sure enough i did the test myself and it proved itself correct. however i did hear there could be other chemicals that glow blue but the chances of you getting them on blotter and it being sold as lsd was just not very common