Seedlings In Bad Shape.


Active Member
Well I moved them back under my 600w air cooled tube hps. its sitting at a comfy 20" away with absolutley no heat on the back of my hand in the middle between the light and the plants. I also switched the 6 hour dark period to between 12pm and 6pm (hottest part of the day) so it wont get over temp in the room (since my ac didnt keep up last time.) Hopefully its not TOO strong for them but they were getting to big for my 1 4ft floro strip! Its picture day so i'll get some pics up later in the morning.


Active Member
I noticed on a few of my plants I got some white spots that I cannot identify. I've also noticed some damn fungus gnats. just a few, floatin around on the dirt or on the ground. cant really fly. Do you think these are related?


Well-Known Member
Probably, fungus knats are real bad for plants, they eat the bottom leaves, you may notice spots on the leaves but normally brown or black ones. They dont like tinfoil so spread some around and hang it from the plant leaves in strips. Also cover the pots and no standing water. Buy some preadator bugs to eliminate these and other pests. Knats and thrips can kill a plant in a short space of time.

When thrips feed they normally do it in a line but knats feed randomly i.e. with thrips the damage forms a small path of destruction along the leaf and with knats it is random and very interspaced. I am good with dealing with thrips and knats as i get them every year, normally after a hot and humid day. Post pics of the spotting. Peace


Active Member
I'm sure they are related. Some have white dots, others dont, and some are worse than others. It must be gnats! They are in their dark period for 5 more hours so ill get some pics up when lights come back on :)


Active Member
Here are some select pictures.

A few white dots on plant number 2. I think they are gnats but other than that everything looks healthy



Tell me what you think!!


Well-Known Member
They look ok, stretched and overwatered to begin with but looks like it is over, no purple on the stem or stalks that i can see, have they already had a dose of ferts?

The grow room looks rubbish, cant you smarten and streamline that up a bit, cardboard boxes and 600w lights dont go too well together.

Tin foil is a good deterent to flies, they get disorientated and go live some where else and covering the pots will prevent them getting access to the soil.


Active Member
Cant really. I was gonna paint it all flat white. I started on one side before i started growing but never finished. Maybe ill get some foylon (upgraded mylar) and spread that around. I actually put alot of time into making that grow room.

You see I live in a trailer :( for now and only have the cab space to work with. Took out the seats and made a damn room. I actually did some good work with what I had available. Even stuff newspaper behind the cardboard walls before i sealed it up, for insulation to keep the hot out and the cool in. Once everything is or foylon'ed it will look much better in there.

As for ferts. They had one 1/4 dose 6 days ago and a ph'ed water 3 days ago. I'm not suer if i should use any more nutes for a while as FFoF is already hot?

within 2 months i'm moving. Gonna upgrade to a 2bdrm and it comes with a 10'x25' shed! SO! I got upcoming plans :)

Also i'm buying this 600w mh conversion bulb for my hps ballast. 6000k blue spectrum.


Well-Known Member
Wait for them to show they need ferts, look nice and green for now. White is the coolest colour to use heat wise.


Active Member
Then I will just continue as planned with a painting. I can just stick them all outside for a while and get a can of flat white paint then. Should only take a few hours to dry.


Well-Known Member
If these were my plants i would top now and flower in two weeks, thats what i do anyway.

So what is the plan now, they look reasonably ok, when was the last fert?


Active Member
its been 8 days since the last nute water. My plan was to flower in 3 weeks. I want them around 1-2 feet tall if i can do it. At the rate they are growing I think 3 weeks will be time. I wasnt sure about topping. Wouldnt I have to veg longer?


Active Member
Then I will just continue as planned with a painting. I can just stick them all outside for a while and get a can of flat white paint then. Should only take a few hours to dry.
IF you have a Lowes get the Olympic Premium Flat Ultra White. Base 1 I think. It's like 30% titanium dioxide. Bright as shit and cool to the touch.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can put it under the MH lights full time once you have just one set of the real leaves! Before that say on day 5 or so I'll give it couple hours each day but don't give it to much!


Active Member
:weed:you know if you go to your local john deere dealer they just came out with these new grow tech cfl lights they pump out just over 1600 lumens and work awesome on the babies! also the price is right, i had 6 seedlings under 1 light and that was sufficent all the way until i moved mine outside,, good luck clarionnocro happy smokin!


Active Member
Well its picture day! I'm not to thrilled with them today, IDK what happend over the course of last night but before I went to bed, the seemed like they were starting to claw again! Now originally they were clawing and it was simply an overwater issue. Hopefully its that same issue again and i'll just back off.
All in all, I wake up today and they just look sad :(! Starting to get worried. Its ALL of my plants so It has to be something im doing or done to all of them. Getting some pics up next.