The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

Its not that he is Pro-Pot.
Its that he is Pro-freedom and Anti-force and violence.
He believes that if YOU do not have the right to kill, maim, steal or plunder
and if We The People formed the Government then that Government can not do what we ourselves can not do.
Governments are not gods.
and you have the right to refuse service into your grocery store based on the color of ones skin ( or the lack of color)
and you have the right to refuse service into your grocery store based on the color of ones skin ( or the lack of color)

Well then lets ban promiscuous fuckers too because the resulting unwanted children are a bad thing for society. No more un-approved fucking. OR dancing/drinking because it LEADS to fucking. Oh yeah, no bikinis, nice cars or rich people too. They lead to fucking and therefore unwanted/unsustainable children too.

Slippery fucking slope and i don't trust the government to navigate it for me.
"We are taking away your right to choose because you could do (insert whatever here)" is about the same as "Lets invade Iran, they could be a threat to us in the future". The thing that always seemed stupid as hell to me is the arguments that both sides put up as they try to get something legalized or banned.

"Guns are horrible, people die, we need to control guns, they should be illegal" "We need to legalize abortion, marijuana, and gay marriage because it is your right to do what you want." then the other side does the opposite and says "Drugs should be illegal, you could hurt yourself." "Abortion and gay marriage are wrong and should be illegal" "Guns should be legal because it is your right to choose to do what you want"

Maybe Dems and Reps don't even hear themselves justifying something they want and then ignoring that same justification 30 seconds later when something they don't want is brought up.

How can you justify giving someone a right or an entitlement when you are taking from someone else to give it to them? How could your right to my property be more important than mine? It is my property, the result of the sweat of my brow, how can you have any right to it? Oh, because its convenient to you and you support it? Just because you consider yourselves Robin Hood, doesn't make it so. You are still thieves.

The real democratic American idea is, not that every man shall be on a level with every other man, but that every man shall have liberty to be what God made him, without hindrance.
I was reading a UK political board, and they were discussing insurance, retirement, and the like. It was interesting to know where we are headed if we continue down the path we are on. Shit, look at their debt compared to ours. Ours is bad, but they are gone and will never be able to pay it back.
"We are taking away your right to choose because you could do (insert whatever here)" is about the same as "Lets invade Iran, they could be a threat to us in the future". The thing that always seemed stupid as hell to me is the arguments that both sides put up as they try to get something legalized or banned.

"Guns are horrible, people die, we need to control guns, they should be illegal" "We need to legalize abortion, marijuana, and gay marriage because it is your right to do what you want." then the other side does the opposite and says "Drugs should be illegal, you could hurt yourself." "Abortion and gay marriage are wrong and should be illegal" "Guns should be legal because it is your right to choose to do what you want"

Maybe Dems and Reps don't even hear themselves justifying something they want and then ignoring that same justification 30 seconds later when something they don't want is brought up.

How can you justify giving someone a right or an entitlement when you are taking from someone else to give it to them? How could your right to my property be more important than mine? It is my property, the result of the sweat of my brow, how can you have any right to it? Oh, because its convenient to you and you support it? Just because you consider yourselves Robin Hood, doesn't make it so. You are still thieves.

The real democratic American idea is, not that every man shall be on a level with every other man, but that every man shall have liberty to be what God made him, without hindrance.

Very well said.
i would support him because of his constitutional stance on well everything.. people have the right to discriminate in private business, its their business they should do as they like with it. it may not be successful and you must not want to make money but it goes on like that now already with jewish and arab business.. jews buy from jews, arabs buy from arabs. its what cause destabilization in germany, all the economy's money going into one corner.. here in america we have a few markets doing that so we cant blame it on anything unless it becomes a color thing. we should make it harder for foreigners to become business owners, and we should tax more responsibly. just because your mother carried you here and popped you out doesnt mean you should have citizenship.. the world is very over populated, and china had it right by limiting how many kids you can have. that should happen here.. there is no reason for a mormon family to have 12 kids. its unnecessary and it puts a strain on the whole country when you have 300 families with those morals. or the 3 generations of welfare under 1 roof. there shouldnt be these social systems in place, my tax dollars should not be paying for someones crackpipe. and unfortunately thats what democrats want, to passify the poor, give them more money to do nothing and pay them more for each kid they have. these kids should not be raised by these unfit parents. military school and the army after that. populate the understaffed military with these unwanted kids. poeple might not have as many if they get taken away at an early age. and thats constitutional because until your 18 you have no rights anyway.
this country is in the predicament it is in because of the stupid occult dabbling politicians in the 40's and 50's the assasination of jfk, and the baby boomers. the baby boomer have put such strain on this country just by existing, and now they want to draw retirement and social security? the reason why things were good in the 90s were because we had the boomers all employed putting in to the economy and a president more into chasing skirt than oil. fuck the bush family, fuck the reagans, fuck it all
jews buy from jews, arabs buy from arabs.

jew here. i buy from mexicans and americans and arabs all the time. pretty much whoever has the best deal, i'll buy from them if they are 'open to the public'. i do not think anyone who has a business that is 'open to the public' has the right to say i can't enter their business to buy their goods simply because i self identify as a jew.

we should make it harder for foreigners to become business owners...

why? so some canadian immigrate here, we should put up a while bunch of barriers in their way? please elaborate. this makes no sense.

just because your mother carried you here and popped you out doesnt mean you should have citizenship..

that is not a constitutional stance, like you originally endorsed. that is a direct violation of the 14th amendment.

people like you only seem to want to follow the constitution and principles of this country, such as equality, when you want to. fuck that.

the world is very over populated, and china had it right by limiting how many kids you can have. that should happen here..

well, that would also be a direct assault on the very principles of freedom and liberty upon which this country was founded.

...there shouldnt be these social systems in place, my tax dollars should not be paying for someones crackpipe. and unfortunately thats what democrats want, to passify the poor...

my grandma's food is not a crackpipe.

...these kids should not be raised by these unfit parents. military school and the army after that. populate the understaffed military with these unwanted kids. poeple might not have as many if they get taken away at an early age. and thats constitutional because until your 18 you have no rights anyway.

so, you want what? like, government workers to determine your fitness as a parent and enlist your child into the military against your will at their discretion?

and the rights of the parents don't matter?


you have some views that are OUT THERE.

the baby boomer have put such strain on this country just by existing, and now they want to draw retirement and social security?

yeah, imagine that. they paid in their entire lives and now want to get back what they put in. fucking assholes!

this could have all been avoided if we had just simply told the greatest generation to wrap it up after they got back from fighting the nazis and the japs.

now if you'll excuse me, i am going to grill some fucking hamburgers and top it off with bacon, cheese, lettuce and onions from my garden, and eggs from my chickens.
let me make sure i have this right, malignant:

return to the days of segregation/discrimination, make it harder for legal immigrants to own a business, abolish the 14th amendment, limit all families to just one child, abolish all social programs, put the government in charge of determining the worthiness of parents with compulsory military service for the children of bad parents, and prohibit the baby boomers from taking the SS they paid into their whole lives.

did i get that right?

why is it that ron paul worshipers are such a bunch of extremists?


let me make sure i have this right, malignant:

return to the days of segregation/discrimination, make it harder for legal immigrants to own a business, abolish the 14th amendment, limit all families to just one child, abolish all social programs, put the government in charge of determining the worthiness of parents with compulsory military service for the children of bad parents, and prohibit the baby boomers from taking the SS they paid into their whole lives.

did i get that right?

why is it that ron paul worshipers are such a bunch of extremists?



Turtle fucker ;)
let me make sure i have this right, malignant:

return to the days of segregation/discrimination, make it harder for legal immigrants to own a business, abolish the 14th amendment, limit all families to just one child, abolish all social programs, put the government in charge of determining the worthiness of parents with compulsory military service for the children of bad parents, and prohibit the baby boomers from taking the SS they paid into their whole lives.

did i get that right?

why is it that ron paul worshipers are such a bunch of extremists?



I don't understand how malignant can be a ron paul supporter. He/she (not sure) sounds more like someone who is for a dictatorship in America. For gods sakes, they (I'm resorting to this) gave a communist country kudos on its laws that violate human rights.

UB, for someone who is so against discrimination, stop lumping a whole group together as one voice.
I don't understand how malignant can be a ron paul supporter. He/she (not sure) sounds more like someone who is for a dictatorship in America. For gods sakes, they (I'm resorting to this) gave a communist country kudos on its laws that violate human rights.

UB, for someone who is so against discrimination, stop lumping a whole group together as one voice.

sorry about that.

malignant has been insulting me on a very personal level and i wanted to dissect her words and ideas for all they were worth.

let's wait for that little hussy o respond. i can't wait! :fire:
sorry about that.

malignant has been insulting me on a very personal level and i wanted to dissect her words and ideas for all they were worth.

let's wait for that little hussy o respond. i can't wait! :fire:

Fair enough. Glad to know it's a female, now I don't have to be so confused :/
wow you guys are sexist too.. no i simply am pointing out that the fluctuations of population may have a hand in this all, as well as the demise of the us. i feel like something is going to happen, and very soon. everyone needs to be prepared and ready for anything. and simply pointing out that the governments we quickly demonize though have their problems, not necessarily the same due to preventative measures. i look forward to the day when everything collapses, and we're left to fend for ourselves, and i believe that day will be here much sooner than we think.