Summer '11 Growathon

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Looks good i suggest waiting till proper planting time next year though, the extra time they have outside will only be nulled out by stunted growth due to lower temps. Plant when the soil is properly warmed and your plant will be in general more vigorous and healthy.

yo yo oreo

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys!
Yes Blue I am using nutes, not sure on the numbers on the top of my head, but I'll be going up there soon so I'll let you know once I find out.
Thanks chronic, I'll be sure to do that next year. I guess this year I just thought "oh it's 70f inside I'm ok" but well, I'll for sure try it that way next time. I figured if I only grew a few plants this year for personal use it would be better then growing a bunch of plants and risk losing all my money lol!


Well-Known Member
Definitely true, with this grow I'm trying to get enough cash to buy a sliver surfer vape and a few other things while not having to worry about who has and if its good or not, also i get to choose what i want :')

yo yo oreo

Well-Known Member
Good point! Lol! I'd like to take my plants and harvest at diff times, some with cloudy trichs some with half and half, some mostly amber. So that way I know what I personally like :P
So I need an opinion. On the plant that I have not done anything with, you think it would be better to top it? I was thinking too about taking the top and making it a clone and putting that in the other empty bucket, I have till september before it turns to 12 hours, so I wonder if that clone would have enough time.


Well-Known Member
I would say make a clone, you have plenty of time, some of my buddies are just planting their seeds, I would recommend using lst after you top as well. The rule of thumb with harvesting is clear will give a clear headed high with soaring energetic effects, the more cloudy the more intense head high and as they turn amber more couch lock down and out effect, i like to pull one when its about 70% milky for my head high and one with 70% amber for that night-time special:shock:


Hey guys im growing in rhode island in kinda of a woodsy area...i have 26 out there in 55 gallon trash bags with 2 cubic feet of soil Miracale Grow in each...Garden Soil kind to be i still need to use nutes??Says 3 months fertilizer in it..was looking for some opinions om how they might do...appreciate it guys!!​


Well-Known Member
Hey Cron, these sound like monsters, how long have you had them in there and what was the exact ratio? I would say if its been 2 months it would be safe to use a balanced nute at half strength, and increase gradually, and switch to plain water at the first sign of burn. From my experience with that soil is is pretty nute deprived, i bought a few bags for a vegetable garden and i use nutes there oo and its great! I'd love to see some pics peace


There getting there. Started bringing them out second week of june waited for the weather to break cause the nights were still pretty chilly. Started from clones...some are about 2 ft now and others still about a foot but reading that they really start to take off aafter a months time. I will put up pics when i figure out how to lol...kinda new to this page. Any recommendations on nutes?? An will they do decent in a woodsy area? Tall trees kinda scare me!


Well-Known Member
Uh i'm not sure, i upload mine to rollitup directly, but how many hours of direct sun are they getting? Are you medical? And the thing i don't like about clones is they don't have taproots :(


Yes im medical..not really sure how much sun light is getting in there because of the tall trees but there growing so im taking it as a good sign lol...I do inddor to only did one harvest but didnt come out to well...i use a hydro bucket to clone thats how i got theclones and using 400w mh blueish spectrum light for vegging a another 400w mh red orange spectrum for budding...and need better nutes lie foxfarm or something...any good? suggestions please lol!!


Well-Known Member
Okay haha, I know growing can seem overwhelming especially when your results aren't ideal, but the important thing is that you learn from your mistakes. I would use Advanced nutrients, thats the company, you want a higher nitrogen count which is the first of the 3, n-p-k, for veg or until you see your first buds, than i would recommend a fertilizer with a very low n and highest p and slightly less k.
That will get you through with good results, and any more questions feel free to ask


lol i tried posting them the first time n said the image sixe wa to big....did it again n now there to small lol

yo yo oreo

Well-Known Member
Hey it still works! :)

Oh this is my "cage" just what supplies I had at home. A tough plastic fence.

I thought this was cool, I topped the plant that had nothing done to it and I found this leaf. Showed no signs of growing a 5th part.

Oh and I made a total of 5 clones, 3 kept outside with other plants and 2 are home. I just need one to put in the bucket, but if I get others to grow then I will just plant them in the dirt and put small amount of chicken wire around. :) Can't wait to hear how your plants are doing blue


Well-Known Member
Hey it still works! :)

Oh this is my "cage" just what supplies I had at home. A tough plastic fence.

I thought this was cool, I topped the plant that had nothing done to it and I found this leaf. Showed no signs of growing a 5th part.

Oh and I made a total of 5 clones, 3 kept outside with other plants and 2 are home. I just need one to put in the bucket, but if I get others to grow then I will just plant them in the dirt and put small amount of chicken wire around. :) Can't wait to hear how your plants are doing blue
Yeah i have a few of those four bladers on my Ai's and i had all 3 blade leafs for a while, still lookin good what cloning method are you using? i was considering making a few.