Summer '11 Growathon


Well-Known Member
Troy--do not use peroxide on/for foliar feed!! Unless maybe you have powdery mildew, but even then I'd try something else.
It'll still get into the soil/rootzone when dripping

The fish emulsion mixed with molasses and a seaweed/kelp is a banging mix for foliar feed


Well-Known Member
Troy--do not use peroxide on/for foliar feed!! Unless maybe you have powdery mildew, but even then I'd try something else.
It'll still get into the soil/rootzone when dripping

The fish emulsion mixed with molasses and a seaweed/kelp is a banging mix for foliar feed
Don't use the fish ferts for foliar, I have some 5-1-1, tried it a while back, makes your plants sticky as he'll and smell baddd, and a little peroxide is fine, don't hyjack threads bro...

yo yo oreo

Well-Known Member
Haha I'm not sure what I'll get from my plants either. Can't wait though! And your babies are looking NICE bro!


Well-Known Member
Sup yall?
Well unfortunates I think i'm going to lose 3 seedlings, which isn't a huge deal considering their all bag seed, the stem on one is so spindly it cant hold up the plant, and another seedling just looks mutated, and the last one just won't grow, but 3 are looking nice and the AI's are looking wonderful and really liked the new organic ferts i gave them the other day, so all togther if all 3 seedlings are fems i hope around 6 oz's? what do you think here are the pics, oh and i tightened the lst
before i took the pics so if it looks pulled down a lil that why :)


yo yo oreo

Well-Known Member
Well the ones that are growing nice are really doin good! Sorry to hear about the loss of some plants, still lame. Hard for me to guess how much you will harvest since I've never harvested yet :) Hopefully a good amount!
I got a bad seed so I'm gonna put that in my empty bucket, the clones all died lol. Just cross my fingers this seed brings a female :P


Well-Known Member
Howdy everyone,
Sorry i've been out of town for the past week helping a friend move and couldnt take pics or post, ill be posting some fresh pics in the morning!


Well-Known Member
My last AIs were a ft to 1.5ft and yielded about 1-1.5 oz per plant. small plants. but my 1st AI was in a 5gal, 2ft and trained yielded 4.5oz


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody, I was gonna make a run up to home depot tomorrow for some bloom nutrients preferably organic ones, any suggestions or other things i should pick up?


Dont know if they sell it at home depot but hurd Earth Juice was really good for outdoors...Using foxfarm for my indoors but think it would be to expensive to use out!


Well-Known Member
Dont know if they sell it at home depot but hurd Earth Juice was really good for outdoors...Using foxfarm for my indoors but think it would be to expensive to use out!
Thanks for the input mang, I don't thing the carry it, but I'll look! Pics later too