The UK Growers Thread!


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tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Beetroot sucks :p

I ent a chef, i can cook up a storm but i rarely get past packets of bacon, food can get real expensive real quick. Was having a bath yesterday with a joint reading one of the Moro cookbooks and saw some great recipes but damn, at the price of the sherry they recommend i'll drink that 150ml before i cook with it! :D


am smoking some lovely blue cheeze that ma naighbour grew and have jus started maown grow of super lemon and dutch passions ultimate. ne advise on how to grow the ultimate or what it yields n tastes like would be much apreciated, peace


Well-Known Member
am smoking some lovely blue cheeze that ma naighbour grew and have jus started maown grow of super lemon and dutch passions ultimate. ne advise on how to grow the ultimate or what it yields n tastes like would be much apreciated, peace
advice on the ultimate would be its not the ultimate lol its dutch passion say no more lol slh can be lovely tho if ya get a nice pheno.


Well-Known Member
morning all, im off to see my shrink too we try and discover why im an alcoholic....should be interesting. btw any 'nerds' out there can explain some pc shit to me, i know the basics but that about it . im tryin too fix a pc for a mate and ive managed to reformat and reinstall the operating system , had a bit of bother with the bugger not detecting the on board sound, ethernet and cpl of other things , obviously couldnt get on line with it to search for the missssing driver, so i installled service pack2 and plug an ethernet card straight in and away we went. the question is why doesnt windows have the drivers for this? other thing is when i switch it on it goes to bios and states that the ' display switch is set incorrectly'then ''c-mos checksum error-defaults loaded' followed with 'c-mos battery failed' and ive gotta F1 it to proceed...what does this mean?.....cheers in anticipation , im off to get my head shrunk a little.


Well-Known Member
I went up to a Big Issue seller today and said "Knock knock"
He says " Who's there"
"Thought you were homeless, cunt"

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
morning all, im off to see my shrink too we try and discover why im an alcoholic....should be interesting. btw any 'nerds' out there can explain some pc shit to me,
hahahah fuck me i thought you were asking someone to explain political correctness to ya there man. near fell out me chair.


Well-Known Member
political correctness.....yeah...i'm HUGE fan of that as u may have noticed from some previous posts.