Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
i pulled the tahoe og tired of lookin at its midget ass
so not going to get to see a tahoe this go around
glad i got a pack of em on the june promo so will get to dem in future
happy growin to all


Well-Known Member
i diped one of the fake smart pots by htg lighting in a 5 gal bucket hold don till bubbles stop my version of rain so what tomorrow i feed
tomorrow also i dip number two into bucket like the southern baptism they take you to the river
born in North Carolina
how does rain system work



Well-Known Member
i diped one of the fake smart pots by htg lighting in a 5 gal bucket hold don till bubbles stop my version of rain so what tomorrow i feed
tomorrow also i dip number two into bucket like the southern baptism they take you to the river
born in North Carolina
how does rain system work

After you dipped the pot, let it drain, then feed 15-30 mins later once the medium has fully drained


Well-Known Member
i had a fine day today took my family into the city today for a show and dinner
saw cirque du soleil -zarkana =great show
they work hard and put on a nice show

then to a seafood resturant

i love the city and never want to be to far from it
i got pics of me and the fam on top world trades center (gone) done a lot of the things nyc has to offer -much cultrue and
i cant afford to live there isfor millionares and beggers middle has no chance
in the middle class -better to to live on this side of the river and visit



Well-Known Member
Hey bro plants are lookin real healthy and gettin big nice work, lookin foward to seein some of them fat buds you grow man!!...take it easy!


Well-Known Member
thanks PB -they had a hard time at it from my mistake -but starting to look like my plants supposed to once again

how was the trip



Well-Known Member
Yeh man they sure do, they look wicked

i go a week tomorrow bro, cant wait now lookin foward to chillin for 2weeks in the sunshine, i dont smoke while im away so i get a nice break get my tolerence down a little, my bro is burpin my jars for me while im gone so should of had a nice 3 week cure when im back uummmmm!!


Well-Known Member
man i bet it sucks being a seed collecor/ addict and only flower 2 plants at a time/ u should do a small party cup grow with a buncha different flavors.


Well-Known Member
no he does fine for himself T 11 oz from two plants not bad-every man has diff needs and values of law and home some peddle right out there house -everyone diff


Well-Known Member
he paints rembrandts what good is a room full of pics that look like 5 year old did it

i see people wit a room full of scragly assed plants cut down at wrong time and shit what good is that

he does two plants but are the best two plants i ever seen and they look like all that the plant has to offer

manacured properly for light flow and nurished through cocoand look scientifically correct

he is good at what he does i have seen room full people without a clue barely keepin plants alive far from plants max potential

but still a room full 6 one hand half dozen in other

would you make a trade for door number one wit a oz of the best dankest one hitter in the land

or a bath tub full of grade B- bud

the choice is yours

stay true


Well-Known Member
as you can se im partial to the two plant grower especially if doing a fine job

im a two and few man myself and it works fine for me

100 hundred ways to do every step of this shit and no wrong no right whatever works best for you and yo setup

if yo can only grow 1 plant on the window sill witand cant get nutes is ok for you if you got 20 25 foot trees going outside a shed wit forty plants and 2o inside good for you

its all good -especially in da hood

PB -i know if you ever decide to stretch out will be sumtin to behold -cause you know what da F you doin -though you only doinit to two at a time

my 3 cent



Well-Known Member
nutin beers and yard work never do nutin on da big days traffic crowds leave it for kids and rookies new at it i just made a slamin pizza wit chicken sausage cheese hotsauce shit was smokin i m glad i can cook -shit was hot wit couple ice cold becks -slamin -knock yo dick in da dirt good

just takin da pill hitin puter on breaks
