DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
2 little ones, and one that would woop yer arse if you called her a bird, lol. Scrub that, she would woop my arse, lol.


Well-Known Member
Few pics for the followers of the thread.

Looks like a reveg

And another

Outdoor posse please stand up...

Engineers Dream, non purple pheno but hella frosty, cloudy trichs at present, could let it go longer but want to get high high of this one (the ED knocks you on your arse anyway, lol)

We had a wee bitty rain last night....thanks for that.

And another pic of the ED to be chiznopped.

Enjoy, and may the sun shine on your bonce's,


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
BeAuTiOus As UsUaL!!! is EngIneeRs DrEam A SAtivA domInant? What do you think of CHOKEalope? ever try it Deastie? i tried it about a month ago and it turned my toNgue White into a FunGus Tongue. I haD to get Some mediiciNe to Fix It!!!! it was HorRifYing!! i ThouGht I waS I was GoiNG to Die!!!! I HopE you Are HavING Fun Today D'st! ThaNks For The DrIpPing WHiTE BUD PRoN. lol...LovE it!!!


Well-Known Member
Lol, well im almost blind. its no fun either way, next twenty years or so ill be blind, an amputee, need a kidney transplant n thats the stuff that doesnt bother me.

D i was wanting to ask if you could throw up a list of what flowering at the moment if possible. and about the outdoor pic. everytime i think of your out i picture something growing out of a bag, never fails


Well-Known Member
Okay, so here we go, the list.

Casey Jones'
Engineers Dream (1 left to chop)
Younglings, 15Deep Blue F3's all germinated in paper towels. 1 never made it up, and 2 I have pulled so far, so got 12 left I think. they have gone straight into 12/12 from seed.
Bolo Kush (looks like I might need to reveg that sucker as well, clone looks ropery as a mofo on a 10 year roger rabbit.
Deep Purple Querkle 1 adolescent female, 2 at about a week or so I think.

If I have forgot any, I am sorry ladies, catch you on the rebound thingywat.

Lol, well im almost blind. its no fun either way, next twenty years or so ill be blind, an amputee, need a kidney transplant n thats the stuff that doesnt bother me.

D i was wanting to ask if you could throw up a list of what flowering at the moment if possible. and about the outdoor pic. everytime i think of your out i picture something growing out of a bag, never fails


Well-Known Member
Hey T whats going on man. How the two puppies looking
the female im sure its alive, its the male that worrying me, all the big fans on both wilted and dried up but new growth is coming out from the nodes, on the male i dont see much growth if any. i have them under the 400 in a party cup with a plastic ziplock over it as of yesterday to help with humidity. i had plans on breeding the male dog to my headband to see what good comes of it. but i was wondering if that would be a bx.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I would give them less light, like a cfl or 2. I was going to mention that last week when you got them and said that about putting them under your 400 but thought, it's your gig. filtered sunlight would be good too


Well-Known Member
lol, i was wondering what you had them under. i had them under, but away from the 400 if that makes sense, i tried to fit em in the clone dome but they wont fit with the cups. i put a cfl over em after i read this. all 4 seeds are now up and out the ground now as well.:-P


Well-Known Member
Nice lineup, mostly sativa's it seems. Is that your preference, and do you have a favorite of the group?
Oh I wouldn't say they are mostly sativas, far from it. The DOG does have a head high but batters you proper like an indica, the best of both worlds but without the dopeover narcoticness of the original OG (can you tell it's my favourite) I think then I have too many other faves. But the Engineers Dream is some knock you on your arse, stick yer head in the clouds and your middle half in the land of elfs where tickly things happen, I can't wait to try my new batch. And I just jarred my livers, wating a few days befroe I try a toke on that. DPQ is just mash up, it hard to describe because it's not super tasty, it's just a trichome covered dollop of funk that in a bowl lasts longer than any other nug of similar size. I'm not sure I should go on as I could be here a while...I may cont.

thanks for sharing that midevil, I'll check it out.

Hey Amber, I forgot to answer your question about Chocolope, and yes I have smoked a lot of chocolope. It is quite a sativa angled high (or the stuff here is)and the taste and smell are super intense. But half way through a joint and I am pretty sick of it, it's one of the few weeds that has consistently sold in the Dam for year but I am just not tha much into it, soz love. It's personal taste and it is a great weed for sure. Sounds like you had a fungal disease/infection on your tongue.

Peace and bedtime bongrips....but not in bed, can you imagine, the wife would go bazongoes at me:schock:


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
lol, i was wondering what you had them under. i had them under, but away from the 400 if that makes sense, i tried to fit em in the clone dome but they wont fit with the cups. i put a cfl over em after i read this. all 4 seeds are now up and out the ground now as well.:-P
I hear ya. I am going to put this down as a test run. Should prolly of talked to someone who had overnighted before to get any tips but I can think of at least one thing that I could have done different. I think it was only like an extra 6 bucks to get it there before 10 am, that would have saved the pups about 8 hours of being shut up like that. Oh and if you overnight anything you nead to provide proof of id. I was in the post office after work yesterday and they decline to send something for someone without an id. I put an alias down as sender the other day when I sent yours out and then when she asked for an id I had to sweet talk my way through it

Catch ya later man