DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
I use silk screen... It also leaves a fine blond layer that looks like good stuff but have yet to try it. Im about to try some dry ice runs :-) one i get dry ice lol just gotta make sure its cold enough haha


Well-Known Member
I have been using my 75mu bag for straining...and this run also left a blonde deposit. Which reminds me I need to clean the fukker, get some cleaning alcohol for me bong as well.

Oh, and Good Morning folks,



Well-Known Member
i usually squeeze the coffee filter to ensure not much is absorbed in the end. last time i made some oil i let the blonde stuff dry and scraped it off into a pile. it really hasnt been smoked since there is plenty of oil instead.

mr west

Well-Known Member
goodenmorgen Suns shiney bright today, gas men are still digging close by and on a Saturday must be important.

mr west

Well-Known Member
uhuh I see. Im doing grand, kinda went on a de la soul tip since posting that last post lol. Thinking about how the colour of hip hop changed and changed again

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
:leaf:i feel like a little kid in a candy store..please send me some beans so i can grow some big beautiful green donkey dicks:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Woohoo, you want candy, I want candy, we all want candy!!! great song Dr.....brought my cheer right up this morgen. Off to chop my Liver now with a big joint and a phat smile, or is it the other way around...

:leaf:i feel like a little kid in a candy store..please send me some beans so i can grow some big beautiful green donkey dicks:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Woohoo, you want candy, I want candy, we all want candy!!! great song Dr.....brought my cheer right up this morgen. Off to chop my Liver now with a big joint and a phat smile, or is it the other way around...
Cheered me up too. What a crazy video. It was fun in the early days because no one knew what the f they were doing, and you always got strange (but wonderful) stuff like this. I love the guitarist attacking those two chords, like "Damn... I really mean to hit this guitar hard".

Happy operation day D. Hope the livers gets cut up nicely.

mr west

Well-Known Member
lol livers/blues is no slouch wen it comes to stench lol, smelliest weed i have ever grown well in the top3 lol


Well-Known Member
just about to press return and my laptop battery dies...doesn't even seem to give me a warning these days...fuk IE9 has shagged my whole system up. Anyhoo, without further ado, here are pics for ya all...ffs. lossing the will.


See anyone?


DOGs in jars on left, trim in middle, pile of livers on right...

Yet more livers...well all the weed pics are livers really.

And this is a Vanilla cupcake with lemon filling and meringue topping of course...

you know what me tinks..

Peace, Livers and Lemons to all,



Well-Known Member
nah, they are something different, vanilla cupcakes with lemon meringue lol. the others are like lemon sponge with lemon icing, also super lekker.
was they the lemon cupcakes u threatened us with? Dunno why u stick with ie9.
I just accepted the updates and it has made my whole system wobbly.


Well-Known Member
ie9 started to be so slow for me, i started using google chrome and haven't looked back. its faster and it seems like it does it all for me.


Well-Known Member
ie9 started to be so slow for me, i started using google chrome and haven't looked back. its faster and it seems like it does it all for me.
I'm the same. Chrome for me now. I like the tabs better too.

Nice pics D. Lol at your letters on the fingers. What is that glass thingy with your reflection in it? Is that the wooden pigeon or something? Nice looking livers bru.


Well-Known Member
thery are 2 little birds that mrs DST bought from a glass shop, the name escapes me at present (Italian) and it's her taking the pic:)
I hope my liver looks that nice, doubt it :shock: