Democrats Started the Ku Klux Klan

Johnny O you like Bachmann ????? say it isn't so Johnny say it isn't so

tell me about it.

if i mangled american history as bad as her, i would at least apologize out of respect.

i certainly wouldn't defend being wronger than shit. that is a character flaw.
you think perry is going to get it? or are you referring to romney?

and the whole rejoicing at bachmann thing scares me a little, johnny. that woman is nucking futs.
Romney had his shot.

He's done; only he does not know it yet.

The country is not ready to elect a Mormon.

And RomneyCare ruins his credibility as a Conservative, even though I have no problem with it.

I think Perry will jump in. And take it all.

All the signs are pointing there.

What's so wrong with Bachman?

She not perceived as an idiot. And she is not lazy.

Which means she is no Sarah Palin.

Johnny O you like Bachmann ????? say it isn't so Johnny say it isn't so
I think she has bigger balls than The Chosen One.

And she scares the devil out of you Proggies.

So yes, it is so.

But Cain would be just as good.
tell me about it.

if i mangled american history as bad as her, i would at least apologize out of respect.

i certainly wouldn't defend being wronger than shit. that is a character flaw.
I can only assume she know how many states are in the United States.

Which is more than I can say about Candidate Obama.
Romney had his shot.

He's done; only he does not know it yet.

The country is not ready to elect a Mormon.

that is so sad to me. who fucking cares what waffle on the ceiling he worships?

i would be more hesitant about electing a trust fund baby who made a career out of firing people to further his own fortune.

at least obama is self made.

And RomneyCare ruins his credibility as a Conservative, even though I have no problem with it.

funny that he gets strung up by the toenails for an idea that was originally proposed by a conservative.

i can give you countless examples of ideas that conservatives supported before obama supported them as well.

I think Perry will jump in. And take it all.

All the signs are pointing there.

i don't think he has any chance.

didn't he hold several 'pray for rain' days as your state burnt, while slashing funding for the people who put out those fires? not exactly the solution i would have proposed.

What's so wrong with Bachman?

do you think intelligent design is even a scientifically testable theory, much less one that deserves to be taught alongside the theory of evolution?

that is DAMNING.

She not perceived as an idiot. And she is not lazy.

Which means she is no Sarah Palin.

she is perceived as an idiot, and rightly so.

but you are right, she is not lazy. especially when it comes to raking in federal cheese for farm subsidies, medicaid payments, or indoctrinating foster kids to her unique brand of religious craziness.
I can only assume she know how many states are in the United States.

Which is more than I can say about Candidate Obama.

if bachmann made a simple misstatement like he did, she would probably insist that it was true.

than have her supporters edit the wikipedia page to show that there are 57 states.

and then change the subject when the 'lamestream media' started grilling her about it, what with their 'gotcha' questions and all.

that is so sad to me. who fucking cares what waffle on the ceiling he worships?

i would be more hesitant about electing a trust fund baby who made a career out of firing people to further his own fortune.

at least obama is self made.

funny that he gets strung up by the toenails for an idea that was originally proposed by a conservative.

i can give you countless examples of ideas that conservatives supported before obama supported them as well.

i don't think he has any chance.

didn't he hold several 'pray for rain' days as your state burnt, while slashing funding for the people who put out those fires? not exactly the solution i would have proposed.

do you think intelligent design is even a scientifically testable theory, much less one that deserves to be taught alongside the theory of evolution?

that is DAMNING.

she is perceived as an idiot, and rightly so.

but you are right, she is not lazy. especially when it comes to raking in federal cheese for farm subsidies, medicaid payments, or indoctrinating foster kids to her unique brand of religious craziness.
So you lament the fact that Romney can't get elected based on his religious beliefs...

Yet would crucify Bachman for hers.

In the same post.

So you lament the fact that Romney can't get elected based on his religious beliefs...

Yet would crucify Bachman for hers.

In the same post.


because romney has often faced roadblocks and obstacles based on his religious beliefs, and as such, he is not likely to force his beliefs on others or make subtle attempts to turn us in the direction of theocracy.

bachmann, however, truly believes that her beliefs are the only possible correct ones, and that the founding fathers would fully endorse her efforts to impose her religious beliefs upon the nation. despite the deist nature of the founding fathers, and their desire for a secular nation.

big difference.

i am not lamenting one while crucifying the other based solely on their religious beliefs. i am doing so based on how they would likely impose those religious beliefs upon the populace as a whole.

how did that praying for rain work, johnny? is your state still on fire?
poor Republicans don't have any real sad...I wish they could put up at least one serious candidate to make me pause...This group seems to be a joke...Romney will get the nod simply because its turn, unless he pulls some major phuck up and let Bachmann grab it..Now that would be horrible seeing that she has the same spirit as John Wayne Gacy ( she said it)..any hoot Romney can't excite the base to win the general and Bachmann is to damn bat bitch crazy to think she will carry that shit in the general election
because romney has often faced roadblocks and obstacles based on his religious beliefs, and as such, he is not likely to force his beliefs on others or make subtle attempts to turn us in the direction of theocracy.

bachmann, however, truly believes that her beliefs are the only possible correct ones, and that the founding fathers would fully endorse her efforts to impose her religious beliefs upon the nation. despite the deist nature of the founding fathers, and their desire for a secular nation.

big difference.

i am not lamenting one while crucifying the other based solely on their religious beliefs. i am doing so based on how they would likely impose those religious beliefs upon the populace as a whole.

how did that praying for rain work, johnny? is your state still on fire?
Actually, we're getting rain right now.

I am contemplating dancing nekkid in my backyard to celebrate.

I've done it before.

You probably know I'm agnostic, but I appreciate things.

Like the fact that one of my favorite generals ORDERED his Chief of Chaplains to write a prayer for good weather so his forces could go on the attack.

That would be George Patton.

And it worked!

Patton relieved the battered bastards of Bastogne.
poor Republicans don't have any real sad...I wish they could put up at least one serious candidate to make me pause...This group seems to be a joke...Romney will get the nod simply because its turn, unless he pulls some major phuck up and let Bachmann grab it..Now that would be horrible seeing that she has the same spirit as John Wayne Gacy ( she said it)..any hoot Romney can't excite the base to win the general and Bachmann is to damn bat bitch crazy to think she will carry that shit in the general election
Yet statistically ANY generic Republican would mop the floor with Obama.

That's what the polling says.
And one more thing....

I don't know much about Michelle Bachman, but the first impression is that she appeals to me.

With time, that may change as with Sarah Palin.

But I am sure of this.

If Bachman had a "D" next to her name, all you Proggies would be sweeping all of those perceived "problems" under the carpet.

If this is supposed to be some sort of an attempt to say that your a republican therefore your better than democrats; you are forgetting one important detail. Over the past 100 or so years the Republican and Democrat party has completely flipped sides. Modern day democrats would have been members of the republican party back then, and vice versa.

Stop being ignorant retards on this stupid linear scale that is used to make the masses follow blindly against the true important topics of politics.
And one more thing....

I don't know much about Michelle Bachman, but the first impression is that she appeals to me.

With time, that may change as with Sarah Palin.

But I am sure of this.

If Bachman had a "D" next to her name, all you Proggies would be sweeping all of those perceived "problems" under the carpet.

If you don't know much about Michelle Bachmann you have not been paying attention...question how the heck can she be so called Tea party but yet still receive farm subsidies ??
And one more thing....

I don't know much about Michelle Bachman, but the first impression is that she appeals to me.

With time, that may change as with Sarah Palin.

But I am sure of this.

If Bachman had a "D" next to her name, all you Proggies would be sweeping all of those perceived "problems" under the carpet.


i have a feeling she will go the way of palin for you.

and if she had a (d) next to her name, i would say the same thing about her that you said to me about medicineman:

i'm glad she's on your side, not mine!
Actually, we're getting rain right now.

I am contemplating dancing nekkid in my backyard to celebrate.

I've done it before.

You probably know I'm agnostic, but I appreciate things.

Like the fact that one of my favorite generals ORDERED his Chief of Chaplains to write a prayer for good weather so his forces could go on the attack.

That would be George Patton.

And it worked!

Patton relieved the battered bastards of Bastogne.

do you believe that praying brought the rain, johnny?

i happen to think that two hands in actions can do more than a million clasped in prayer.

i am agnostic too, but i see the value in religion. i take the good and discard the bad.

every harvest, i take 10% of the harvest and give it away for free, according to the jewish law of tzedakah.

i somehow manage to resist the urge to cast myself into a lake of fire if i plant more than one crop in the same field.

you dancing nekkid in the backyard? could you not have spared me the mental imagery?
i have a feeling she will go the way of palin for you.

and if she had a (d) next to her name, i would say the same thing about her that you said to me about medicineman:

i'm glad she's on your side, not mine!

looking back in my stoned haze, this makes no sense.

medicineman was a (d).

please read as 'if she had an (r) next to her name, which is true.

i mangled this one, but you get the point. i apologize.