It's nice to sit back and let people do good work and not have to worry about ever getting sued for injury.I had a boss that told me to hire Mexicans only. It was a landscaping company, she paid $20/hour with medical. The same illegals came back year after year. I know several people that would work like dogs for that money and benefit. Hire green card or Americans, I say.
I never did find out how she got them Blue Cross.
what do you have to do to register?ugh im trying to register, but cant find a place that is doing it, its the wrong time of the year. I was an intern last election season and loved it. I was only 6 months shy of being able to vote. pissed me off so bad. but at least our candidate won.
It's nice to sit back and let people do good work and not have to worry about ever getting sued for injury.
well damn, they had it made lolThat's not the reason. She thought they worked harder. Actually, they screwed off everytime she wasn't there. When the cats away.
She did pay taxes on them this was not under the table. They got real payroll checks. They were covered by worker's comp. I don't know how she did it, but she did. I was her personal assistant so I got see more than most. At end year they all got big bonuses and went home to their ranches.
haha man i wish my bro could get a job like that... he was a landscaping intern, made hella money doing it... he's good at it too. that would be perfect for himwell damn, they had it made lol
That's the problem they don't want to go through the procedures to become citizens, hence they ae illegal immigrants. They don't want to learn english or buy real estate, they want to collect as much money as possible and send it back to Mexico, because that is the country they show allegiance to. You don't have to be white to be an american, or black to be african, we are a country not a race. America was conquered by europeans, the land became theirs when Mexico signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo because they lost the war. Thats how the world has always worked. They conquered the land at one point tooHonestly, we need to just allow them to become US citizens. I mean, whites weren't here first either!
That's the problem they don't want to go through the procedures to become citizens, hence they ae illegal immigrants. They don't want to learn english or buy real estate, they want to collect as much money as possible and send it back to Mexico, because that is the country shhow allegiance to. You don't have to be white to be an american, or black to be african, we are a country not a race. America was conquered by europeans, the land became theirs when Mexico signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo because they lost the war. Thats how the world has always worked. They conquered the land at one point too.
i was generalizing when i said analytical, because it does to apply to other conversations I have. as for get good english, well, fuck it, im kinda high. i guess i can affor to fuck up on my grammar from time to timefrom your original post I see nothing that would lead me to believe any analytical discussion was taking place. you can't be serious and use term like "get good english".
damn wtf? no.should we make them wear little yellow sombrero patches so we can know who is legal and who is not ?