Indoor - DWC 2x600w - Jack the Ripper+SSH+White Russian+Blue Dream+Strawberry Cream


Well-Known Member
Blue dream. Week six out of nine.
Hm. I came close to growing that Blue Dream once. A shop near me had beautiful BD clones... short, bushy, bursting with health. But I was bent on waiting on these here OG genetics I ended up with. Seeing your buds makes me think of what might have been, though. Good growing.

I want to take your beautiful tender green leaves and make a salad for my cat. He would love those. He's kinda bummed right now because there haven't been fresh green leaves for him to eat in quite some time.


Active Member
Blue Dream is a great one to grow. If you dial it in right, you can get a pretty nice harvest, but nothing worthy of competing with dense heavy croppers. Here's where blue dream is fun though- It responds very differently to different grow systems. Some guys harvest at day 60 in hydro, some guys harvest at day 80 in soil. It's usually the water-boys who pull off the swollen-calyx foxtail look with Blue Dream. Time will tell if I can make this happen. As far as smoke though, the quality is beyond superb. This stuff smells of gummy fruits and spicy sausage. A good dry and cure will make anyone's mouth water. Easy.


Active Member
I want to take your beautiful tender green leaves and make a salad for my cat. He would love those. He's kinda bummed right now because there haven't been fresh green leaves for him to eat in quite some time.
Haha. I have a little burn going on at the tips there :) That's hydro for you though.


Active Member
Tonight's pics as promised. Sugary organic goodness... I'll keep saying that. Sorry for the grainy pics- Hard to pull off a good night shot without a macro lens.

Hope you like :)


Well-Known Member
Hey, I'm currently 3 weeks into flowering an looking for a bulking forumla.CouldI use Earth juice bloom instead of mother earths super tea? Also, you don't f eed at that concentration right? You further dilute it before feeding?


Active Member
Hey, I'm currently 3 weeks into flowering an looking for a bulking forumla.CouldI use Earth juice bloom instead of mother earths super tea? Also, you don't f eed at that concentration right? You further dilute it before feeding?
Absolutely, and absolutely. Earth Juice bloom should work as a great buffer. You want something nice and organic to bind with the molasses after you boil the water and thin it out.

As far as feeding goes, I mix at the rates I specified per gallon with normal feedings. Just as you would mix any other food in to your nutrient solution with hydro, you do the same with this. If I were to add to the reservoir without changing my solution, I would just dilute with a bit of water as you said and add. Once again, in hydro, it is fine to feed this on top of your normal nutrient system. I use Botanicare's CNS-17 Bloom/Ripe in flower, and feed them the molasses supertea when I can tell they are healthy enough and ready to bulk out and get sticky.

Edit: Also, to further clarify- This is a concentrate here. Usually, mixing your nutrients in to concentrate form is not a good idea- Chemical reactions happen and your expected results go right out the window. However, everything here we are working with here is organic. If you choose to deviate, and create your own concentrate, ensure that everything you add is organic, has it's purpose, and is mixed at an appropriate rate. This concentrate is to be treated as such: further dilute with every feeding. You no longer need to boil water every time you feed molasses, but dilution is required, for any medium or grow-style. This is a great way to conserve money and have a complete organic bulking formula, that you can mix up at your own liking, for a very cheap price.


Active Member
Yes sir. I'll do final photos for every one of them at the end. These next few weeks before harvest are going to be reminiscent of your last few weeks :) I am a huge fan of super danked-out nugs, so that's what I'm going for here. I'm shooting for as much bud-swell as I can while maximizing resin production. That's what organics are good for. Thankfully I have my tricks to combat the problems most people encounter when running organics in hydro. It's a little different when you're in the mindset that you feed the water and not your roots. Stay tuned. Let's see how far I can walk this sugar-army down my fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
Tonight's pics as promised. Sugary organic goodness... I'll keep saying that. Sorry for the grainy pics- Hard to pull off a good night shot without a macro lens.

Hope you like :)
Very nice, dsmoke1, very nice. I dedicate this next bowl I'm about to load to your beautiful round of photos. How's the smell on those things?