What's The Highest Youve Been


Active Member
so my gf and my roommates and i get lit bongsmilie
got the munchies real bad :eyesmoke::-(
We all decided to get in my rental kia and ride down to jack in the box maybe a mile from where our house was
First off we stop at our first red light...Felt like the fucking car was still moving!
oh then here comes a sheriff turning and is in front of us now
then here comes a freakin unmarked car on my left

at that point i was paranoid close to freaking out

Here comes a freakin taxi (crown vic) behind me comin fast...we thought it was another cop

so we get to jack in the box feels like it took forever to get there

every time i stop i hear stop fuckin around and stop the car...it was stopped
we had no idea what we wanted took us like 10 minutes to order

we ordered way too much food but WE DID OVER COME THE MUNCHIES burned some more

im lucky to even get the giggles now:-(:roll::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member




I was like, that high!


Well-Known Member
Swallowed bro? Hahaha dude if u want to get hella high do french inhales n ghost inhales lol or some personal hits :) you will thank me in like 20 min.


Well-Known Member
haha ok thank you. what i meant by swallowed is Id try to hold them in and then out of nowhere, it was like a gulp of water, but this time smoke, and its the worst feeling ever


Well-Known Member
I get so high I end up in space! My last smoke out like this 3 years ago was in a electric bong with a good hit of pure (not true) O.G.bud with
O.G. hash on top and then topped off again with O.G.oil. I call this smoke out, the triple O.G.


ugh ive puked, not from eating too much, I just swallowed a huge hit
The first time I invited my neighbor over to smoke with me and my mates, the guy ended up puking into a bucket. Thank goodness I had one near, we we're inside! lol, he was so embarrassed.


Well-Known Member
The first time I invited my neighbor over to smoke with me and my mates, the guy ended up puking into a bucket. Thank goodness I had one near, we we're inside! lol, he was so embarrassed.
hahah that would suck. I didn't even know people puked from smoking bud..
I've drank full bottles of the big three olives on an empty stomach and didn't even feel sick

I think I'm just a natural heavyweight when it comes to that kind of stuff.

although the first time I blew smack I puked


Well-Known Member
lol the puking comes from smoke inhalation, like people who inhale smoke in fires get sick too... cause somehow I went from holding it in my lungs to swallowing all the smoke down my throat, which activated my strong reflex and there you go


Well-Known Member
Got so ripped last night on some Sour D, got pulled over by L.A.P.D. and one of the officers
said to me.....Do you know you were weaving? I replied with.....Weaving? I don't even know
how to knit! The cops looked at one other, turned and told me to drive carefully. I went on my way
and seen them shaking their heads laughing a bit as I drove away. Maybe I wasn't the only one high
during the stop? Wouldn't surprise me, happens in L.A. quite often.


Active Member
ive got another
so a couple years ago i was delivering pizzas and of course i am your typical pizza delivery stoner... anyways i walked up to a regular customers door knocked then burped up a fatty cloud of smoke on his door step!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just gave him the pizza and took the money and kept smoking a delivering
i dont know if he smelled it or not
i know no one called my work saying i smelled like weed


i was on my was to work(same job) burning a joint this time well the ashes fell in my lap while i was drivng... i walked up stoned and was talking with my manager and she goes in an angry tone wtf is that ash from your bowl!!!!! i responded nope its from a joint i walked in and got ready to work

that was a good job smoke and drive for 6+ hours a day...

but now i sit in an ac cooled building


Active Member
Feels good yeah I love hearing peoples smoke stories peace be among you all but you know what I absolutely hate... when somethin happens when im stoned which requires me to do something a little too advanced in my curent state on a time limit but i always zone out while doing it has that ever happened to anyone here