Any Words Of Wisdom?


Well-Known Member
um, its been two days since i got high, and im miserable. not only that, but its been at least a week since i actually felt high when i smoke, as opposed to a good buzz. idk, i feel like breaking down and buying weed, but like i know i should save money. but i really miss the feeling of being completely stoned. and my sleeping patterns are all fucked up. gah!!!!! any words of wisdom


Well-Known Member
um, its been two days since i got high, and im miserable. not only that, but its been at least a week since i actually felt high when i smoke, as opposed to a good buzz. idk, i feel like breaking down and buying weed, but like i know i should save money. but i really miss the feeling of being completely stoned. and my sleeping patterns are all fucked up. gah!!!!! any words of wisdom
Think of all the things you can buy with the money your saving. Think of all the things you can remember and get done, sometimes its amazing to scan through your mind and remember loads of stuff like childhood memories, like a focus or meditation. Think of how your not addicted to weed!! Are you addicted? Then its time to solve it! If not then chill out :)

I used to always get miserable when I stopped smoking but thats because of the escapism done during smoking. Know this for a fact and understand the world is always the same. Remind yourself! I don`t get pissed of anymore, there sure is a tendency but I know for a fact its pointless and I stop it then and there. When I turn to being sober and the first thing pisses me off I go "oh these are all the wonderful things I forgot about" and smile :D

Do you do yoga or meditation? If not concider it!

Remind yourself that you are in power! You have your logic, your senses and your emotions. You make a plan with your mind and you follow it. The only thing that gets in your way is your emotions and feelings. Thats the trick here, do you let your emotions/feelings control you or do you say you are in command of this ship! This isn`t screwing up your emotions and chucking them in the bin, its telling them to stand aside for the choice you made!

I have smoked 1 1/8th in over a month its really not that hard! I`m choosing to stay sober for a while now, its simply NOT NECESSARY! Its also happens to be a luxury and I can`t afford those at the moment :)

Oh my sleeping patterns fucked all the way to jupiter too, it plain sucks! :)

Be strong sister, we can both do it! :)


Well-Known Member
if you need weed that bad maybe it's time for a break.
these days i only get around to smoking a few days a month


Well-Known Member
I find that eating something with cheese in it really helps, it sounds stupid but for me it seemed to work. A big cheesey pizza, or cheese and crackers, or freshly sliced Gouda, maybe a nice Brie. Maybe it's the aroma of cheese or the enzymes in it, perhaps it does something to the way my metabolism breaks down certain toxins.


Well-Known Member
my sleep is only good if I am active. have you tried doing physical activity to tire yourself out?

as for weed or money, id take money. i grow weed though so it's cheaper but when i run out, my bf buys it for me, hehe. thannk god for that becase i can't afford it. ii think if you're that concerned about getting really high, perhaps you need to step back and analyze your goals and where you are in life. maybe you could speak with a therapist. i smoke here and there but it's not something i need to do or something that i do to get shitfaced. i smoke because it improves my general sense of well-being but if i don't get blasted, i don't mind. i only take 3 hits and put it out. it's unhealthy to want to drastically alter your perception the majority of the time.

i hope you are feeling ok.


Well-Known Member
Ok....i just typed a whole bunch of shit....but desided it was what you gotta do to catch a buzz. ..All im gonna say :-).


Well-Known Member
ugh ill just tough it out, ive gone long times without smoking before, its just i have nothing to do during the day since i am not working and college doesnt start til august. I'd just smoke when I was bored or lonely and before bed. Now im sleeping hella late and going to bed at like 5 in the morning. i just need to get past this little road block. maybe get drunk. who knows


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you need a hobby or to get out and do something...staying up all night and laying around the house is not good for the brain.. Don't let it control you...been there done that in my younger years...stay strong...


Well-Known Member
i know right?? but what is there for me to do? before the majority of my social life was school or school related... so i'd be out of the house until it was late because i had stuff to take care of, but now that i graduated, I have nothing. i am trying to get a job but that isnt working, and i dont have transportation to go out and have lots of fun. im stuck in this rut and going and hanging out with my friend helps sometimes, and the visits i get from my fwb, but it isnt enough. plus he is the one who has me in this funk right now anyway

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Time for a T-break. When you start thinking you NEED something it's time to step back and do an evaluation. Want and need are not the same thing. Take a couple of weeks off. Do some shit. Get laid. Then when you find you want weed rather than need it, you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
get laid?? lol funny thing is i never had the chance before, so i'd say "i dont care who i fuck, its just sex" then i met this amazing guy who gave me my first kiss and all that good stuff, and we started getting carried away, and now I tell him no. Why? Cause he doesnt want to be my bf, and i dont want to lose my virginity to someone who doesnt care about me. even though he is sweet and kind and makes me feel good, i wont fuck him cause in the end I know ill get hurt because I care for him WAY too much. so there goes that plan. and thinking about all this all the time makes me want to smoke all the time so i dont feel so sad when i think about it


Well-Known Member
i hate to say it but you should change your focus to yourself and your longterm goals and not focus so much on boys and weed. you just graduated, it's a tough economy. what did you study? do you have work experience? it's a very difficult time for new grads. youre competing with older people with experience because everyone is laid off or unemployed. peope will take anything and people with no work experience are less desirable unless they are willing to intern. if you're not on a path, find one, start now, the longer you wait, the worse chance you have. do you have debt from school?

you wil lget laid plenty when you're older and trust me, you will feel fulfilled if you're independent and not searching for someone to take care of you. that plan NEVER works. Find your passion, now is the time, it's the only time. once youre out on your own, you can't explore becuase you have to work to pay the bills. use this time to better yourself, start doing somthing physiccal, improve your figure. feel good about yourself, gain confidence. that's what i've been doing and i am feeling better than i have in years.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Once again. Want. Need. Not the same thing. You are self-medicating. That is harmful. I really think you need a T-break. :)


Well-Known Member
i hate to say it but you should change your focus to yourself and your longterm goals and not focus so much on boys and weed. you just graduated, it's a tough economy. what did you study? do you have work experience? it's a very difficult time for new grads. youre competing with older people with experience because everyone is laid off or unemployed. peope will take anything and people with no work experience are less desirable unless they are willing to intern. if you're not on a path, find one, start now, the longer you wait, the worse chance you have. do you have debt from school?

you wil lget laid plenty when you're older and trust me, you will feel fulfilled if you're independent and not searching for someone to take care of you. that plan NEVER works. Find your passion, now is the time, it's the only time. once youre out on your own, you can't explore becuase you have to work to pay the bills. use this time to better yourself, start doing somthing physiccal, improve your figure. feel good about yourself, gain confidence. that's what i've been doing and i am feeling better than i have in years.
yeah its just better not to fuck him, in the long run. I do have dreams and goals but my mom and stepdad always tell me to be more realistic. I dont have debt from high school, but i think im going to accrue some due to starting college in the fall


Well-Known Member
Once again. Want. Need. Not the same thing. You are self-medicating. That is harmful. I really think you need a T-break. :)
yeah true, i do self medicate. i have a long family history of drug and alcohol abuse... hope i dont fall into that pattern


Well-Known Member
OH GRADUATED HS. I see, you're not in as serious a position as i thought. you're young and you will get laid plenty as i said. focus on being happy and finding your passion. things will work out. don't screw someone just to do it, you will regret it forever.


Well-Known Member
Wow being 18 and a virgin these day is almost unheard of..and if weed is the only thing making you happy i feel real sorry for you ...i find doing things for people in need always makes me feel better...

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I'm in the same situation because of upcoming pre-employment drug tests. I was amazed to realize how dependent I had become on weed. I've been pretty miserable because of it.

The biggest thing I realized is how much I use weed as a crutch for overcoming boredom. To pass the time I've been doing things to better myself: reading, exercising and working around the house and my garden. It will be hard to concentrate for several days but hang in there. If you're planning on attending a university, get the book list for the upcoming semester and start reading. Hopefully you'll be setting a precedent that well serve you well in your academic career.

Just remember is going to take a little while to change how your brain functions and then your new brain chemistry will take some getting used to. Just accomplish even the smallest goals in the coming weeks. It will help you focus your energies.