Just heard from a bud that my plants are now 1ft tall, holy shit balls, that's a deff an increase for only 1 1/2 weeks being left outside- suspiciously though my "one of a kind" kush seed plant is "missing" as if it was never there. He's adamant about it because his friend supposedly mixed tons of kushes to get i doubt it just mysteriously vanished.-
somethings up. loll. so now that they are "one foot" tall what's the newly suspected yield now MR's?
i'll be home in another week or two. can't wait to see my baby, oh- florida sucks balls, only good thing is i get to run around a track to relieve some stress- i gots no weed left T_T smoked it all on the long fucking trip that lasted about a week >__<
my fav place now is virginia, that place is so cool and awesome and homey feeling- might move their instead of upper michigan, what you niggs think? anyway, sotuh Carolina was pretty warm and ehhh, my brother graduation from the national gaurd bootcamp and now the nigs in some ish called AIT- bla bla training, advanced instructed training or some bs like that- can't wait for the marines within the year (moved up from a a few months cause i wanna grow out my other weed and smoke it before i do any military career seeking)
no sleep for me, so that's why some of this bs is spelled wrong, oh fucking well! loll. met some sexy cool people while i was swimming at the hotel, big tits<3 0.0, wished i grabbed. T_T oh well, she was a lil odd.
well that's all for now, besides i got a few new games on steam like tf2..alien swarm and so on