jeff f
New Member
so it seems that organically grown vegies are responsible for the ecoli outbreak, in FUCKING VEGATABLES. nope, dont happen in vegatables UNLESS YOU SPREAD COW SHIT AND CHICKEN SHIT ON THE PLANTS.
do lefties even have to go to a corn field ever? just wondering
so as you bash, big chemical, big pharma, for their supposedly horrid technological fertilizers and chemicals, keep spreading cow shit on your fucking idiots. i will stick to the new technology forced on us by the big companies,,0,932629.story
do lefties even have to go to a corn field ever? just wondering
so as you bash, big chemical, big pharma, for their supposedly horrid technological fertilizers and chemicals, keep spreading cow shit on your fucking idiots. i will stick to the new technology forced on us by the big companies,,0,932629.story