Alex Grey - Ganesha / Shiva Blotter Artwork LSD

Haha got the same blotters as your last pic! got told they were 130 each but yeah munched two and I was foooked :D its lush acid
Yeah I dont think lsd has ever given me that big of a boner. I can't even imagine if I ate one. MY BONER WOULD BE FUCKING GIGANTIC!
I saw you said you got these from a person from kentucky in your other post. I am in louisville kentucky and i also tried these blotters and it was my first time trying acid. It was amazing. I also saw shpongle on half a hit of this stuff. Also amazing lol
You're dreamin' bro!

Anyway... Do people put out fake blotters, like people make fake rolls of the good pills? Have people been known to put lower quality acid, research chemicals, or even nothing on shiva's , or other popular blotters?
You're dreamin' bro!

Anyway... Do people put out fake blotters, like people make fake rolls of the good pills? Have people been known to put lower quality acid, research chemicals, or even nothing on shiva's , or other popular blotters?

Yes, people are shitty. If a certain art becomes popular, people will look to profit off of that. So much bunk white paper gets sold as acid at festivals it is ridiculous. Last weekend I got a free half a tab of blotter that looked exactly like these Alex Grey's. I didn't feel much, but I was already on a strong dose of M1 and 4-ho-met. I do remember it being a little bitter though...
there have been a few studies about LSD and how it helps with i dont know what disorders, but the woman who came out as the patient, was by no means, young!

god its been years ... you think 44 is too old for acid ? havnt done any since like 1986 lol

hell i'd probally have a coronary or something :roll:
I recently bought 100 of the Ganeshas, and was tripping with some friends for almost every day of the last two weeks. I did lots of acid during the nineties, had two sessions the year before last (after a nine year break), and this was the first time since.

The difference to previous sessions couldn't have been much larger. We started with half a tab each while we were clubbing and then settled at a friend's place, which become our ‘base’ for most of the next two weeks. None of us experienced any major visuals, but instead the trip was accompanied by an incredible clarity of mind, and there was a huge amount of love floating through the air. For me it was an incredibly therapeutic experience (I have had a pretty messed up life due to a large amount of personal issues), and I am feeling extremely grateful for those two weeks. I was wondering whether the blotters are possibly not very strong, because after just a short while any of us could take some and then get on with everyday tasks (in the past, the ‘normal’ world used to freak me out), talk to strangers, or even go to sleep, but after reading some of the posts on here, it seems that I was wrong about that one. Is it really possible to build up a tolerance that quickly, or was it being in an environment in which I felt that I could completely trust people with my innermost thoughts, which made the difference?

Anyway, despite the confusing experiences I had in the past when I was tripping, I KNEW that there was something which would draw me to acid again one day, and I am very happy that my expectations were more than met!

i am glad you got to experience the ganeshas.
if they were the blue ones they were true whtie fluff.

that crystal has that 'love floating through the air' feeling.

it is BEAUTIFUL!!!

congrats friend!
Now this is a big coincidence..once again i stumbled upon these blotters, are they circling the world or something? Amazing how so many people in different countries have them..

The first guy i got them from called them ganesh which is kind of obvious b/c of the pic in the back..the ones i got some days ago he said it was double dipped with alex grey and shiva..

What info do you have on this BBQ?

Btw only took half and tripped balls..but no visuals..
:double dipped, probably just means the person put 2 drops on the blotter intead of the usual one. Not many people straght up dip their sheet in liquid. That would be super potent.

The ganeshas are good. I'm probably gonna have to break down n buy some more........ supposed to get vials soon........ but impatience.
:double dipped, probably just means the person put 2 drops on the blotter intead of the usual one. Not many people straght up dip their sheet in liquid. That would be super potent.

The ganeshas are good. I'm probably gonna have to break down n buy some more........ supposed to get vials soon........ but impatience.

small squares of paper will only hold so many micro grams....
Heatless....Glad you had a great time at Waka!!! My wife and I loved every second of it...Did you happen to catch Big G set on Sun Morning? Shit was SICK...I wish we could have met up...

Check this out....I dont know if you heard about Harvest Fest there...Theyve had it for years, but this is the 2nd year Yonder has put it on. Last year it was so fuckin fun...And the turn out was incredible. Same crowd....just different time of the year. I'm sure you remember how hot Waka was. Just think about coming back down in the fall.

But anyway...they are capping off the attendence this year at 7500...So it makes it such a more family vibe than the craziness of Waka...You should def think about coming back. Ive got a buddy from Denver who is making his way back here for it because he heard it was better than Waka.