
You're really reaching. The constitution clearly and in no uncertain terms allows the taxation of income from any sources. If you think somehow you can reinvent the word income to make the constitution not say what intended to, well....

Pretty silly how you guys claim to be constitutional purists but the second you see something in the constitution you don't agree with you're going to try and change the meaning of commonly used words? Come on now.

*Eisner vs Macomber; income is gain or profit from corporate activity.
*New York Times, 1/25/1916: "In substance, the court holds that the 16th amendment did not empower the federal government to levy a new tax."
*From the office of Sen Daniel Inouye: "Based on research by the Congressional Research Service, there is no provisions which require an individual to pay an income tax."
*Sen Henry Bellmon: In a recent conversation with an official at the Internal Revenue Service, I was amazed when he told me that 'if the taxpayers of this country ever discover that the IRS operates on 90% bluff, the entire system will collapse."
*Mortimer Caplin, former commissioner of the IRS Audit Manual: "Our tax system is based on individual self-assessment and voluntary compliance."
*Why has no one claimed the $50,000 reward offered by the We the People Foundation to anyone who can produce THE law that says US citizens must pay a tax on wages.
*Woodrow Wilson: "A great industrial nation is now controlled by it's system of credit.
We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority but a government by the opinion and duress os a small group of dominant men."
*Joe Bannister, Sherry Jackson and Jennifer Long: Former IRS agents who left the agency to promote the truth.
America:Freedom To Fascism

(edit): also see: Brushaber vs Union Pacific, Pollock vs Farmers Loan, Lucas vs Earl and Goodrich vs Edwards
I'm sure most Americans and many other english speaking peoples have heard of the expression "to wipe your ass with toilet paper made from money bills".
Well, we just got a president that likes to wipe his ass with the Constitution. I'd say he hasn't heard of the wiping ass with benjamin franklen, he just wants to go "all the way"