
Well aside from it sounding like you obviously have personal responsibility issues.

true enough, but i now am my own boss and don't have to take the government cheese, like you do.

I to collect, "unemployment insurance", my wife collects it as well currently. I dont know who you think you are talking to but your EMPLOYER and YOURSELF is where that fucking money comes from not the ever so caring government. Once again you appalled me with pure ignorance.

hence why i called it unemployment "insurance". just like every other type of insurance you can buy, you foot the bill.

Let me let you in on some rather important information. Jobs that have left this country are gone and they are not coming back.

duh. already knew that. i was calling this 'the lost decade' long before you brought your conspiratorial ramblings into the realm of the politics section. you can check my posts to verify this.

This is engineered at a table well planned before it is ever set forth in action, as much as you cant admit that these facts are indeed facts, they still are regardless,
So even if it was your government paying you your unemployment compensation why would you want to be dependent on them, when they engineered the creation of your job loss to begin with.

you say that it was the government who engineered this, i say it is the fact that companies can exploit cheap overseas labor who created this.

Now lets take it a step further. Even if they didn't engineer it you would be completely and utterly dependent on the government therefore they control you to the third degree.

nope. i depend on the sweat from my brow and my own know how to get by. i don't take UI (i quit my last job, so am not eligible) and i don't take food stamps (despite lack of reportable income). so, once again, you are wrong. i depend on the government in no way whatsoever and the only way in which they "control me" is by making sure i don't impinge on the rights of others.

They don't want that though now could they? 40 million receiving food stamps and rely each month to get fed from their tax dollar that they paid into every time you get taxes taken out of your hard earned paycheck guess what those are for? to feed people to house people to give people medicare. I dont know about you but maybe you like they government being your life line.

are you arguing against the very social safety net that you admit your wife and you depend on for survival?

when i was working a legit job and paying taxes, i opted for the highest possible tax rate for two reasons. first, the government could make some interest on the money of mine that they held, thus helping to assure a social safety net for people out of work through no fault of their own, like you and your wife, as well as health care for the indigent and food stamps for the needy. second, the refund check at the end of the year was like free money.

i invested this year's check into expanding my grow.

Sorry i don't know what idiots you've talked to in your day, but im not one of them, you just cannot continue to try and sit here try to tell me any different, you cannot dictate reality to me boy!


are you 87 years old and on dialysis?

i would ask what smells like bengay and adult diapers, but i reserve that line of joking for the other idiot that calls me 'boy'.

I have the know and you just got ultimately schooled, you will never be able to say anything to me that i cant dissect, pick apart, debunk and totally obliterate in front of your face as you read your monitor screen.

oh noes!

Nice try NWO shill but your trickery and antics don't and wont work with the strong minded.

you still have not explained what the NWO is. so i can't rebut you calling me an NWO shill. would you care to tell me what it is?

You are a peon in comparison because every time you type you perfectly shed light on how your just controlled manipulated pre meditated NWO thought, nothing more.

brool story, co.
true enough, but i now am my own boss and don't have to take the government cheese, like you do.

Who me?

hence why i called it unemployment "insurance". just like every other type of insurance you can buy, you foot the bill.

Fair enough.

duh. already knew that. i was calling this 'the lost decade' long before you brought your conspiratorial ramblings into the realm of the politics section. you can check my posts to verify this.

Who me? I know not what you speak of.

you say that it was the government who engineered this, i say it is the fact that companies can exploit cheap overseas labor who created this.

Pre engineered. ah huh got it.

nope. i depend on the sweat from my brow and my own know how to get by. i don't take UI (i quit my last job, so am not eligible) and i don't take food stamps (despite lack of reportable income). so, once again, you are wrong. i depend on the government in no way whatsoever and the only way in which they "control me" is by making sure i don't impinge on the rights of others.


are you arguing against the very social safety net that you admit your wife and you depend on for survival?

Who me? seriously are you talking to me? you honestly think me TTG89 is dependent on government for survival? haha. funny.:mrgreen:

when i was working a legit job and paying taxes, i opted for the highest possible tax rate for two reasons. first, the government could make some interest on the money of mine that they held, thus helping to assure a social safety net for people out of work through no fault of their own, like you and your wife, as well as health care for the indigent and food stamps for the needy. second, the refund check at the end of the year was like free money.

i invested this year's check into expanding my grow.

Right on. Me to.

are you 87 years old and on dialysis?

i would ask what smells like bengay and adult diapers, but i reserve that line of joking for the other idiot that calls me 'boy'.


you still have not explained what the NWO is. so i can't rebut you calling me an NWO shill. would you care to tell me what it is?

I don't even want to get into it. you got me all tired with all this typing of great facts, though i do enjoy it, its kinda like beatin a dead horse that was dumb, def, and blind in the first place, so the poor thing didnt even know what was coming, even though you warned it more than a dozen times. :blsmoke:

brool story, co.
Who me? seriously are you talking to me? you honestly think me TTG89 is dependent on government for survival? haha. funny.:mrgreen:

you do take their unemployment checks, by your own admission.

are you taking those checks just for kicks, or do you use them to feed yourself and pay the bills?
and btw, UI is 'government cheese'. if not for the social safety net put into place by FDR, you would not be paying into UI, nor would your employer, and you would not get shit if you got fired through no fault of your own.
you do take their unemployment checks, by your own admission.

are you taking those checks just for kicks, or do you use them to feed yourself and pay the bills?

If they were to stop tomorrow i would be unshaped, but its my right to still collect what i paid into and is rightfully mine.
yet owned slaves.

again, are you, by any chance, a ron paul supporter?

You keep going to this point. Obviously you can't see that is how society worked at the time. Just because someone owned slaves does not mean they were for the oppression another human. It's just how society was functioning at the time. If you have several hundred acres of crop to harvest, you're going to need some help. Sure enslaving another human to do that is horrible. If you don't like it then get your happy ass out there get pickin'. I can almost guarantee that you would not have made it long.

People today are quite avid for getting off fossil fuels, but still own and drive cars... Why is that? Could it be that is how society it functioning as we speak? I would love to ride my bicycle 40 miles to work, just not practical. So I'm forced to conform.

That's how I see it. Despite ones opinion, your still forced to conform to society if you plan to survive within that society. Life's a bitch, then you marry one. As far as the equality deal.. I agree with ya Buck, totally not equal.
I am writing a modern dictionary, the word i am working on today is.
"conspiracy theory" or "Conspiracy Theorists" whichever:
so far i have.
"Conspiracy Theorists"
A name to label someone, or something who, "points out the tens of thousands of lies, cover ups and denials of both government, and media, also points to the inconsistencies, contradictions, and all out blatant lies ".
The name is typically given by someone, who, is generally a spectator, or are part of a mass population with the same lower frequency brainwave, who, to them these matters go unnoticed, and unrecognized, no matter how obvious, and or relevant the case, or specific situation, even with government documentation and proof. Denial, and pre-implemented thought (i.e.brainwashing,influencing,manipulated,deceived,corrupted,conned,fooled,trickery,bribery,racketeering,obstruction,extortion) , is generally the thesis for this behavior pattern and psychological psychosis.
These behavior patterns and psychological psychosis, can also be tied to the way ,one will deny all facts if it does not fit into ones own world view, which increasingly, becomes a stronger, more dominant behavior/psychosis, the more this ritual is participated in by the participant.
(Example: Consider how, when the jet hit the twin towers, in the disaster of 9/11. Government claims they found the passport to one of the hijackers in the street below. When one with common since, and logic, would know, it is impossible for a piece paper to somehow fly out a burning, exploding, fire ball of a plane as it collides with the building, which in turn reduced the skyscraper to mere filth. Ones who would point at someone and plead, "Conspiracy Theory" at the common since aspect of this example, would beg to differ that somehow, it is indeed possible for a piece of paper, to fly through the fuselage of an exploding plane, through the fiery jet fuel explosion, then through the building and all the debris, to perfectly land down on the street below, unharmed in any way. Even though there is staggering evidence supporting that cannot, and will not happen, they continue to believe that it actually and factually did.)
"Conspiracy Theorists" or so they are labeled, just as anyone who gets labeled to try and discredit their reputation. When in fact it is just a stereotype, to rationalize ones ignorance. Or ones need to just feel important. Only to, in turn to look idiotic, and absolutely foolish as they go on spatting words like "conspiracy theorists" or "conspiracy theory".
^^ wow.. I get what you're saying but you're getting there by Omaha.

The media carefully paints any "outside the box" thought with a broad brush. All things like moon landing, JFK, sasquatch, alien contact, Fema camps, 9-11, ect. become associated with conspiracies theorists, nut jobs, mentally ill, crazy talk, paranoia. This careful conditioning leads most people to throw any such idea into the nutjob file, despite facts given. In todays information age, it becomes difficult to sift through what is fact and what is not.
How does the SCOTUS define income?

You're really reaching. The constitution clearly and in no uncertain terms allows the taxation of income from any sources. If you think somehow you can reinvent the word income to make the constitution not say what intended to, well....

Pretty silly how you guys claim to be constitutional purists but the second you see something in the constitution you don't agree with you're going to try and change the meaning of commonly used words? Come on now.
Just because someone owned slaves does not mean they were for the oppression another human. It's just how society was functioning at the time.

One of the weakest arguments I've ever heard. That's exactly what that means. If you owned slaves you were for the oppression of other human beings. That's what you were doing, oppressing another human.
You're really reaching. The constitution clearly and in no uncertain terms allows the taxation of income from any sources. If you think somehow you can reinvent the word income to make the constitution not say what intended to, well....

Pretty silly how you guys claim to be constitutional purists but the second you see something in the constitution you don't agree with you're going to try and change the meaning of commonly used words? Come on now.
Exactly. I bet that when the SCOTUS rules Obamacare to be constitutional, opponents of the law will still cry that it is unconstitutional. Pretty typical.:roll:
Exactly. I bet that when the SCOTUS rules Obamacare to be constitutional, opponents of the law will still cry that it is unconstitutional. Pretty typical.:roll:

Since they don't even agree that parts of the constitution are constitutional, that sounds like a safe bet.

unconstitutional = something that goes against conservative ideology.
i've never been able to grasp what this "NWO" thing is, and no one has ever explained it to me. can you explain to me what the "NWO" is, and perhaps its consequences, etc?

i once had some guy like yourself tell me that man made climate change was a ruse by the global elite to depopulate the world by 2/3.

perhaps you can explain what this NWO thing is. no one has taken me up on that so far.
Call Al Gore he was right! It has been proven that time and time again, the main thing that effects the weather is the Sun. Why is that so hard to understand? Liberals (Marxists) are just using Global Warming as a scam to redistribute wealth. It's like saying the sky is falling...unless you can tax individuals and businesses at a higher rate to pay for entitlements.
Call Al Gore he was right! It has been proven that time and time again, the main thing that effects the weather is the Sun. Why is that so hard to understand? Liberals (Marxists) are just using Global Warming as a scam to redistribute wealth. It's like saying the sky is falling...unless you can tax individuals and businesses at a higher rate to pay for entitlements.
Liberal does not equal Marxist, you ignorant dolt. Seriously, go read a fucking book.
Liberal does not equal Marxist, you ignorant dolt. Seriously, go read a fucking book.

It does now, go educate your self. If there is a book that i can read that will tel me otherwise. I would be open minded enough to read it, then dissect it, then crack the lid on why it was a big disinformation piece. Please go on, tell me what book?
Then why own slaves ???? Greed ???? Laziness????? like saying just because you're a pedophile doesn't mean that you hate kids..WTF

Did you not finish reading? You're more than hell welcome to waltz you're ass out in the field and harvest hundreds of acres by hand all by yourself. But by the end if the day, I would put money on it that you would be downtown buying you up some slaves at the auction house. Thats how life was!! Look at today. Do you want to goto work? Help out this countries economy? What are you going to have to go buy? A car maybe? Same fucking thing!! Want your fields harvested in a practical amd timely way? Buy slaves!

Your pedophile argument is rediculous, wouldn't a pedophile LOVE kids, perhaps too much, rather than hate kids???? I dont fuck things I hate...

And Dan, so if you buy a car, then by your logic, your for the destruction of Earth, digging up resources, polluting the skies. Or do we all buy cars because that is the only hand we are delt!?! Duh its oppression of another human, they didn't veiw it that way! They were just gettin shit done! Buying slaves was the only hand you were delt if you wanted to mass produce some kind of crop.

What was our earliest cash crop? Tobacco i think, either way who was going to pick all these acres of crop to keep pushing out starting economy?? Cause it damn sure can't be done without alot of hands.

Horrible black mark on this courtry! But it's the way it was, if you wanted to survive.
Did you not finish reading? You're more than hell welcome to waltz you're ass out in the field and harvest hundreds of acres by hand all by yourself.

or you could, say, hire someone. what a novel fucking concept.

Look at today. Do you want to goto work? Help out this countries economy? What are you going to have to go buy? A car maybe? Same fucking thing!!

or you could, say, ride public transportation. what a novel fucking concept.

Buying slaves was the only hand you were delt if you wanted to mass produce some kind of crop.

not everyone owned slaves, yet somehow the rest got by. strange, huh?