1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
Difficult thing with revegging a whole plant is how much to water it. It looks like overwater possibly, and not light problems, which is what I done to kill one of my reveggs in the past. Problem you have is that you have a whole root structure supporting a plant that had/has relatively nothing on it compared to what the roots where supplying before the chop. The best bet would be to lift it out of that pot and have a check whats going on with the roots, then trim the roots down and repot into some fresh medium in a smaller pot. That's what I would do anyway. Good luck with it Don, glad you got some snips on the side mofo!!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well thats pretty much what i did, took it out halfed the roots then repotted up. im kinda reluctant to do it again when it looks brown bread. see how perky it is when i get home i guess. deffo glad ive got a couple of nips doing well aye!


Well-Known Member
doh, well I am stumped mate. I still think it could be due to wet feet. Ah well, thank lordy for side snips.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
:( ill put the dehumidifier on when i get in, i meant to when i left but the para of the landlord being in the downstairs from me i thought best not make any more racket than the jumbo jet in the tent....


Well-Known Member
Morning don. The first cherry cheese x livers comes down tonight mate. So should be dry for the weekend I think mate. Now that it's finishing though I can't tell if it's cc leaning or if its just a fruitier livers comin through.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Morning don. The first cherry cheese x livers comes down tonight mate. So should be dry for the weekend I think mate. Now that it's finishing though I can't tell if it's cc leaning or if its just a fruitier livers comin through.
Throw a pic up of it somewhere Willy, there both real nice phenos

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Morning don. The first cherry cheese x livers comes down tonight mate. So should be dry for the weekend I think mate. Now that it's finishing though I can't tell if it's cc leaning or if its just a fruitier livers comin through.
hahah man i had the same dilemma. both nice but one is deffo more of a keeper.

nowt much happening monday is always the wind down after the weekend. you good?
Throw a pic up of it somewhere Willy, there both real nice phenos
yeah man we been waiting ages to see your garden

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
What say Don!

About to leave for work but not before a smoke on the porch in the sunshine lol and a quick peek at whats happenin. Smoking some Calizhar,,,pulled a bud of that out the other day by mistake (I haven't smoked a whole lot of it), and was quite impressed. Real nice day time smoke. Hey I have 4 L x CC at 3 weeks, they look real sweet, 2 of the more branchy pink phenos and 2 of the livers candy pheno.

Man you guys should see this Cheeseberry Haze I have going, looks like it's going to take a week or two more than everyone else (cept the Beast, I'm thinking 12 wks for her), but it's crazy cheesy smelling and very robust, going to be a beaut!! Kinda holding off on pics right now, this run is at 6.5 weeks and starting to hulk up. Lot of new stuff coming out,,,,,DOGs, Romulan (fully seeded by a nice Rom male) and the CBH. Did something a little different this run and dropped the lights from an ave of 24 to 16 inches and liking what I'm seeing. Also coming out are a Lemon Qleaner a Blueberry a Casey and I'm sure something else haha.

Gotta run later buddy : !)

word in the grapevine is the bird is out your guys way about now ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
easy guv! nowt much just waiting to go into a meeting shooting the shit with fred on msn.

I love the purp pheno, deffo my fave of the lot, the livers pheno i nice too though just doesn't yield as much. hahah i know those 'mistakes' oops ive snapped a branch lol. fred snapped a whole casey plant the other day. honestly needs to be more careful that one lmao

ill keep toot for the wee winged beauty ;)

have a good one chief


Well-Known Member
hahah man i had the same dilemma. both nice but one is deffo more of a keeper.

nowt much happening monday is always the wind down after the weekend. you good?

yeah man we been waiting ages to see your garden
Haha not much happening for me I'm afraid it's a bit slack in the world of growing . Just gonna chop some girls later and then chill all night. At work with the most annoying kunt in the world.


Well-Known Member
Man, must be the time to break plants. I just snapped the main stem of a Cheese the other day. Actually, guess it wasn't me.. twas the dog, but either way, that shit hurt. She's healing up nicely with a tie on her now.

Will be interesting to see how the reveg pulls through Donnie. Just when you think you've got it all figured out, something goes wrong for seemingly no reason. Ya never stop learning in this hobby, no ya don't lol Have a good one bro!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Haha not much happening for me I'm afraid it's a bit slack in the world of growing . Just gonna chop some girls later and then chill all night. At work with the most annoying kunt in the world.
works always a pain in the arse on monday eh. i got landed with a load of shitty jobs for the next week or so, thankfully its chop time come saturday so im gonna get me pal round to gis a hand, have a few brews spliffs n a ruby to finish off. might even watch a clint eastwood western which i seem to have become obsessed with. ive started calling me helper the ugly or the bad depending on what he's done haha

is your marra really a jew?
Man, must be the time to break plants. I just snapped the main stem of a Cheese the other day. Actually, guess it wasn't me.. twas the dog, but either way, that shit hurt. She's healing up nicely with a tie on her now.

Will be interesting to see how the reveg pulls through Donnie. Just when you think you've got it all figured out, something goes wrong for seemingly no reason. Ya never stop learning in this hobby, no ya don't lol Have a good one bro!
oh man is it broken too. poor things donald, went n had a squizz there before and she's taken a nose dive :( i could kick meself but if one thing i know bout sweet mary jane is if there's still a bit of green to it its in with a chance. hope your main cola comes good man, i hate snapping branches early my brain just cant help but see the missed potential. unless im out of weed:lol:


Well-Known Member
lmao at Bobo, that's right blame the poor dog!!! I am guessing your dog can't type so has no chance to defend itself!!! I am calling you on this one mate, haha.

Actually it's totally freaky as I snapped the head of one of my plants last night (I don't have a dog so can't really blame anyone else).....I was supposedly training them. It's a hard life for our plants I guess.


Well-Known Member
We could do a sycronized supercrop!! Like one of the spontanious dance things that you get arrested for in the US!


Well-Known Member
is your marra really a jew?
haha no mate just a made name he aquired over time. his full title is actually spacejew pmsl i got a gang of freak mates with mad names, bag, pig, and mcdoog are some of the funnier ones. i love nicknames they are piss funny. juice, panface, polecat, allday ray and dogshit dave are a few of the lads from work nicknames


Well-Known Member
is your marra really a jew?
haha no mate just a made name he aquired over time. his full title is actually spacejew pmsl i got a gang of freak mates with mad names, bag, pig, and mcdoog are some of the funnier ones. i love nicknames they are piss funny. juice, panface, polecat, allday ray and dogshit dave are a few of the lads from work nicknames

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
haha no mate just a made name he aquired over time. his full title is actually spacejew pmsl i got a gang of freak mates with mad names, bag, pig, and mcdoog are some of the funnier ones. i love nicknames they are piss funny. juice, panface, polecat, allday ray and dogshit dave are a few of the lads from work nicknames
lmao space jew?!? i wont ask tho its killing me haaha