1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Cheers lads!

Aye I've got half a dozen tomato plants some Chilli's. The rosemary and the pot of course. I didnt think peeps would be interested.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
i got some scotch bonnet and some hanabero i think outside as a little tester for some autos next year. i grew some last year on my break on 18/6 with my 250mh all the way it was kinda cool. great stuff with the girls 2 :)


Well-Known Member
few snaps of the garden..


chilli's coming into flower! in 18/6 no less haha

the creche

dogscrog. not sure whats going to happen when it fills the screen..




Eyup Don, lookin real tasty there matey, want to try some veggies me self too!! :)

mr west

Well-Known Member
for some reason the Cloggies have a religious holiday tomorrow, Hemelvaart (Ascension Day I think in the UK) Hemel is Heaven, Vaart - is vehicle. Friday is not actually a holiday but not many people bother going back to work....and me, well I am my own boss so I think I'll give myself the day off as well, lmao.

no standing in cat pooh fred!!!
I stood in dog poo this time grrr taking pics of a rose bush lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i got some scotch bonnet and some hanabero i think outside as a little tester for some autos next year. i grew some last year on my break on 18/6 with my 250mh all the way it was kinda cool. great stuff with the girls 2 :)
ah man, i just went with pussy chilli's after the beer n chilli escapades last year, near burnt a hole straight from my mouth to my pooper acid stylee like the film alien.
Eyup Don, lookin real tasty there matey, want to try some veggies me self too!! :)
should do they're much easier than weed to grow.
I stood in dog poo this time grrr taking pics of a rose bush lol
lmao thought your mum had a cattery!?

well i'm working from home today which is handy as the auto pots have flooded the tent ffs guess thats what im doing this morning.... fast approaching the end of my patience with these pots.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Morning bro. Well at least your able to work from home lol, very nasty looking outside here but I took the day off yesterday...have to go in today. Record heat yesterday, frost tonight lol go figure : !)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah yeah man today im doing more work than if i was there oh the irony hahah, think ive sorted the leak. and drained the sludge out of the tank. half inch of water mopped out of the tent floor. topped it back up done the washin up hoovered mopped and im just away out to cut the lawn. 24c here today im gettin fucked up in the garden this after.

epic heat means no clouds to keep you warm in the morning bit extreme tho :lol:

have a good one man.


Well-Known Member
Looking good Don, nice looking chilli plants as well. Just hitting the first of the Vino Collapso, Rioja Reserva, very munchable, and trying the first of the new Lemon Psycho Killer. Very sunny day here as well. Much sun lounging done among other things. Hope the grass cutting went well.

Take it easy, DST

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
hahah yeah man today im doing more work than if i was there oh the irony hahah, think ive sorted the leak. and drained the sludge out of the tank. half inch of water mopped out of the tent floor. topped it back up done the washin up hoovered mopped and im just away out to cut the lawn. 24c here today im gettin fucked up in the garden this after.

epic heat means no clouds to keep you warm in the morning bit extreme tho :lol:

have a good one man.
So be honest lol,,,do you blow a gasket when that shit happens or are you just as chill about it as you appear here ; ?)

Looking good Don, nice looking chilli plants as well. Just hitting the first of the Vino Collapso, Rioja Reserva, very munchable, and trying the first of the new Lemon Psycho Killer. Very sunny day here as well. Much sun lounging done among other things. Hope the grass cutting went well.

Take it easy, DST
That sounds absolutely lovely my friend!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Looking good Don, nice looking chilli plants as well. Just hitting the first of the Vino Collapso, Rioja Reserva, very munchable, and trying the first of the new Lemon Psycho Killer. Very sunny day here as well. Much sun lounging done among other things. Hope the grass cutting went well.

Take it easy, DST
Vin rouge = death dealing hango for me, good luck tho I doubt you'll need.it:lol: muchos baked off to play pool...
So be honest lol,,,do you blow a gasket when that shit happens or are you just as chill about it as you appear here ; ?)

That sounds absolutely lovely my friend!
Depends entirely on if I know how to fix it ;)


Well-Known Member
Hopefully the hangover isn't too bad, we are cycling to the beach tomorrow. Supposed to be a scorcher as well.


Well-Known Member
ewwww red wine is always a stinger. I can't have more than a couple glasses without a hammer hitting my noggin the next day. gotta go easy ;)

well, as usual I'm late to party lmao. how's it hangin' Donnie? just got off a long one and gonna fire things up. what a present I had waiting in my inbox tho...:hump::hump:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hey hey bobo man,

I'm surfing the crest of a hangover but nothing a bacon butty n a brew wont sort out gonna be another scorcher here today too.

mr west

Well-Known Member
two weeks today, Im like a kid again lol. Seriously canae wait lol. I think our flight leaves uk bout 5 past 4 so itll land in Holland about the same time wont it lol. 420 time

mr west

Well-Known Member
Nah looked at it but the prices were rising everytime i looked at it lol. So stavros is gonna take us over lol.


Well-Known Member
nah mate, it's the other way round, you always land at the same time you have taken off when you fly back to the UK. You get in around 7pm lad. Dinnae worry, I'll try and leave a bit of Don fur ye to smoke with, hehehe. :shock: I am looking forward to it as well boys, will be A1.
two weeks today, Im like a kid again lol. Seriously canae wait lol. I think our flight leaves uk bout 5 past 4 so itll land in Holland about the same time wont it lol. 420 time
to make it slightly better, you'll get in just before 7pm. But knowing the way they land, the plane will take about 15mins to taxi from the west runway, lol (you could almost be in bloody Hoofddorp). Anyway, may be try giving the airport or easyjet a call about getting help at schiphol. If you play the disabled card they may organise a car to pick you up at the gate and take you to the exit/customs (seriously, give it a go!!!) My Mum always does it for her and her man, he cannae walk mare than 10 yards without having a fag bless him, lol. I shouldn't mock, we've just found out he has cancer of the pancreas (and they think it's gone through the wall).

mr west

Well-Known Member
I dunt like the cancer bit but the rest sounds kool. So u recon I should play my blue disabled badge, is it a hefty walk to the terminal? Im not great with walking but i can do it if pushed lol.