DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
Tea tag perhaps? lol. I agree, the whole making tea and drinking it can be compared to rolling a joint and smoking it. WE LOVE TEA!!! sorry Oscar, youll just have to live with it, hehe. My pot is brewing at th emoment and I am just rolling my joint for the watering session.

mr west

Well-Known Member
well im jus bout to fill some skins with an old fave, casey jones lol. I only ever have one flavour of tea and thats tea made my PG tips, other teas are inferior


Well-Known Member
Hey bru, better bring a box of PG tips with you. all you get here is English Blend, unless I can get down to the British store at some point. I'll let you know, lol.

I am most drinking Earl Grey old bean. Which one of my mates from Glasgow so eloquantly calls, "that flowery shite", haha. He drinks tea like you Westy (at a guess) Sugar, lots of, and very strong with lots of milk. How do you cream egg yours???

mr west

Well-Known Member
I have my tea strong with a touch of coo juice and 1 sugar lol. Now tea is blended to the water quality, how is ur tap water hard i guess?


Well-Known Member
my tap waters fukkin mental, will kick your arse in a minute, hard as nails...lol. Ehm, to be honest I would say reasonably hard, it's got a lot of calcium in it.

I have my tea strong with a touch of coo juice and 1 sugar lol. Now tea is blended to the water quality, how is ur tap water hard i guess?


Well-Known Member
I likes me RO derived tea. All herbal for this one. Occasionally some darjeeling if I need caffeine. 1 sugar is all, thanks sir.

mr west

Well-Known Member
my tap waters fukkin mental, will kick your arse in a minute, hard as nails...lol. Ehm, to be honest I would say reasonably hard, it's got a lot of calcium in it.
bout same as round here then lol, Ill pak 40 bags lol.


Well-Known Member
get the priorities right eh lad!!!

spent a bit of time shoving sticks into my pots in an attempt to train my girls, it always ends up in a big oval as they all dive towards the tubes, but one can only try.


Well-Known Member
Oh they get tied up alright, but it becomes a right fanny around if you need to remove the pot for maintenance, many a pot has been picked up for me only to be reminded that it is still attached to the wall, oops lol.

Ideally solid chicken wire like Jig used, probably enable me to max things out further, but then that means those babies are in there and not moving until chop time, which can be awkward in my space.

mr west

Well-Known Member
maybe a small individual chicken wire cage for each pot so that it all can be moved at the same time??

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sweet baby jeebus no pg pyramids in your house D :shock: glad i found this out afore i left, i go a bit funny without a brew in me. ive a roll of that chicken wire if you want it bringing with, i have no use for it.


Well-Known Member
sweet baby jeebus no pg pyramids in your house D :shock: glad i found this out afore i left, i go a bit funny without a brew in me. ive a roll of that chicken wire if you want it bringing with, i have no use for it.
Was going to say, is'nt that the thing Donny uses on his DOG scrog!
Hope all's good bro. Been taking it easy, got appointment's coming out my arse and have to stay off the mean till like afternoon time!!!!! Na' Gid :(


Well-Known Member
lmao, explaining chicken wire to security at the airport!!!

EDIT: Will get the PG tips sorted, sheesh, can't be having formal complaints in the visitors book. lol


Well-Known Member
whats an IED kit Don? sounds like you best leave that at home for sure. They get humpy if you take a lighter with you these days, lol.