DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
I am not sure to Like or Rep you for that last post Don.....interesting though, really gets you thinking, lol.

EDIT: okay, everyones browsers must be on the blink, but I can now see the post of the blob! lol.


Well-Known Member
Nice work D.... thats usually what i go fro .. love the formation on those buds....
Most of the meds i buy tend to have that real dense like pod structure... and cant really be broken down ....
Like this.....

(This is a sample from the cut i have ...thats from the louie)

that casey oil looks sick too....
Sometimes i wonder if u ever run out of bud man ..its like u have a new harvest every couple weeks....
Keep it up bru..


Well-Known Member
Awesome pic cheezey, looks like the trichs are a lot thinner but longer on that cut, quite insane. Helps if you have good photography of course, lol.

Well I try not to run out of weed, that's the plan and it's being going reasonably well for quite a while. I have jars of bits and bobs all over the shop.

Well the blob is getting smoked, well the original blob is, I haven't finished that either. Toodlepip.


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hi DST, I hope your doing well.
I was curious about your experiment with the battery and dangerous chemicals..are you making any progress?
have a nice day
Dr. Trichome


Well-Known Member
hi DST, I hope your doing well.
I was curious about your experiment with the battery and dangerous chemicals..are you making any progress?
have a nice day
Dr. Trichome
I think I may need to break out Frankensteins lab again. When I got back the suspected bollock was overgrown and no longer visible. MY only hope is that there is a naner in there somewhere and perhaps pollenates a few calyxes, but I am not 100% about that....we shall see. I'll keep you guys and gals posted for sure.

nice oil homes......................this thread is so gnarly..................................
Cheers Juggalo, always good of you to stop by bru. Hope all is well with you.

Hope ur coffers are full, all that hash u been saving needs bringing out and dusting off
Shit, I best get the ice out in preperation then cause I am down to the last little lumpski.


Well-Known Member
Nae peer pressure fae here Don.

So this little skunk of funk is coming down today. This is one of the more sativa leaning Deep Blue pheno's, has taken a bit longer to finish up, smells amazing but the mission was to find a quick finisher so this was not selected for jizzing.

Peace, DST

las fingerez

Well-Known Member

the noise that came out of my mouth when i saw that was like "ahhhhh" i didnt even mean to do it ;)

amazing as always bro lol :)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
dank on dank up in here, deep blue looks well tasty. you ever make just one strain hash d? Dog looks like a real hash plant for shure yesh


Well-Known Member
Nice foxtails in those nuggets, and quite frosty! Which DOG phenotype would that one be leaning towards? 5.5 weeks into flower for mine :)
I would say it's middle of the road mate, great hard flowers like the OG, long stretch like the OG, but extremely phat flowrrs like the HEadband and a great combo of noth the cumin spice (armpit smell) combined with the heavy diesel aroma, super moorish as well. I loves me DOG I do.

dank on dank up in here, deep blue looks well tasty. you ever make just one strain hash d? Dog looks like a real hash plant for shure yesh
Just done some with the cheese bx2 when I first ran that. I tend to just throw it all in a box together. At the mo it's all going in the freezer to kill of any mites that are still kicking around. The mite war is like bloody Palestine and the Gaza front, you may think the war has stopped but it just keeps going on...

I'm afraid 2 weeks won't be enough time, maybe 2 months for basic training.

Ach, he'll have the afternoon with me before the whole crew turns up to get into the swing of things!!!

hahahah this is just a refresher course COF. i got my stripes
He's going for his Stars next!!!!