So I Turn On The TV

But what is the bigger problem?

That we have people that try to scam the unknowing or that people allow themselves to be scammed with such unbelievable religiuos bullchit?

What puts it in some ones head that these kind of things are legit?
Religion is fraud. Period. Heisenberg is saying what I would say, only much more succinctly.

No, it's not. People are frauds, and religion is an easy avenue to defraud people through. Spirituality is one of the most important things necessary for health and happiness.
I did watch it, but I do not trust them. I see commercials all the time for "free" stuff. "Free" rarely means free.
So you call the toll-free number to receive a FREE water bottle because some jackoff said god would give you money if you do.

Whether you decide to donate to said jackoff is completely up to you.

No fraud.
[sarcasm] if the miracle water makes my plants finish in 7 days and yield 3lb of AAAA per kw i'm *SO* in!! [/sarcasm]
So you call the toll-free number to receive a FREE water bottle because some jackoff said god would give you money if you do.

Whether you decide to donate to said jackoff is completely up to you.

No fraud.

I'm not sure I completely agree with your logic. You make an outrageous claim like god will erase your debts

Quotes from the video:
We are literally seeing a supernatural wealth transfer!

You see god has resources. Expect gods massive intervention at any moment. Yes you're right on the edge of a miracle!

God wants to do a big miracle, financial miracle is in your life!

And then want people to "donate" money.

That is absolutely fraud. That is the literal definition of fraud:


   /frɔd/ Show Spelled[frawd] Show IPA
–noun 1.deceit, trickery, sharp practice, or breach of confidence, perpetrated for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage.

2.a particular instance of such deceit or trickery: mail fraud; election frauds.

3.any deception, trickery, or humbug: That diet book is a fraud and a waste of time.
I'm not sure I completely agree with your logic. You make an outrageous claim like god will erase your debts

Quotes from the video:

And then want people to "donate" money.

That is absolutely fraud. That is the literal definition of fraud:
But there is no connection between the promises made on god's behalf and the exchange of dollars.

They offer the water bottle for FREE, if you call in for prayer.

During the call, they ask for a donation. At any time the caller can refuse.

Skeevy? Absolutely. But there is no direct connection between the promise related to the free gift; and a voluntary donation which is not mentioned anywhere in the ad.

It may be fraudulent in literal terms, but LEGALLY (which is the perspective I have been arguing from all along) there is no fraud.

No fraud.
The guy has his ass covered, then. Though he did get caught lying before. And shouldn't he have some disclaimer in the infomercial? I didn't think to look for one.
But there is no connection between the promises made of god's behalf and the exchange of dollars.

They offer the water bottle for FREE, if you call in for prayer.

During the call, they ask for a donation. At any time the caller can refuse.

Skeevy? Absolutely. But there is no direct connection between the promise related to the free gift; and a voluntary donation which is not mentioned anywhere in the ad.

It may be fraudulent in literal terms, but LEGALLY (which is the perspective I have been arguing from all along) there is no fraud.

No fraud.
The guy has his ass covered, then. Though he did get caught lying before. And shouldn't he have some disclaimer in the infomercial? I didn't think to look for one.
Realistically, if a disclaimer was required, this huckster would include one to cover his sorry ass.

The 'free' offer gets him out of it. It's an enticement to get desperate and gullible people to call into the boiler room, where the real damage is done.

Most likely, any legal disclaimer is offered when the donation is being solicited.

It's shameful, but perfectly legal.
But isn't he promising things he can't deliver? I saw one thing where he told some lady to throw away her pills. Isn't that practicing medicine without a license or somesuch? Or does it only count if you dress like a doctor, too?
Realistically, if a disclaimer was required, this huckster would include one to cover his sorry ass.

The 'free' offer gets him out of it. It's an enticement to get desperate and gullible people to call into the boiler room, where the real damage is done.

Most likely, any legal disclaimer is offered when the donation is being solicited.

It's shameful, but perfectly legal.
But isn't he promising things he can't deliver? I saw one thing where he told some lady to throw away her pills. Isn't that practicing medicine without a license or somesuch? Or does it only count if you dress like a doctor, too?
I'm not familiar with the example so I am reluctant to comment, but I will.

If he is presenting himself as a medical doctor, that is illegal.

But if giving bad advice was a crime, we would all be guilty at some point in out lives.

I don't enjoy defending scumbags.
Nobody does, but if folks decide it's okay to arrest someone who hasn't technically committed a crime just because they think he's a scumbag, what's to stop it from happening over and over again just because the pigs THINK somebody looks like a criminal? What little rights we have left, we need to cling to.
I don't enjoy defending scumbags.
. But there is no direct connection between the promise related to the free gift; and a voluntary donation which is not mentioned anywhere in the ad.

The purpose of the ad is to appeal to an audience that is ripe for his letter scam, which is where the real money comes from. In his letters, he clearly makes a connection between the amount of the donation and the "greatness" of the blessing. It isn't that he refrains from making promises, it isn't that the promises are not connected to the money, it's just that his promises are so undefined that they are meaningless. The law can't make binding that which does not make sense.

There is no law against me writing as many people as I want and requesting money, as long as I don't harass, I personalize the letters, and report what is necessary on my taxes. As far as the law is concerned, that is exactly what Peter does, and he keeps up with his taxes. It really isn't much different than what Silvia Brown or John Edwards does. He is committing no direct legal fraud, people are freely donating, and in this case the US has decided that people are free to make bad choices if they want to. (too bad the law doesn't take that approach with drug policy)

The real culprit here is ignorance. The general population is not well equipped to think about situations critically. The average person is not aware of the logical pitfalls, the perceptional mistakes, and the instinctive biases they are subject to every day, while con artists like Peter are well aware of these flaws and how they can be exploited. What I would like, instead of laws against religion, is for people to be capable of seeing through bullshit intuitively.
Funny how god is always asking for money, yet always has the nicest house on the block.
'God' doesn't need anything we have to offer. It's religion manipulating faith. Religion ruins faith. If you want to be mad at something, be made at organized religion. God has nothing to do with this.

But isn't he promising things he can't deliver? I saw one thing where he told some lady to throw away her pills. Isn't that practicing medicine without a license or somesuch? Or does it only count if you dress like a doctor, too?
Who says he can't deliver?
I don't believe he can, I'm saying that you can't prove whether he can or can't do it because he says God will do it. You can't prove God exists or doesn't, so he can say it if he wants.
Just read the title, have you seen you news in the US??, anyone that believes that crock of shit wouldn't pass a section test
'God' doesn't need anything we have to offer. It's religion manipulating faith. Religion ruins faith. If you want to be mad at something, be made at organized religion. God has nothing to do with this.

I didn't say I was mad at anyone, simply made an observation. The very house people go to give money is usually nicer than anyone's in attendance.

Who says he can't deliver?
I don't believe he can, I'm saying that you can't prove whether he can or can't do it because he says God will do it. You can't prove God exists or doesn't, so he can say it if he wants.

The burden of proof falls to the party making the claim. The more extraordinary the claim, the more solid the proof needed to believe it. I don't think it's a question of whether or not Peter can deliver, I think it's the matter of fact that he doesn't.
Religion is a scam but we don't arrest the pope . . . Seems to me that Scientology does more damage using mind control tactics. Peter is just draining other peoples pockets, it's the American way to make money off others misfortunes. I'll bet if Peter did not offer his holy water these people would still spend the money on something they did not need. I'm not defending scammers but the simple truth is as long as there are gullible, ignorant people they will always exsist.
I had a Nigerian scammer waste thousands of dollars making international calls to me. After leading the guy on for weeks I decided if anyone was stupid enough to fall for this guys scam he deserved the money. People always have excuses to not think critically but it's only to their own detriment.
You can fool all of the people all of the time and fix them when they aren't broke by leading them to water but not teaching them how to fish