Club 600


Well-Known Member
is having a cal mag def going to effect my harvest i have a week or so till i flush
I can't quite comment on your problem as I am currently in the same boat.
If the deficiency isn't horrible it will only marginally affect your harvest. If it's bad, it will show more noticeably.
Until one of the more experienced growers can offer advice, here's a good little read to help you with what nutrients are (well, limited to Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium) and what they do for a plant. Just a neat, quick read. :-)

You can do a foliar spray with 1ml of cal-mag per liter of water.
Just make sure that they aren't under the grow lights while you spray (kablooey), and let the plant/s dry before letting full strength grow lighting back on them to avoid burn spots. And keep a fan circulating the air real good in your grow area to avoid mold or bud rot while they dry. Would suck this late in the game.
It won't reverse damage spots, but it will prevent them from getting worse, and will supply the leaves with plenty of cal-mag for the plant to use as it needs.


Well-Known Member
Hey 600 :-)
Popping in to show you the start of my next hydro run, ?purp is in for this run and a crazy scrogg is in too... not sure what's gonna happen but thats kinda why Im doing it lol
So far I have a 600 hps in and the reflector still on... will remove the reflector when they grow past it and maybe put in a 1k mid way... still to be decided. wish me luck!

?purp day 1 starts tomorrow :-)

And my Space bombs that need to flower very soon.
also a mix of a few others in the veg.


Well-Known Member
It's a shame you couldn't have the wire drum moving around, now that with gravity involved would make for a real interesting grow.

I read a lot about peeps adding cal mag into their grows. Can I just say, I have never ever added this individually to any of my grows. Perhaps it is due to the heavy calcium content in the Dutch water I am not 100%. All I know is if you guys are pouring cal-mag into your plants, stop. Too much of this is just going to cause further problems. RIU should have a shortcut icon for the word cal-mag it is used so often, lol.

Sunny day and time to feed the women of the hareem.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
It's a shame you couldn't have the wire drum moving around, now that with gravity involved would make for a real interesting grow.

I read a lot about peeps adding cal mag into their grows. Can I just say, I have never ever added this individually to any of my grows. Perhaps it is due to the heavy calcium content in the Dutch water I am not 100%. All I know is if you guys are pouring cal-mag into your plants, stop. Too much of this is just going to cause further problems. RIU should have a shortcut icon for the word cal-mag it is used so often, lol.

Sunny day and time to feed the women of the hareem.

Peace, DST
Good day D, hope you'll send some sunshine our way: Oregon is looking grey and wet for a few days. :-)
I made the mistake after first moving here to Salem about trying to compensate at the root level with cal-mag when fighting one or both deficiencies, only to suffer added problems with nitrogen lockout, and just too inexperienced to figure out what was going on and no way of knowing how to correct it.
Still working on it, too.

In my research to find the root cause (no pun intended) and correct it in an effort to sever Medusa's head, I've found these worth reading for those in search of some info on the subject:

And, while I know wikipedia is not the end-all-be-all, it is wiki-wiki quickie-quickie:

They are not cannabis specific, but the info, I believe, holds true for our beloved goddesses.

For my next batch of plants, I'm going to prep my soil much better, and figure out what is the cause of the calcium deficiency.
Too much iron in the water? Too much potassium or phosphorus? Or a ph issue with the water?
Not sure, but will be looking real hard at everything as I get closer to my next round of growing.

Also, a cool documentary for afficiandos of rap... and nerds (hmm, can a documentary on nerds be cool?) :


Well-Known Member
Hey Doob, will check those posts out later, need to get back out into the sun while it's still here. The WWW makes me laugh, it's not really the WWW, it more like the LWW (localised wide web). If it was the WWW I would have no problem watching that video that is restricted to viewers in the US. And I would also have no problem watching BBC iPlayer as well....sorry but the WWW can suck at times.....sorry, I correct myself, people who control the WWW in this way suck!!! lol.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Damn! Sorry to hear about the content being blocked.
Hard to fathom how they can dare to restrict it.
It's a good documentary, so I hope the powers-that-be see fit to let it loose.















(*and the fact that my post is #21112 didn't escape my notice: all hail Rush)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey all whats going on. That was an ok wiki wiki quickie quickie on cal issues, but the last sentence of that article hits the nail on the head. Often underlooked and a biggie imo. Calcium and Mag can't be absorbed very well if at all if your water/feed are ph'd under 6.5, I usaually shoot for the high 6's. And adding lime at a rate of 1 tbsp or so per gal of soil helps a lot too. Talking about dirtbagging though, no experience with coco and hydro.



Well-Known Member
Food? Could you elaborate sir?

Look into FPE's.Fermented Plant Extracts.

Growing plants using plants,very cool.I don't see how one could get any more "organic' than doing things in this way.

I wish i could give more info as this is still new to me also.


Well-Known Member
is having a cal mag def going to effect my harvest i have a week or so till i flush
Depends on how long it's been going on and how severe.Pics always help.

But to actually give an answer to the question.......of course.Any def affects final product.

If it is kinda bad check your tops,cal mag,mostly mag issues can lead to bud rot if it is a severe def.


Well-Known Member
I'm in hydro so it probably doesn't help anyone, but I use RO water so there is no calcium or magnesium left when I give it to the girls. I use cal mag in the lower suggested rate. I think they say 5-10ml/ gal for hydro, and I run 5 ml per. Anyways, that's my little chime in.

Don... you may be the first person knighted for growing the most amazing buds in the queens empire! I want an invite to the after party.

And to D (and anyone else who likes being international on the webs) I use this tool to watch the fucking iPlayer. Like you I don't like the damn bastards in charge of controlling the internet. I also catch some cricket this way. However, the sky web viewer does not work with this... at least not for me. The tool isn't the best in the world, it's a bit buggy sometimes, but it's only US$18 as a one time fee. Hope that helps a bit bru. Tis a shame it isn't a giant WORLD wide web. Can you imagine the limited internet the chinese see?
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Active Member
guess ive ben smokin to much oil cause i went to go feed my dog and cat and i got a dam black and white cat also more white but alot of black suprised i didnt remember when i saw pics of all ur b&w cats


Well-Known Member
livers looks great dgnt!

Man talk about a slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwww day @ the 6! Im glad everyone is busy with life. I am too :lol: just stopping in to check posts :-) :peace:


Well-Known Member
And to D (and anyone else who likes being international on the webs) I use this tool to watch the fucking iPlayer. Like you I don't like the damn bastards in charge of controlling the internet. I also catch some cricket this way. However, the sky web viewer does not work with this... at least not for me. The tool isn't the best in the world, it's a bit buggy sometimes, but it's only US$18 as a one time fee. Hope that helps a bit bru. Tis a shame it isn't a giant WORLD wide web. Can you imagine the limited internet the chinese see?
Oops... forgot to put the link: