Well-Known Member
Just the opposite nere in NorCal. It rains about 2x a week and my girls are outside. I thought May-June was the outdoor season??? I guess noPracticing my right to protect my best interest. I do not have a conversation of any kind, outside of personal of course, without it being recorded. Here in Canada it's a One Party State, which in a nutshell says, as long as one party to a conversation is aware that it is being recorded, that would be me, then it is totally legal even if obtained surreptitiously. That's a fancy new word which means stealthily.The thing that people don't understand is that it's not personal and, it's not to necessarily catch "them" saying or doing something wrong. More so, it has to do with keeping record that "I" asked the (right) questions and did the right things, and be able to prove that NO, I did not say, do or imply that, like your trying to imply. Or that I "did" do, say or imply what I said I did, and I have legal admissible proof>> Booooooya!
Yes, it's been scorching and I'm having problems controlling my temps. It's the humidity that's the killer though.
w that I wanna do it that Supposed to rain 2mor (thur, and sun mon tue. It just never ends it seems......
We are even having tornado's if you can believe that!!