The expense of drug testing would further add to the costs of administering the programs that are already struggling with budget cuts. It would also further limit those on welfare from securing employment by leaving their work schedule dependant on making it to random drug test appointments.Going to open a can of worms here..Here goes...Topic. Mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients. My case, we as taxpayers are footing the bill. Fire at will. This is going to get
i don't see why it has to get ugly. it would seem a very straight forward question, with very little against the idea. as much as i believe that all drugs should be legal for the consumption of responsible adults, i also realize that it is a luxury. anyone who believes that the taxpayer should be footing the bill for such non-essentials has to have a screw loose. the entire concept of welfare was that it was to be a temporary measure, a way of helping people get back on their feet and not a way of life. that those funds are used to purchase luxuries that anyone else has to save up for instead of the necessities of life is one of the systems great failings.Going to open a can of worms here..Here goes...Topic. Mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients. My case, we as taxpayers are footing the bill. Fire at will. This is going to get
It would result in an increase in total expenditure because they would hire more administrative positions to over see all the tests and results and they would probably contract with an outside clinic to conduct the testing adding huge costs while cutting off more people in need. the total and the percentage of the money going to those in need would fall while the total cost of welfare would rise or at best stay the same. Just because someone failed a drug test does not mean they do not need to eat and who are we to dictate what substances someone must or must not take in order to receive less than a bare minimum of sustenance. I believe some people are required to take Pshyc meds to qualify for programs and now we want to start testing to see what is in their system as a condition for food stamps?How much would be saved and not paid out by the state into a system that is already abused. I also would not like to hear about invasion of privacy. If you chose not to be tested get a job. Nice response btw. Keep it coming.
It would be more cost effective for tax payers to legalize drugs and release drug offenders and give heroin addicts free heroin and clean needles as part of a welfare program.i don't see why it has to get ugly. it would seem a very straight forward question, with very little against the idea. as much as i believe that all drugs should be legal for the consumption of responsible adults, i also realize that it is a luxury. anyone who believes that the taxpayer should be footing the bill for such non-essentials has to have a screw loose. the entire concept of welfare was that it was to be a temporary measure, a way of helping people get back on their feet and not a way of life. that those funds are used to purchase luxuries that anyone else has to save up for instead of the necessities of life is one of the systems great failings.
They will save that in benifits paid out not total paid out to administer program as a whole, your number is indicating that the poor will get 1.7 mil less, why should tax payers fund killing people but not the programs for the poor. It would save us money if we stopped wasting money on the enforcment of prohibition.states do don't think it will increase revenue paid out they believe it will save close to 1.7 mil per year. And I am not saying they should not eat. I am saying we should not be paying for any substance abuse problems they might or might not have.
They will save that in benifits paid out not total paid out to administer program as a whole, your number is indicating that the poor will get 1.7 mil less, why should tax payers fund killing people but not the programs for the poor. It would save us money if we stopped wasting money on the enforcment of prohibition.
Are you suggesting cutting benifits for those who fail correct? In which case I say they still need to eat. And weather or not you cut those who fails welfare the costs of testing are prohibitive. The testing issue ties in with prohibition because you do not speak of checking if they are spending their money on doughnuts or mcdonalds and it ties into prison costs because if you cut welfare you will see an increase in crime and incarceration adding to costs on socitey while potentially lowering welfare costsenforcement of prohibition is not the topic. I am not saying no welfare for anyone, I said pee in the cup. Look at the rest of the posts , your a little behind.
Are you suggesting cutting benifits for those who fail correct? In which case I say they still need to eat. And weather or not you cut those who fails welfare the costs of testing are prohibitive. The testing issue ties in with prohibition because you do not speak of checking if they are spending their money on doughnuts or mcdonalds and it ties into prison costs because if you cut welfare you will see an increase in crime and incarceration adding to costs on socitey while potentially lowering welfare costs
refer to post #11. tackle that one before we go any further.
Awhile ago I started a thread that's long since dead so instead of trying to find it I started a sequel.
Pick a subject or topic and state your side and make your points for why your right and I will try to make a case for the opposing point of view.
Post # 2Going to open a can of worms here..Here goes...Topic. Mandatory drug testing for welfare recipients. My case, we as taxpayers are footing the bill. Fire at will. This is going to get