Hitler Was A Leftist

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now this thread has become an anti-semite circle jerk.

fucking disgusting.

you have all exposed yourselves for what you are.

Oh come on.... someone says something intelligent and you start calling people anti-semetic? Weak. Nobody here has anything (at least not me) against the Jews. I personally believe they are GOD chosen and if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have any faith.

You should move on now. It is becoming apparent your ability to argue is dependent on the jerk of your knee.

P.s. Put you "sync0s" friend away. I think I know were he came from. LOL
@Osborn.... Don't bother with the fact on Uncle Buck. He doesn't care that socialism was written by a self hating jew. He doesn't care that Soviet Russia, for the most part, supported the death camps and resented the fact that they had to deal with all the liberated people from the death camps. He doesn't care that Soviet Russia, Despised the Jewish citizens and treated then like cattle during the War.

He's Just a TROLL that doesn't know shit from shine-o-la
In view of where socialism led to in Nazi Germany, do you have any insight as to why so may Jews in this country continue to vote for socialism?

here is where the circle jerk begins.

this question is so loaded with false presuppositions that you have to reject it outright.

it is less of a question and more of a series of insinuations. the first thing implied is that socialism inevitably leads to genocide, the second thing implied is that american jews, by favoring democrats, want socialism.

news flash: the jews marched with the blacks during the civil rights movement, we were one of the strongest advocate groups for civil rights. so it is no surprise we tend to vote AGAINST the party in this country that played the southern strategy and catered to the racists successfully.

let me ask anyone here: when did you stop beating your wife?

see how that works when you ask loaded questions?
Socialism has been inherently anti-semetic since its inception and the self-hating Jew definitely isn't a recent phenomenon. Throughout European history, one can find examples of Jewish intellectuals who, in the face of intense discrimination and violence, believed that if their people would only bend over a little bit more for their host countries, they would finally be accepted by the native populations. A modern definition for this phenomenon would be Stockholm Syndrome, a psychological condition that makes a victim feel empathy and positive feelings for/his her tormenter.

here is where the circle jerk continues.

instead of rejecting the question, as is the proper thing to do when someone asks you a loaded question full of false presuppositions, this einstein goes on to drum up his theory that jews just like to bend over and even likens us to suffering 'stockholm syndrome'.

gee, no way he is trying to paint jews in a non-flattering way, or lump us all in together in one easy to swallow yet completely false and fucked-in-the-head stereotype.

jesus h christ.
Since this thread has supposedly become "an anti-semite circle jerk", let's hear what Karl Marx, the father of modern socialism and the ultimate self-hating Jew, thinks about the subject:

There's more...

news flash: not all jews are the same.

also, fuck you.
Oh come on.... someone says something intelligent and you start calling people anti-semetic? Weak. Nobody here has anything (at least not me) against the Jews. I personally believe they are GOD chosen and if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have any faith.

You should move on now. It is becoming apparent your ability to argue is dependent on the jerk of your knee.

sorry, if there was any intelligence in that circle jerk of ridiculous jewish stereotypes, i missed it.

since you were so kind as to try to lump me in as a 'godless jew who adheres to the ideals of the JADL', i feel i should return the favor.

but i will not, since i have two brain cells i can rub together and realize making sweeping generalizations and false stereotypes is kind of a shitty thing to do.
sorry, if there was any intelligence in that circle jerk of ridiculous jewish stereotypes, i missed it.

since you were so kind as to try to lump me in as a 'godless jew who adheres to the ideals of the JADL', i feel i should return the favor.

but i will not, since i have two brain cells i can rub together and realize making sweeping generalizations and false stereotypes is kind of a shitty thing to do.

Besides me assuming (intentionally to manipulate your emotionally driven childish behaviors) what broad sweeping generalization were being made here. In fact I believe I am on the side of Israel. Nobody made the claim that socialism leads to genocide (though I would be willing to make that claim) you made that leap on your own.
You are nothing more than a TROLL.
I support the Jews. (You just want to be insulted)
I just don't support a socio-economic construct that attempts to destroys our GOD and the free will he has given us.
Again I feel sorry for someone that has such a knee jerk and reactionary view of the world.

You already did lump me into a group previously, called the Birchers and NAZI's. Quit Yer' whining
Besides me assuming (intentionally to manipulate your emotionally driven childish behaviors) what broad sweeping generalization were being made here. In fact I believe I am on the side of Israel. Nobody made the claim that socialism leads to genocide (though I would be willing to make that claim) you made that leap on your own.
You are nothing more than a TROLL.
I support the Jews. (You just want to be insulted)
I just don't support a socio-economic construct that attempts to destroys our GOD and the free will he has given us.
Again I feel sorry for someone that has such a knee jerk and reactionary view of the world.

You already did lump me into a group previously, called the Birchers and NAZI's. Quit Yer' whining

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[3]

isn't that ironic? you accuse me of being a troll for pointing out your borderline anti-semitism and adoration of other people's full on anti-semitism, yet you fully admit to "trolling".

pot, meet kettle.

also, i never called you a john birch society member or a member of the american nazi party. all i ever did was ask if your research on a certain topic was derived solely from their websites, and the question was legitimate. i can go back and quote it, but you already know that was all i ever said.

so quit yer spinning and trolling. have an intellectually honest debate, and drop the anti-semitism, mr. lets-his-toddlers-water-his-weed-plants.
In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[3]

isn't that ironic? you accuse me of being a troll for pointing out your borderline anti-semitism and adoration of other people's full on anti-semitism, yet you fully admit to "trolling".

pot, meet kettle.

also, i never called you a john birch society member or a member of the american nazi party. all i ever did was ask if your research on a certain topic was derived solely from their websites, and the question was legitimate. i can go back and quote it, but you already know that was all i ever said.

so quit yer spinning and trolling. have an intellectually honest debate, and drop the anti-semitism, mr. lets-his-toddlers-water-his-weed-plants.

Spinn??? TROLL

I know what a TROLL is? YOU are a TROLL.
You are alway jumpin into threads, mine to be exact, and intentionally stir up shit and start trouble. Thats all you have ever done in my thread so I call it as I see it.
Your a trouble maker and a TROLL.
If your not a TROLL just starting trouble. Let us folk who want to be respectful be and get the F*&k off my thread. TROLL
I feel sorry for your type. You will never ever see the trees through the woods. LIfe is great, I don't hate Jews, I am not a NAZI......ehh umm, I mean get my information from NAZI websites. Socialism Does destroy humanity and People should be free.
Oh. and don't forget..... Hitlers Fascist NAtional Socialism is Left of AMerican's CONSTITUION. To claim otherwise is to not be connected with the realities of this dimension.

Spinn??? TROLL

I know what a TROLL is? YOU are a TROLL.
You are alway jumpin into threads, mine to be exact, and intentionally stir up shit and start trouble. Thats all you have ever done in my thread so I call it as I see it.
Your a trouble maker and a TROLL.
If your not a TROLL just starting trouble. Let us folk who want to be respectful be and get the F*&k off my thread. TROLL
I feel sorry for your type. You will never ever see the trees through the woods. LIfe is great, I don't hate Jews, I am not a NAZI......ehh umm, I mean get my information from NAZI websites. Socialism Does destroy humanity and People should be free.
Oh. and don't forget..... Hitlers Fascist NAtional Socialism is Left of AMerican's CONSTITUION. To claim otherwise is to not be connected with the realities of this dimension.


i post the definition of a troll which you admitted to being nearly word for word, so you double down on baselessly calling me a troll and saying i have no grip on reality?


go get back to work calculating launch trajectories and preventing whatever nefarious kabal that is bound to destroy the unite states which all of us mere drones are perpetuating. oh, knowledgeable and great one.

you remind me of a kid who is angry and sticks his fingers in his ears, holds his breath, and stomps his feet.

the only real difference is that the kid would at least be familiar with proper usage of "your" and "you're". they would also know how to spell "anti-semitic" in all likelihood, as well.
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