Hitler Was A Leftist

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"Our tradition of political thought had its definite beginning in the teachings of Plato and Aristotle. I believe it came to a no less definite end in the theories of Karl Marx."

"Only the mob and the elite can be attracted by the momentum of totalitarianism itself. The masses have to be won by propaganda."

-Hannah Arendt

Damn it "John the Hate Farmer", what did I just say!
too bad he is too much of a holier-than-thou blowhard to simply make that simple distinction.

It's amazing that I am the only guy in the world that has his own personal moderator.
Uncle Buck, You behave like a child and it is becoming clear you have some sort of social disorder. I am really starting to feel sorry for you.
Communism = Government ownership of all means of production and all capital.

Fascism = The illusion of private ownership with strict government control.

So, which path is the United States following? Think government bailouts, GE paying no taxes on 5 billion profit, unions placed ahead of bond holders in the Chrysler bailout. And it goes on and on ...
It is sad to see some people treat others in such a vile and disgusting way just because they disagree with there point of view. It's no wonder that people create, over and over, Governments just to enslave and murder others they dislike.

You people they call yourselves liberal can be the most abusive and intolerant of them all.

I am a true Liberal..... I believe I have freedom to do, think and say as I wish, and so do you.


Two weeks ago, I visited an old friend/grow partner for the first time in several years. We don't have much in common when it comes to politics, but that never got in the way of our friendship in years past. The first night I was at his house, I rolled up a nice king size cone and he decided to start talking politics. I didn't want to talk politics with him so I avoided the discussion, but he kept insisting that I needed to agree with his point of view and I told him that wasn't possible. He then went ape shit on me and said people like me are basically evil and that he no longer talks to his brother and father because they also don't agree with his political views. I told him that if everyone agreed on everything, the world would be a boring place, etc... I tried to calm him down as he looked like he wanted to punch me in the face and it worked for a while, but he just wouldn't let it go so I picked up my bag and told him that I was going to leave. Before I left, I gave him a free quarter of Lemon Sweet Skunk, shook his hand, and told him that if he ever changes his mind about not wanting to associate with people like me, he should give me a call because I would still like to be friends with him.

I have a B.A. in Germanic Studies so I know a lot about the subject of this thread and the third reich in general. Many German Jews who lived through that nightmare just couldn't understand how some of their own friends could turn on them in such a short period of time. Driving away from my old friend's house, I felt the same way. :cry:
Agreed. BUt I would rather have no law then political slavery.

you would regret having that belief if a gang bigger than yours came to take your lives and possessions with shots to your head.

no law = anarchy.

anarchy is equivalent to whoever has more people with guns, wins.

although i begrudgingly approve of full gun rights because of the constitution, i don't go so far as to say that i wouldn't prefer some restrictions (i.e. laws) regarding who may be allowed to carry a deadly weapon of any sort.

same thing as being allowed to yell 'fire' in a theater.

whoever says they would prefer "no law" rather than this "political slavery" conspiracy shit is rightfully relegated to the 'batshit insane' category nowadays.

no laws whatsoever is just silly speak. sorry, windsblow.
you would regret having that belief if a gang bigger than yours came to take your lives and possessions with shots to your head.

no law = anarchy.

anarchy is equivalent to whoever has more people with guns, wins.

although i begrudgingly approve of full gun rights because of the constitution, i don't go so far as to say that i wouldn't prefer some restrictions (i.e. laws) regarding who may be allowed to carry a deadly weapon of any sort.

same thing as being allowed to yell 'fire' in a theater.

whoever says they would prefer "no law" rather than this "political slavery" conspiracy shit is rightfully relegated to the 'batshit insane' category nowadays.

no laws whatsoever is just silly speak. sorry, windsblow.

The Government is the biggest gang of them all. When a Government becomes corrupt and oppressive, and they always do, it becomes more dangerous than any so called and made up mythical "gang". I never advocated for Anarchy. But I would if given the choice of the two extremes I would pick total freedom. Any logic and sane person would.

I never said anything silly TROLL
anarchy is equivalent to whoever has more people with guns, wins.
isn't it amazing how closely your definition of anarchy resembles that of rampant democracy. both demand an enlightened population to curb their own baser instincts or some other limiting force to keep the majority from victimizing the minority.
isn't it amazing how closely your definition of anarchy resembles that of rampant democracy. both demand an enlightened population to curb their own baser instincts or some other limiting force to keep the majority from victimizing the minority.

Yup... Anarchy is Democracy. I believe Democracy is a pipe dream. Democracy leads to horrible ends.
"Democracy" is nothing more than two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner. Don't let the "Progressives" fool you with thier attempt to shift and change the true meaning of "democracy".

Going to the polls every once in a while to choose by secret ballot who your robbers and oppressors will be is "democratic" in principle, but it sure as hell isn't Freedom.

I have a B.A. in Germanic Studies so I know a lot about the subject of this thread and the third reich in general. Many German Jews who lived through that nightmare just couldn't understand how some of their own friends could turn on them in such a short period of time. Driving away from my old friend's house, I felt the same way. :cry:

Excellent post, Osburn.

I've always been amazed by the fact that the Nazi death camps were close to towns. Isn't it amazing that the town citizenry didn't utter a peep about what was going on?

In view of where socialism led to in Nazi Germany, do you have any insight as to why so may Jews in this country continue to vote for socialism?
Excellent post, Osburn.

I've always been amazed by the fact that the Nazi death camps were close to towns. Isn't it amazing that the town citizenry didn't utter a peep about what was going on?

In view of where socialism led to in Nazi Germany, do you have any insight as to why so may Jews in this country continue to vote for socialism?

I have alway wondered that myself. But it is usually the GODLESS jews that adhere to the ideal of the JADL.

Ask Uncle Buck why he does? I sure he would be more than willing to enlighten you.
Excellent post, Osburn.


I've always been amazed by the fact that the Nazi death camps were close to towns. Isn't it amazing that the town citizenry didn't utter a peep about what was going on?

I have visited most of the major concentration camps in Poland and Germany, including Buchenwald, which is near the beautiful town of Weimar in eastern Germany. After American soldiers liberated the camp, the townfolk pleaded ignorance even though the sweet smell of burnt human flesh permeates the camp to this day. The American commanding officer forced the townfolk to take a tour of the camp. Unfortunately, I don't think that did much good as there's a WWII monument right in the center of town that says "Wir sind alle Opfern von Krieg". Loose translation: We are all victims of the war. :roll:

In view of where socialism led to in Nazi Germany, do you have any insight as to why so may Jews in this country continue to vote for socialism?

Socialism has been inherently anti-semetic since its inception and the self-hating Jew definitely isn't a recent phenomenon. Throughout European history, one can find examples of Jewish intellectuals who, in the face of intense discrimination and violence, believed that if their people would only bend over a little bit more for their host countries, they would finally be accepted by the native populations. A modern definition for this phenomenon would be Stockholm Syndrome, a psychological condition that makes a victim feel empathy and positive feelings for/his her tormenter.

now this thread has become an anti-semite circle jerk.

fucking disgusting.

you have all exposed yourselves for what you are.

now this thread has become an anti-semite circle jerk.

fucking disgusting.

you have all exposed yourselves for what you are.

Sorry, your anti-semite circle jerk comment made me laugh as terrible as that is.. the words put together are funny... On the other note I absolutely love the stretch from fascist to socialist. Nazi's were nothing but bigots with power and a new world order ideal, but hey... Americans and their views on Muslims are exactly the same way.... fucking bigots

Additionally, our constant comparisons of Hitler and fascist regimes to our current political agendas are doing nothing but breeding ignorance and adding to the entire fear propaganda campaigns that are turned around and used against us to create a large fascist American regime which will only be turned around to recreate the exact same regime which killed millions in concentration camps in the 1930s and 40s. So congratulations... this thread has effectively doomed us all : )

now this thread has become an anti-semite circle jerk.

fucking disgusting.

Since this thread has supposedly become "an anti-semite circle jerk", let's hear what Karl Marx, the father of modern socialism and the ultimate self-hating Jew, thinks about the subject:

"It is the circumvention of law that makes the religious Jew a religious Jew." (Die Deutsche Ideologie, MEGA V, 162)

"The Jews of Poland are the smeariest of all races." (Neue Rheinische Zeitung, April 29, 1849)

He called Ferdinand Lassalle, "Judel Itzig-Jewish Nigger." (Der Judische Nigger, MEKOR III, 82, July 30, 1862)

"Ramsgate is full of Jews and fleas." (MEKOR IV, 490, August 25, 1879)

"Let us look at the real Jew of our time; not the Jew of the Sabbath, whom Bauer considers, but the Jew of everyday life. What is the Jew's foundation in our world? Material necessity, private advantage. What is the object of the Jew's worship in this world? Usury. What is his worldly god? Money. Very well then; emancipation from usury and money, that is, from practical, real Judaism, would constitute the emancipation of our time." ("A World Without Jews," p. 37)

"What was the essential foundation of the Jewish religion? Practical needs, egotism." (Ibid, p. 40)

"Money is the zealous one God of Israel, beside which no other God may stand. Money degrades all the gods of mankind and turns them into commodities. Money is the universal and self-constituted value set upon all things. It has therefore robbed the whole world, of both nature and man, of its original value. Money is the essence of man's life and work, which have become alienated from him. This alien monster rules him and he worships it. The God of the Jews has become secularized and is now a worldly God. The bill of exchange is the Jew's real God. His God is the illusory bill of exchange." ("A World Without Jews," p. 41)

There's more...

I have visited most of the major concentration camps in Poland and Germany, including Buchenwald, which is near the beautiful town of Weimar in eastern Germany. After American soldiers liberated the camp, the townfolk pleaded ignorance even though the sweet smell of burnt human flesh permeates the camp to this day. The American commanding officer forced the townfolk to take a tour of the camp. Unfortunately, I don't think that did much good as there's a WWII monument right in the center of town that says "Wir sind alle Opfern von Krieg". Loose translation: We are all victims of the war. :roll:

Socialism has been inherently anti-semetic since its inception and the self-hating Jew definitely isn't a recent phenomenon. Throughout European history, one can find examples of Jewish intellectuals who, in the face of intense discrimination and violence, believed that if their people would only bend over a little bit more for their host countries, they would finally be accepted by the native populations. A modern definition for this phenomenon would be Stockholm Syndrome, a psychological condition that makes a victim feel empathy and positive feelings for/his her tormenter.

Awesome post. One of the best I have ever read on this site. +REP for being knowledgable and objective.
Sorry, your anti-semite circle jerk comment made me laugh as terrible as that is.. the words put together are funny... On the other note I absolutely love the stretch from fascist to socialist. Nazi's were nothing but bigots with power and a new world order ideal, but hey... Americans and their views on Muslims are exactly the same way.... fucking bigots

Additionally, our constant comparisons of Hitler and fascist regimes to our current political agendas are doing nothing but breeding ignorance and adding to the entire fear propaganda campaigns that are turned around and used against us to create a large fascist American regime which will only be turned around to recreate the exact same regime which killed millions in concentration camps in the 1930s and 40s. So congratulations... this thread has effectively doomed us all : )

Have you even read this thread? Nobody has even mentioned "the current political agenda". Nobody made any comparison. our statement is just ridiculous.
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