Attention to All Users

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clear your inbox oh wait i broke a rule with a short post
u r a bad influence

I think they just want people off the site, first they threaten to delete anyone who refused to let RIU sell off their details to an advertising company, and now we're just being policed by mindless unkown zombies with no clue as to the dynamic of the forum. Fdd etc didn't have the complete idea but he was a surefire better option than this. I'm just picturing a couple of 17yr old kids having an ego orgy thinking they#re mods of RIU, they are important people.
I think they just want people off the site, first they threaten to delete anyone who refused to let RIU sell off their details to an advertising company, and now we're just being policed by mindless unkown zombies with no clue as to the dynamic of the forum. Fdd etc didn't have the complete idea but he was a surefire better option than this. I'm just picturing a couple of 17yr old kids having an ego orgy thinking they#re mods of RIU, they are important people.
like a cop with a badge thinking they are god
I think they just want people off the site, first they threaten to delete anyone who refused to let RIU sell off their details to an advertising company, and now we're just being policed by mindless unkown zombies with no clue as to the dynamic of the forum. Fdd etc didn't have the complete idea but he was a surefire better option than this. I'm just picturing a couple of 17yr old kids having an ego orgy thinking they#re mods of RIU, they are important people.

lmfao! i pictured a couple of 17 year olds to man! haha...sitting there stealing there moms ciggarettes slaping each other high fives when they delete a post
Why has the OP not been infracted, couldn't care that they are a mod they broke their rules they take the punishment :) Site is becoming a bit of a joke, Couple this with what seems to be a large influx of rather mentally challenged newbies, and well, boooo

2000 posts and some rep to make us think they are notable members who should be listened to, how about 14 posts :lol: The very least a mod can be is someone who is part of the community, not some random punk with absolutely no idea how things work, and as such just see everything as terrible and slam down some "rules"

What I want to know is how some of their rules are at all logical. OK, someone answers a message ... even if a correct answer it might be short and not explain things and the person asking the question never really learns anything. Someone else comes along saying the same thing but in great detail and then the person asking the question actually learns something .. but the one who actually taught him something would be in for an infraction for answering the question a second time even though they did the better service to the person asking the question and to all those who later come along and read it and then also learn.

And what are the qualifications of these hired guns to be able to decide if a question has been answered and answered correctly? Did RIU hire Red Rosenthal and Jorge fucking Cervantes or something. These hired goons might not know enough about growing to be able to grow fungus between their toes but yet they are going to be those to decide if a question has been answered and answered correctly and anyone else who answers, but who might be the one to give the accurate answer, is in danger of an infraction.

How can we trust their judgment or knowledge or skill level when they had to be given a high fake post count and fake rep to appear as if they are old hats and why should we be forced to accept what they say when possible when it comes to growing their do not know their asshole from their earhole?

Who are these hired enforcers, these goons, and what have they proven to anyone here about their level of growing skill? The mod position has historically been given to those who have proven their skill and who have contributed a great deal to the site. What have these Gestapo officers proven to anyone or have contributed to the site? Threats and only threats .. and they are getting paid for that and for that alone.

I have had an exchange going on with a few people in another thread about how this site has been on a long slow downhill slide ... well with the addition of the KGB it just hit a steep patch of ice and is hurtling downhill at breakneck speed and when it crashes it will break into tiny pieces.

This site is the Titanic, it is sinking fast. Potroat's knows changes need to be made and wants to make them but RIU has his hands tied and will not give the go ahead. There are do nothing mods, mods that basically quit without having formally quit and there is another who is the worst mod I have ever run across in my entire online life and who is part of the problem rather than part of a solution. RIU picked a couple new mods but things do not seem to be getting better and instead have caused a major implosion and an out and out mutiny.

I believe the damage that has been done is beyond booting the hired thugs and replacing them with quality mods from the RIU membership or changing any rules. RIU has proven that he does not give a damn about the site or it's members, even the longest term members, though their numbers have been dwindling for a while because they got fed up with what this site has become and left.

The site has become infested with kids who believe they know it all, when in fact they know dick, absolute 100% jerks who live to troll and it has enough newbies to fill Alaska to the point of overcapacity and wannabe gangstas who love to talk like they are Crips or Bloods.

This site has reached a tipping point where it will capsize and there will be no powers under the sun or moon capable of bringing it back. When I found this site it was already bad. I picked this site to spend most of my time on because it clearly needed help more than any of the others that I am a member of or lurk at. I was stupid enough to believe that I could make some difference. Since joining rather than me helping things get better the pinhead jerks have changed me from being a straight talking blunt truth teller into being very sarcastic and quick to nip at anyone who nips at me. I don't like that. I do not like how this site has drug me down rather than how I hoped that in some small way I could help to elevate it. Now with the new changes the final nails have been driven into the lid of the RIU coffin.

It's time that every decent member needs to take to the lifeboats and row for a better site. A good direction to row in would be It does not have a large membership and is not nearly as active as this site but it does not have a massive membership of of morons, trolls and court jesters. Percentage-wise there are more knowledgeable members there by far, and by a massive percentage they are better people.

It is something for the decent members here to consider. Though I joined the site in May 2006 I have hardly posted there. It is unlike here where you do not see the same questions asked every day, or as many as five times a day, all in different threads, so there are fewer lost balls in the tall grass asking questions to reply to and more people to read and learn from.

Another site to consider it one where a number of the better RIU members already moved to because they could read the writing on the wall and were not going to wait for the Nazis to take over and destroy what little was left of RIU. They moved to .... It it another option worth considering.

The time has come to abandon ship my mateys. This old scow is a sinkin' fast and unless yee want ta' end up shark bait it is time to launch the ship's boats and break yer backs rowin' fer what would be like paradise compared to this rotten old sinking old sea hag of a scow.
as someone said in the beginning this thread has fail written all over it

Here ya go....allow me:

BT brings up a poignant point here: serious query:

do either of you ladies grow/use/like cannabis at all?

maybe rolli gave them fake grows to go with fake rep and fake post

all kidding aside, i'm dead serious.
i seriously want to know if i'm being moderated/led/guided/judged by fellow growers or not.

and i think the other 20000 or so active users would too.
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