Attention to All Users

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Why has the OP not been infracted, couldn't care that they are a mod they broke their rules they take the punishment :) Site is becoming a bit of a joke, Couple this with what seems to be a large influx of rather mentally challenged newbies, and well, boooo

2000 posts and some rep to make us think they are notable members who should be listened to, how about 14 posts :lol: The very least a mod can be is someone who is part of the community, not some random punk with absolutely no idea how things work, and as such just see everything as terrible and slam down some "rules"
I hope the owners of this site haven't been busted or compromised in any way. It doesn't take a psychic to realize that something is off.

These 2 new mods seem weird and very unfamiliar with the ways of this site.

And it is very annoying that for the past 2 weeks I have seen so much illegal spam/selling in the grow journals section and other places. Maybe 20 a day. I have never seen this here before.

Something is off.
you may be on to something things seemed to go bad withing a few weeks
funny also i reported every spam but the would rather delete pics a guy included in his grow pics or worry about excessive smileys
while they ignored me direct emails
i had to call a old mod out of retirement to handle their job while they trip about giving infractions for to many space in between words or agreeing with someone elses advice yes that right according to them if u if you dont post conflicting advice and say yes u r right good advice use some epsons salts u get a infraction

I hope the owners of this site haven't been busted or compromised in any way. It doesn't take a psychic to realize that something is off.

These 2 new mods seem weird and very unfamiliar with the ways of this site.

And it is very annoying that for the past 2 weeks I have seen so much illegal spam/selling in the grow journals section and other places. Maybe 20 a day. I have never seen this here before.

Something is off.
The following posts are not allowed in this site:
* No violent, discriminatory language, or personal attacks
* No advertisement
* Spams such as:
- short posts (example: Yeah! Me Too!)
- off topics
- double posts
- posts that served no purpose
- starting new thread when similar thread has already been starting
- restating one's vote in a poll thread with no explanation
- any other posts that deem inappropriate to the readers
- responses to spam posts are also considered as spam
- re-answering a question that has already been answered
- posts that contain large amount of smileys/spaces
- posting inappropriate images and videos irrelevant to the topic

Note: Violators will received infractions/spam warnings.
we don't need any one to enliten the rules 4us.. the mods will lets us know the hard way..
As is Ella Jean with her mighty 13 posts, sorry, 1988 posts :lol: And we're supposed to take this person seriously? Taking it seriously i'd say that if you've 13 post and yet it states near 2000, i'll believe you hacked the site and your a policeman! :) Super cereal
they are mods and it is mareyjaney and ella
they have delted all kinds of post that are harmless while leaving harmful ones
reason they have 13 post but says 2000 is by their own admission they said rolli gave them fake rep count and fake post count so they could give out rep
they never seen the site till he hired them yes paid them when mods here thats served for years got nothing thats why all mods left and we got these 2
go read they post says alot

seems they would rather give infractions for to many spaces and excessive smileys then taking care of trolls and spamm that we have been bombarded with
oh btw if u reply to a spam post they said u will get a infraction to
and i liked ffdd but u guys thought he was power tripping
do u think that now

As is Ella Jean with her mighty 13 posts, sorry, 1988 posts :lol: And we're supposed to take this person seriously? Taking it seriously i'd say that if you've 13 post and yet it states near 2000, i'll believe you hacked the site and your a policeman! :) Super cereal
2 posts deleted off here already...Makes you miss FDD!!!!!
can i just ask where you girls came from, lets here it from your mouth..
and aside from getting paid is there any other reason(s) why you guys are insisting on "cleaning" up the forum?
they are mods and it is mareyjaney and ella
they have delted all kinds of post that are harmless while leaving harmful ones
reason they have 13 post but says 2000 is by their own admission they said rolli gave them fake rep count and fake post count so they could give out rep
they never seen the site till he hired them yes paid them when mods here thats served for years got nothing thats why all mods left and we got these 2
go read they post says alot

seems they would rather give infractions for to many spaces and excessive smileys then taking care of trolls and spamm that we have been bombarded with
oh btw if u reply to a spam post they said u will get a infraction to
and i liked ffdd but u guys thought he was power tripping
do u think that now

maybe someone should report them cuz they do not have the power to do so.. check urself and see. i posted all the mods..
Oh fdd certainly power tripped at times like when he shut down the what's for dinner thread for being too many people just chatting aimlessly when he had a thread called "fuck" but he still reversed decisions he made if he was led to believe they were wrong, and he still did a fairly good job (although i always wondered on the 50K+ post count) but he did what needed to be done a lot of the time.

Got a link to where all this went down? I'd noticed that i don't seem to see the likes of PR and GT and the lot anywhere, i've reported spam and the works but nothing ever happens.

Mygirls, try and put them on your ignore list, they are mods.... the page you are using as your point of reference is a manually updated community page for members just to see who'#s who in the community. Just because someone is not on there doesn't make them a mod... :lol:

But go on, try and ignore them, ya can't ;)
report dont work these 2 gems r your only hope save us

Oh fdd certainly power tripped at times like when he shut down the what's for dinner thread for being too many people just chatting aimlessly when he had a thread called "fuck" but he still reversed decisions he made if he was led to believe they were wrong, and he still did a fairly good job (although i always wondered on the 50K+ post count) but he did what needed to be done a lot of the time.

Got a link to where all this went down? I'd noticed that i don't seem to see the likes of PR and GT and the lot anywhere, i've reported spam and the works but nothing ever happens.

Mygirls, try and put them on your ignore list, they are mods.... the page you are using as your point of reference is a manually updated community page for members just to see who'#s who in the community. Just because someone is not on there doesn't make them a mod... :lol:

But go on, try and ignore them, ya can't ;)
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