Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment

ok i took them out of bag so u can see what u get
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You let em out!!! wtf............aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh surprised they are not cooking up something in that creepy circle/:fire:
What are u ladys sqwakin about? Naw! went to bed! Thats called sleep!hahahaha scared fab? I like u! But that was about as gay as the rainbow brite collection of trolls! Hahahahha good morning gerlz!lmao
trade me bud, and you can have ALL of the 'trolls' I get around here ;)

Just wanted to let you guys all know, I harvested my half of a plant yesterday... dunno what the wet weight is, as my scale was stolen as well, but from the looks of it, I'm guessin at close to an oz.....
meaning I WOULD HAVE gotten @6-7ozs off of the full 4 plants I had going :(
good mornin there cookie! Hows up? Whats it going?lmao almost done moving?

Hahaha cookie! Makes me laugh every time! The move is going good today is last day and most is done I only had to work 2hr work let me take today off I may catch a nap before the office opens I didn't get much for sleep
hey dont be cutting in on my troll market

trade me bud, and you can have ALL of the 'trolls' I get around here ;)

Just wanted to let you guys all know, I harvested my half of a plant yesterday... dunno what the wet weight is, as my scale was stolen as well, but from the looks of it, I'm guessin at close to an oz.....
meaning I WOULD HAVE gotten @6-7ozs off of the full 4 plants I had going :(
I got yelled at last night for not checking ph and some other things! I told the guy like this look I have an ex fucked me over I do the best I can and since I'm homeless yeah I think I'm doing ok could be worse! He says let's start don't do this or this? I was like nope! He says they are beautiful I'm just shocked then say how many plants are in the rubbermaid? I was like one..took a min for him to understand then he says omfg do you know the potential! Me..yep why do you think maria is my baby and she is here with you :D he has 5 grows under his belt wants me there as much as possible to be with maria and pj I gave beverly to my buddy he needed something to love in his life!