Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment

Ha, reminds me of 2 or 3 friends I have who confuse the hell outta me when they say things like.

Him: "Yeah, I just got a gun...But i've godda get my concealed weapon permit soon."
Me: "Concealed?? Why would you needa do that?"
Him: "So I can conceal it on my person"
Me: "But why would you need to do that?"
Him: "To protect my family man, you never know what might happen out there."
Me: "What do you think is gonna happen?"
Him: "Could get in an argument or something and I might need to defend myself."
Me: "With a GUN?!"
Him: "Yeah dude, you never know."
Me: "Dude...if you have a problem, and you pull that gun will become a 100x worse."
Him: "Aw, whatever dude, I got a daughter, I need to keep them safe."
Me: "With a gun?"
Him: "Yup"
Me: "::sighs:: Whatever man...."
Now i'm not saying that guns don't serve a purpose, and that they can't be used for good as well as evil. Since no object is truly good OR evil, but our actions taken with said object that give it that connotation. But people who think they'll be protecting they're family was in actuality putting them in more danger by having a gun in the house. Especially when we aren't under attack or anything...
There are only a few reasons I can personally see to have a gun...

1) Zombie Apocalypse
2) Vampire Apocalypse
3) Commie Invasion "Fucking Reds!!!" (I'm a child of the 80's :-P)
4) Home Attack by a madman.

Now, the only scenario likely to occur, is the last, and that is one of those ones where, if the gun is accessible enough to get out super quick and thwart a madman like that, then it's not properly stored in a safe and inaccessible place.
It's kind of those damned if you do and if you don't things...

I however want a gun myself...but only for the first 3 scenarios...the 4th is either save us with a bat or save us with my words kinda thing...

In all seriousness though, I WOULD like a gun but locked up in a safe that requires a combo, and a key. Leaving 1 person with the combo, and 1 with the key. My dad keeps one, I keep the other, since we NEVER get along...the world will HAVE to be coming to an end to warrant bringing the gun out. ;-)
Ha, reminds me of 2 or 3 friends I have who confuse the hell outta me when they say things like.

Him: "Yeah, I just got a gun...But i've godda get my concealed weapon permit soon."
Me: "Concealed?? Why would you needa do that?"
Him: "So I can conceal it on my person"
Me: "But why would you need to do that?"
Him: "To protect my family man, you never know what might happen out there."
Me: "What do you think is gonna happen?"
Him: "Could get in an argument or something and I might need to defend myself."
Me: "With a GUN?!"
Him: "Yeah dude, you never know."
Me: "Dude...if you have a problem, and you pull that gun will become a 100x worse."
Him: "Aw, whatever dude, I got a daughter, I need to keep them safe."
Me: "With a gun?"
Him: "Yup"
Me: "::sighs:: Whatever man...."

Now i'm not saying that guns don't serve a purpose, and that they can't be used for good as well as evil. Since no object is truly good OR evil, but our actions taken with said object that give it that connotation. But people who think they'll be protecting they're family was in actuality putting them in more danger by having a gun in the house. Especially when we aren't under attack or anything...
There are only a few reasons I can personally see to have a gun...

1) Zombie Apocalypse
2) Vampire Apocalypse
3) Commie Invasion "Fucking Reds!!!" (I'm a child of the 80's :-P)
4) Home Attack by a madman.

Now, the only scenario likely to occur, is the last, and that is one of those ones where, if the gun is accessible enough to get out super quick and thwart a madman like that, then it's not properly stored in a safe and inaccessible place.
It's kind of those damned if you do and if you don't things...

I however want a gun myself...but only for the first 3 scenarios...the 4th is either save us with a bat or save us with my words kinda thing...

In all seriousness though, I WOULD like a gun but locked up in a safe that requires a combo, and a key. Leaving 1 person with the combo, and 1 with the key. My dad keeps one, I keep the other, since we NEVER get along...the world will HAVE to be coming to an end to warrant bringing the gun out. ;-)

I dont know to laugh or yell at you....Dont get me wrong, i cant wait for a zombie apocalypse. however..
Owning a firearm, or multiple firearms isnt just about carrying it around tucked into your pants so know one can see it. and bragging to your friends about protecting your family. there might be 3 people who have ever seen the inside of my safe. Im not gonna go on a ramble, considering its the wrong thread, But being a man and protecting your family and whats yours is a big responsibility. Ive worked to hard for what i have and no one will ever take it from me. I choose to protect mine with firearms you want to use words. guess if our homes ever got broken into on the same night you would be compiling a story and i would be debating on which weapon and which caliber i wanted to shoot them with before they got upstairs. But one things for sure, my family wont be harmed, and i will live to tell the story here on riu haha...not trying to be a dick man, but you see it your way, and i would live to see it my way with all my shit still intact where it im sure the question will be "could you really shoot someone"
Do i want to, absolutely not...would I? if it meant coming down to harming my wife and children you bet your sweet ass i would, without hesitation. Im an 80's child to bruh :lol: 86
I grew up with guns.... loaded guns in the house.... My grandpa's philosophy is "an unloaded gun is of no use", and "teach him how to use them and there will be no accidents"
So I keep guns, and keep them loaded.....
I live in a volatile household, with multiple sufferes of biploar manic depression...guns wouldn't be a good thing here. I understand your desire to own a gun, but there aren't many situations that can be improved upon by a deadly weapon. To each their own though.
I dont know to laugh or yell at you....Dont get me wrong, i cant wait for a zombie apocalypse. however..
Owning a firearm, or multiple firearms isnt just about carrying it around tucked into your pants so know one can see it. and bragging to your friends about protecting your family. there might be 3 people who have ever seen the inside of my safe. Im not gonna go on a ramble, considering its the wrong thread, But being a man and protecting your family and whats yours is a big responsibility. Ive worked to hard for what i have and no one will ever take it from me. I choose to protect mine with firearms you want to use words. guess if our homes ever got broken into on the same night you would be compiling a story and i would be debating on which weapon and which caliber i wanted to shoot them with before they got upstairs. But one things for sure, my family wont be harmed, and i will live to tell the story here on riu haha...not trying to be a dick man, but you see it your way, and i would live to see it my way with all my shit still intact where it im sure the question will be "could you really shoot someone"
Do i want to, absolutely not...would I? if it meant coming down to harming my wife and children you bet your sweet ass i would, without hesitation. Im an 80's child to bruh :lol: 86

And who do you think is trying to take everything away from you?
Odds are that you won't be attacked by someone who won't run away when confronted, or even attacked by a less deadly weapon.
Ok, you've defended your family, whom most likely weren't the target to begin with, and your possessions which, while they are very important to you i'm sure, can mostly be replaced.
But if you shoot someone, then almost without a doubt your going to jail until things can be sorted out. Your house will be searched and life scrutinized. It's shitty, but these days, you catch as much heat for being a victim as you do for being the perp.

I wouldn't tell you that you can't own a gun, or even get a concealment permit, as those are your rights as an american. I'm simply saying I don't believe it's a good idea. And that it's more dangerous to own a gun then not to, no matter how much you educate yourself and your family.

BUT, if you desire to continue this discussion, then let's do it in the rambles thread. ;-) No sense threadjacking Rene. :-P
Ah no worries just skipped over it sad day yall plants are being relocated I think I may be sick uh just keep seeing visuals of people raiding my garden *sigh*
Ah no worries just skipped over it sad day yall plants are being relocated I think I may be sick uh just keep seeing visuals of people raiding my garden *sigh*

Nooooo. Thats nonsense Rene, now BUCKUP!!!! GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER MAJOR!! ....oh sorry...flashback...
Anyway, No raids, just natural green and buds for work.
I was referring to having to let people take them pretty much ya help ya leave with a plant lol fuck I'm not happy about it lol the people who want them don't seem to understand the urgency of the situation pretty much if they aren't gone tomorrow I'm hacking everything up
I was referring to having to let people take them pretty much ya help ya leave with a plant lol fuck I'm not happy about it lol the people who want them don't seem to understand the urgency of the situation pretty much if they aren't gone tomorrow I'm hacking everything up

That would be sad. But better to get it over with now then let the suffer a slow death at the hands of a newb who doesn't even care about them.
I was referring to having to let people take them pretty much ya help ya leave with a plant lol fuck I'm not happy about it lol the people who want them don't seem to understand the urgency of the situation pretty much if they aren't gone tomorrow I'm hacking everything up

you bring them to me.
i think of more like give them to a newbie and then he will have the passion to learn to care rene just tell them to sign up for riu so u can see your babys

That would be sad. But better to get it over with now then let the suffer a slow death at the hands of a newb who doesn't even care about them.
That would be sad. But better to get it over with now then let the suffer a slow death at the hands of a newb who doesn't even care about them.

Hey this kid cares he already bought them stuff :D

you bring them to me.

I still could ;)

i think of more like give them to a newbie and then he will have the passion to learn to care rene just tell them to sign up for riu so u can see your babys

This kid really wants to learn more and I get to visit them all I want to :)