Should Retards be Allowed to Fuck?

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Well-Known Member
Just as the title says, should mentally handicapped people be allowed to have sex and potentially make babies?

At what intelligence level should that right be taken away?

Do you feel you should be responsible as a tax payer to support children born because of their procreating?


Well-Known Member
I hate to break it to you but your not allowed to fuck retards, I thought you could to but apparently your not supposed to. It seems discrimitory to me but I guess retards don't need lovin to.


Well-Known Member
I hate to break it to you but your not allowed to fuck retards, I thought you could to but apparently your not supposed to. It seems discrimitory to me but I guess retards don't need lovin to.
Where's the intelligence cut-off? Who makes that determination?

I've known retards with physical handicaps but very smart in other areas.

At what point can the law intervene?

Lots of stupid people breeding out there already that can't take care of themselves.


Active Member
well theres nowhere enough info there for someone to answer
i have no kids so i could easyly say i shouldn't have to pay for your kids
what if the parents are usless welfare degenerates <-- not meant towards people that need it
at what stage do you draw the line
i dont honestly think its a big enough issue right now to worry about it there umtine million bad parents out there that are doing a worse job probly
i guess yes id have to agree providing that they cant funtion as a parent and are single and whatever they have happens to be hereditory providing that the baby is going to end up in the same boat
but i dont think you should be aloud to force that on anyone


Active Member
I don't know what the legal definition of mentally retarded is, but the mentally retarded are legally incapable of giving consent.

Beardo, i'm pretty sure op wasn't asking about having sex with a mentally retarded person himself. The concern is that we pay taxes to put the mentally handicapped population in communities that encourage their reproduction. I doubt it's guaranteed that their offspring will be mentally retarded, but i bet money that the chances of handicapped children is increased.

But from what I've read, over the past few decades there has been a movement to normalize the mentally retarded. The organizations that build the mentally retarded communities actually make it their goal to help the mentally retarded develop consensual intimate relations with one another. What they don't want is normal people sexually exploiting and abusing the mentally retarded, but it remains a serious problem.


Well-Known Member
I think an question here is whether or not the individuals concerned are able to clearly consent and handle the physical and emotional issues attached to having sex. (as well as the thing with them having kids all over the place) The earlier comment about not being allowed to fuck retards was probably referring to the avoidance of an incident of exploitation. The more I look back and the more I've spoken to professionals, I've come to realise the way in which people have taken advantage of me- I'm only an individual with autism, we already know the shit that goes on with more handicapped people. I guess if they have enough cognition to recognise and rationalise the attraction between them, then let them make it happen. If they don't have the capacity to care for a child then go ahead with various forms of contraception (fuck whatever human rights law that violates, priorities, people) At least you can screen for various developmental problems nowadays. I suppose those who are reeaally incapacitated would have a full time carer watching them anyway...


Well-Known Member
I ask this question because I when I was in elementary school there was a family of 6 children that were all attending, all had mental handicaps.

The parents were both slightly mentally handicapped and the children came out worse. Neither of the parents worked and they lived off welfare and whatever help they received from the government.

This really didn't seem right that they were allowed to continue to breed but no one ever stopped it.

As far as I know, the law still continues to let this happen. Does that seem right?


Well-Known Member
I think sex with the re-tard would be fun. If they start acting up, you can punch them in the mouth, and blame it on the fact they are re-tard.


Well-Known Member
I think sex with the re-tard would be fun. If they start acting up, you can punch them in the mouth, and blame it on the fact they are re-tard.
Especially if they're the twitchy kind and do a lot of gyrating, no bj's though, quick way to get a scar.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Just as the title says, should mentally handicapped people be allowed to have sex and potentially make babies?

At what intelligence level should that right be taken away?

Do you feel you should be responsible as a tax payer to support children born because of their procreating?
its a free world fuck who u want...


Active Member
retards aren't really my thing

but their drool tends to act as a nice lubricant. They really know how to work it up to a nice consistency when giving head.
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