i live in cali and my last harvest was in oct/nov it was very small only 3 plants about 5ft tall but iv seen plants yield up to 5lbs in a 8 month season im not saying thats easy or possible to do every year only if the conditions are right
throwed? are you still doing your 5gal bucket / in ground experiment on root balls? i would like to mimic it over here on the west coast just to see if it makes i difference
Not using 5 gallon buckets. I am using 5 gallon grow bags. The grow bags I have are narrow but taller than the buckets, but they still hold 5 gallons of soil. I have some plants in grow bags and I have several in the ground. Most of my plants were germinated late Feb.27-28/March 1st. I figure if the root balls of the ones that are in the ground are the same as the ones that are in the 5 gallon grow bags then this will prove that 5 gallon is all that is needed for a standard 6-7 month grow. To be fair to the experiment I dug out a hole today that is 3 feet wide and 3 feet deep. Tomorrow I am going to fill it with my custom soil mixture of Evergreen Cow Compost, Evergreen Potting Mix, Pearlite, Vermiculite, Mushroom Compost, Green Sense Mycorrhizal fungi, Dolimite Lime, Azomite, and Kricket Krap Panzy Mate. After which I am going to soak it in the last bit of Fox Farm Grow Big I have with a bit of Super Thrive and Sodium Peroxide. Then I am going to throw one of my 2 Foot 5 inch KC Mangos in the hole. The KC Mango that is in the bag is 3 foot and is not filling that bag out at all. Surely if what everone claims is true then the Mango that I put in the ground tomorrow should have a bigger root ball since it has a "bigger container". It would be nice if you did a similar experiment so we can compare The South to Cali.