I think we all understand that, but it would be good to see it to believe it. The Watt equivalent LED is a lot more £££ than the HID as well so for most it isn't really viable.
You won't find us on AliBaba.
Our equipment is genuinely new to market and we put them together to order.
I would post on LED users UNITE! but I noticed a very explicit request not to post by manufacturers so I thought I'd leave them alone.
I think we all understand that, but it would be good to see it to believe it. The Watt equivalent LED is a lot more £££ than the HID as well so for most it isn't really viable.
OK guys. I promise this is my last word on the subject today as I've probably worn you out on this.
The way I look at it is this. Yes OUR lights are fairly expensive. That's because they're good and we put the best technology in them. That aside, my previous commercial set-ups, which were successful, were based around 600W Air-cooled lights HPS. Very effective great results. The cost though included: Digital ballasts, Reflectors, bulb, loads and loads of ducting (more the pain than the cost), a multitude of fans for heat extraction, (I personally used acoustic fans which as you know cost the earth), I had to be very proficient at DIY to put this all together and run exhaust ventilation effectively. None of this comes cheap. I guess you can average it out at say £300 per light on a 4 light tent maybe.
My 400W LED comes in a £450. You're right. It's dearer. Over the course of a grow I'll recoup that in electricity consumption on the lights alone. Plus I'm running fan only intermittently as there's no heat. I can seal my tent/room whatever and C02 it. Increasing my yield per watt. I suppose the fact that my fans aren't running full blast all the time gives me a bit more piece of mind noisewise and I have absolutely no heat signature or exhaust heat plumes to worry about. My yield is equal or maybe even slightly higer at the end of the grow.
Which is dearer now?
ultra skunk, the ultimate, swiss cheese, california hash plant, industrial plant,power kush ,auroro indica, rocklock.are next, just ordered.
I guarantee ours would in the C02 set-up I just described.
Locking up the office now. 100%. I'm definately going.
Thanks for listening and your comments. You knock me for trying.
Nice goingI love having a big ol pile of seeds and trying to work out what i'm gonna lant next. This time around i got indecisive and planted near all the fuckers. All of em regs as well so could be some nifty breeding to be done (read as FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK balls balls balls COCKSUCKER!!!)
Either way i love the idea of creating something noone else hasright now though i just wanna mate any and everything with my cheese, she's too much of a stinky biatch to not include her genetics. Right now i'm thinking cheese star and cheese dreams
my mr nice fella is growing up a storm unlike the rather iffy TH seeds genetics, let me hear you say STRETCH!
Think it's about time i made good use of the 50 odd jiffy pellets i never found use for and start shipping cheese clones left right and center, my mother plant is getting rather large, been trying to train it to grow along the floor of the tentwhen it doesn't comply i snap the fuckers stem and tell her to behave! She doesn't listen though, perks straight back up.
looks like we've reached an impass ttt .... how do you want to settle this?
looks like we've reached an impass ttt .... how do you want to settle this?
went for the dominos lads, chinky means washing up plates etc fuck that lolol
I'd say a food fight. I reckon the Chinese would kick the Italians arse in a food fight. ever been hit around the head by a sushi grade 10lb salmon? Although saying that i've also had a sword fight with salami's and that's no picnic!
]Stick a wok in the oven at like 50 degrees odd before you go to get the chinese, then just dump the whole load in there and sit cross legged with it in your lapand the you feast!