Well-Known Member
All up and down the state each jurisdiction if crafting regulations that serve them and not the liberty of those allowed to use, breed and share in non-commercial ways.
we must stand firm and legalize Horticulture rights for every California citizen in 2012 or we will have a patch work of laws that when you set over a imaginary line somewhere you can hop back and forth between legal garden and illegal garden.
We need one set of regulations for all of California not 600.
These guys want to issue just One Garden permit for 30,000 people if they ever allow Medical Gardens at all..
It's not that we are being set back it's that we have no effective cannabis leadership in this state.
With one group demanding we take on the Federal laws against on cannabis commerce and other out to kill whatever cannabis anything they can like some zombie needing to eat people.
When will we be free to plant some cannabis with our carrots and tomatoes?
Vote against Commerce and Crazies in 2012! Let the people go first!
we must stand firm and legalize Horticulture rights for every California citizen in 2012 or we will have a patch work of laws that when you set over a imaginary line somewhere you can hop back and forth between legal garden and illegal garden.
We need one set of regulations for all of California not 600.
RED BLUFF Two draft laws, one that would ban medical marijuana dispensaries and another that would strictly regulate them, are on their way to the Tehama County Planning Commission.
And if the regulatory version ultimately passes in its current form, the county would be breaking new ground by requiring that a licensed medical professional dispense the cannabis.
"We definitely would be the first as far as I can tell," Assistant County Counsel Arthur Wylene said. "That doesn't make it right or wrong. We just would be on the leading edge."
In its fourth study session since November 2009, the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday voted 4-0 to send the two documents to the commission, which will hold a public hearing to consider them. Supervisor Ron Warner was absent.
They're trying to get something on the books before a moratorium expires in September.
While he said he hadn't decided how he'd vote when the issue ultimately returns to the board, Supervisor George Russell reiterated his objection to the medical-professional rule.
"In its current form the ordinance would be meaningless," Russell said. Marijuana remains illegal under federal law, and in California physicians recommend but don't prescribe cannabis for patients.
But Supervisor Bob Williams, who pushed for the requirement, said he was doing so to "provide groundwork for future boards" should federal law ever change. "If it's medicine, we should treat it as medicine," Williams said.
Like Russell, he also said he'd yet to decide what his final vote would be.
In the draft rules, only one permit would be issued for each 30,000 people in the unincorporated area of the county, which with the current population would effectively limit total permits to one.
Both proposals define a dispensary as 10 or more people who provide or receive medical cannabis, covering both storefronts and mobile retail outlets. Dispensaries would be confined to designated land within industrial zones.
Before the vote, the board heard from three audience members, including Kathy Nelson.
"I'm actually practically begging you guys not to open dispensaries," Nelson said. But Robert Alejandre, who said he was speaking on behalf of veterans, supported the idea of including medical professionals in any dispensary law as well as "tight security."
John Stoufer, acting county planning director, said after the meeting he would get the drafts on the Planning Commission agenda as soon as possible. Providing he can meet public noticing requirements, that could be May 19.
Supervisors are hoping to adopt a dispensary ordinance by early August.
These guys want to issue just One Garden permit for 30,000 people if they ever allow Medical Gardens at all..
It's not that we are being set back it's that we have no effective cannabis leadership in this state.
With one group demanding we take on the Federal laws against on cannabis commerce and other out to kill whatever cannabis anything they can like some zombie needing to eat people.
When will we be free to plant some cannabis with our carrots and tomatoes?
Vote against Commerce and Crazies in 2012! Let the people go first!